post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:18 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 20, 18 3:52 PM
☄ Helpfulby tlw June 20, 18 11:32 PM
Any number of mics can capture a tone like this: it's the guitar and musician, mainly, that makes tones like this. Many large or small diaphragm mics are capable.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 20, 18 4:36 PM
He's playing 6 different guitars.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 20, 18 5:16 PM
MIC TONE is in the fingers.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 20, 18 11:51 PM
Tone is in the guitar, not the mic. An expensive condenser will yield the best results mic wise but the "tone" must be present to record.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 0:27 PM
stevesweat Tone is in the guitar, not the mic. An expensive condenser will yield the best results mic wise but the "tone" must be present to record.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 5:38 AM
Whatever it is it's getting mixed in just under his NOSTRIL mic... wow.
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:18 PM
Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 12:53 AM
dj squarewave What mic do you use to get this tone?
The trick isn't in the mic, its in the Mike. Or the Tom or the Dick or the Harry. Its in the person playing the guitar and in the guitar itself. Any decent condenser or ribbon in a decent sounding room with get those results so long as the person playing can deliver the goods. You could probably stick a lowly drummer beaten SM57 in front of that guy and get way closer to those results than you'd expect.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 1:59 PM
Having also read some of the comments, a pop shield maybe also be a good idea, just in case of ejaculate.
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:18 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 2:21 PM
Apparently none. Or maybe the reverb comes from the room and distant micing. An apocryphal has Roy Clark or Acuff or one of those old dudes finishes a session and a gofer approaches and tells him "Your guitar sounds great!". One of the Roys leans it against the wall and sez, "Yea, how does it sound now?" ;-)
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:19 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 2:31 PM
so, in the spirit of forward movement... i have no knowledge of this recording, but when i do my own acoustic recordings, the choice of the mic is first.. but then, how it is gain staged.... and whether it goes pure into a preamp and THEN into the DAW, or is run thru outboard gear, is key. on this kind of recording, i would want: 1. preamp 2. EQ 3. compressor all run before it hits the convertors. then, at that moment, the sum is greater than the parts. so, yea, the mic might be important, but if you want that presence, and immediacy, it's more about the gain staging and setting of the eq and compressor. etc, ad naseum
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 2:33 PM
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:19 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 3:00 PM
Kamikaze at 4 seconds
it's still showing the credits with no sound? and nobody mentioned the room yet?
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 3:16 PM
dj squarewave perhaps, that the microphone's placement had a significant impact on the sonic presentation...
this is a standard given. mic placement is the art of engineering.
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:19 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 5:10 PM
dj squarewave
Kamikaze at 4 seconds
...nobody mentioned the room yet?
It looks like they swapped out rooms.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 21, 18 11:34 PM
In case OP is interested... at 11 seconds, you can actually see the mic setup in front of him: It appears to be two small diaphragm condensers in an X-Y Coincident setup.
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 22, 18 1:41 AM
Exactly. You can see them from 4 seconds, before it goes in close.
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:19 PM
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Re: What mic do you use to get this tone?
June 22, 18 6:22 PM
Why not just contact Siccas Guitars and ask them? info@siccasguitars.com
Jyemz Thrombold's Patented Brisk Weather Pantaloonettes with Inclementometer
post edited by dj squarewave - June 27, 18 3:19 PM
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Re: ∞
June 30, 18 10:36 AM
☄ Helpfulby Kamikaze July 01, 18 10:37 AM
You weren't really interested in the answer, were you? For anyone else who was, I emailed them and got this response. ''Dear James, thank you for your request. We use Neumann microphones for your records. Best regards Mirco Mirco SiccaChief Executive Officer (CEO)''
Jyemz Thrombold's Patented Brisk Weather Pantaloonettes with Inclementometer