2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record

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2011/01/21 10:25:21 (permalink)

2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record

2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record


Last year tied with 2005 as the world's warmest on record, according to data released Wednesday by the National Climatic Data Center. Records began in 1880.

It was also the wettest year on record globally as measured by average precipitation, according to the center. Heavy rain in Asia due to the monsoon (which led to disastrous floods in Pakistan) and tropical storms in Central America contributed to the extreme precipitation amounts.

The Earth's average temperature in 2010, as in 2005, was 58.12 degrees, which is 1.12 degrees above the 20th-century average of 57 degrees.

It was the 34th consecutive year that the global temperature was above average, according to the data center. The last below-average year was 1976.

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    Johannes H
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 11:05:05 (permalink)
    The strange thing is that in most of Norway 2010 has been the coldest (and driest) year for over 100 years, but on the other hand 2011 can turn out to be a rather warm year. January has started with mild weather where I live.

    Best, JH

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 13:12:59 (permalink)
    Did we not have this discussion before?



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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 14:18:26 (permalink)
    this discussion, is ongoing, apparently.
    it will change from year to year, season to season, and as people come to grips with the science and the politics of it.

    i'm just interested in the science myself.

    and i don't care one iota about what is causing it...

    i only want clean air to breath.

    Bats Brew music Streaming
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 14:42:54 (permalink)

    Did we not have this discussion before?


    LOL thought you were having a deja vu Albert?
    Bat usually the first of August here in northern LA and your hot.
    This last summer it was HOT longer than I've seen in twenty years. We had a good 8 weeks of
    temps we usually see for a few weeks.
    Most days I couldn't ride my Harley in/around town. Not only would the bike get to hot but
    you sure didn't want to be sitting on it at a red light.
    I don't keep track of weather trends but I do remember hearing the tube local weather man saying
    record breaking heat more than a few times.
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 14:47:57 (permalink)
    Johannes H

    The strange thing is that in most of Norway 2010 has been the coldest (and driest) year for over 100 years, but on the other hand 2011 can turn out to be a rather warm year. January has started with mild weather where I live.

    Best, JH

    Coldest December in Scotland (probably the whole UK) since records began, due mainly to a distortion of the jet stream which dipped down to the south, allowing freezing weather from the north & east to take over.


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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 15:06:47 (permalink)
    Is it heating up or cooling down....? I guess that depends on who's cooking the data. (no pun in-ten-did)

    Heck the people in charge have switched from calling it global warming to global climate change because they're not even sure..... but with the new name they can ride the wave no matter what direction it appears to be going.

    You can get numbers to say whatever you want by being selective in choosing them...or in the case of NOOA, locating the majority of sensing stations in less then optimal places to skew the data. Or like that University, just discard the data you don't like.

    When Earth Day first started, they were totally convinced that CO2 was ushering in a new ice age. Now it's heating us up? Did the properties of CO2 change chemically in 35 years? It can't do both. It likely does neither.

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 17:51:09 (permalink)
    When that huge peice of ice broke off of Antarctica and started melting slowly into the sea and atmosphere it began a chain of climatic events that are still years in coming. If you go with the theorists it's all due to the poles shifting, the receeding ice in the north pole, antarctica, the increase in hurricanes, the volcanic eruptions along the ring of fire. It's all tied together in a huge natural event that
    will be years in it's happening. If you think meteorologists and geo scientists aren't talking to each other lately,... I'm just saying.

    Craig DuBuc
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 18:10:33 (permalink)
    Albert's back!  And that's worth celebrating! 

    But I did hear some places are supposed to have the coldest winter in 1000 years.  It's pretty cold here too.  After one of the hottest summers ever.  I wonder if we could ask for an average?
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 19:10:26 (permalink)
    Here's the problem, Bat: most of the science is crap. Ever head of ClimateGate?
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/21 19:17:24 (permalink)

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 00:03:43 (permalink)
    most of the science is crap

    It is interesting to see at what point we are willing to bail out on our faith in the ability of the human intellect to understand reality. I spent much of my life in a field that drew heavily on the sciences to attempt to manage complex systems. That experience gave me a fair understanding of the limits of science to perfectly explicate and predict real world events. We tend to underestimate the degree of uncertainty to which we routinely trust our lives. A blind faith in (or rejection of) science or any other intellectual or religious system helps to blunt the razor's edge upon which we walk. But intellectual discipline, and the very real need to manage our lives really call on us to make a more nuanced critique of the limits of science.

    Certainly most of us accept some of the findings of the scientific method, and the analysis of observations. Most of us do not believe that every breath we take is a newly minted miracle of a magical entity, and at least will entertain an explanation that a complex neurochemical feedback loop is involved, even if we ourselves have not taken the trouble to learn what the current understanding of respiratory physiology is. Some of us will even trust that science can lead to successful treatments for disorders of that system, at least to the extent of consulting a physician when they are having trouble breathing, even if the science behind the therapy is uncertain and incomplete.

    Why we choose to accept one scientific/technological model and reject another, when we have no deep personal understanding of either says more about our personal belief system than our intellectual accomplishment or intellectual judgment in most cases.

    Consider the possibility that some of the science is inaccurate or incomplete or insufficient to build a reliable projection on. Unless you have carefully reviewed the published literature with the background necessary to criticize it as a peer, you have no justification to call it junk. Then consider the consequences of ignoring the projections if they are reasonable. If you wait to administer the medicine until there is no doubt about the science behind it, the patient may be dead. That possibility would certainly be more uncomfortable to contemplate than dismissing it as junk science.

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 00:12:26 (permalink)
    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 01:32:45 (permalink)
    "Unless you have carefully reviewed the published literature with the background necessary to criticize it as a peer, you have no justification to call it junk."

    While in a situation where purely scientific knowledge was being reviewed by purely scientific peers this would be true, unfortunately, the whole of the climate argument has been bastardized by the influence of politics and money, leaving all of the information available suspect, and therefore, void.

    "this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?"
    Human nature?

    'cause it's fun?

    I dunno



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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 02:02:33 (permalink)

    most of the science is crap

    It is interesting to see at what point we are willing to bail out on our faith in the ability of the human intellect to understand reality. I spent much of my life in a field that drew heavily on the sciences to attempt to manage complex systems. That experience gave me a fair understanding of the limits of science to perfectly explicate and predict real world events. We tend to underestimate the degree of uncertainty to which we routinely trust our lives. A blind faith in (or rejection of) science or any other intellectual or religious system helps to blunt the razor's edge upon which we walk. But intellectual discipline, and the very real need to manage our lives really call on us to make a more nuanced critique of the limits of science.

    Certainly most of us accept some of the findings of the scientific method, and the analysis of observations. Most of us do not believe that every breath we take is a newly minted miracle of a magical entity, and at least will entertain an explanation that a complex neurochemical feedback loop is involved, even if we ourselves have not taken the trouble to learn what the current understanding of respiratory physiology is. Some of us will even trust that science can lead to successful treatments for disorders of that system, at least to the extent of consulting a physician when they are having trouble breathing, even if the science behind the therapy is uncertain and incomplete.

    Why we choose to accept one scientific/technological model and reject another, when we have no deep personal understanding of either says more about our personal belief system than our intellectual accomplishment or intellectual judgment in most cases.

    Consider the possibility that some of the science is inaccurate or incomplete or insufficient to build a reliable projection on. Unless you have carefully reviewed the published literature with the background necessary to criticize it as a peer, you have no justification to call it junk. Then consider the consequences of ignoring the projections if they are reasonable. If you wait to administer the medicine until there is no doubt about the science behind it, the patient may be dead. That possibility would certainly be more uncomfortable to contemplate than dismissing it as junk science.
    How did the atom form?

    "I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."
    Johannes H
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 05:52:55 (permalink)
    I don`t think the OP is being political. I think it`s just observations and the same are several other posts in this thread.

    But I can understand that the subject has political potential, so be careful.

    Best, JH

    Kalle Rantaaho
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 07:23:06 (permalink)
    Like I've said before, this climate thing is TOOOO big a question. The debate about the scientific part, the theories and methods is interesting and endless. An average civilian has no means to really judge the reliability of different sources. I wonder if an individual scientist has!!
    People tend to accept the scientific model they think they can comprehend?? If the model is too frightening, we deny it??

    If the pessimists are wrong or even 70 % wrong, everythings fine.

    If the pessimists are right (that the climate change is caused by Homo Sapiens and its speed and  effect follow the worst case scenario), the world as we know it will change dramatically during the life of our grandchildren - so dramatically that none of us has the guts to actually think about it. It means whole countries and nations disappearing, unimaginable migrations of peoples etc.
    If anyone suggested or tried to implement actions powerful enough to have any effect, it would inevitably lead to a catastrophy.

    If the pessimists are 50 % right, (for example that the change is caused by us, but the speed and effect is only 50% of the worst case scenario and 50% smaller actions are required) that would still mean changes that none of us would easily accept. It would mean radical cuts to the way of living we're used to in the wealthy countries.

    Science fiction?:Could you imagine something like banning per apartment airconditioning or needing a lisence to buy clothes made of oil based materials in case you already own a piece of clothing of that kind. Any powerful nation would without hesitation destroy a weaker one in order to avoid such a situation... Or only one yearly air flight ticket per citizen...
    I know my imagination is a bit wild, but...

    If the change is coming but is not caused by us...let's just work hard and cross our fingers.

    My point being: We don't know the shape of things for sure, but if it's even partly true, we quite simply can not afford not taking actions. The risks are too big. To have any true effect those actions should be so radical that they are simply impossible to implement. Could someone stop the growth of India and China?

    I believe most people are willing to just wait and see, and meanwhile do some meaningless shopping choises to comfort consience. "It doesn't hit me, anyway."

    Mankind is replacable, if dodos got extinct, why not us. I wouldn't grief for it. It's the suffering, injustice and mayhem that'll take place on the way that horrifies me. A young generation without future is a sad thing, and is capable of terrible things.

    How do we maintain our childrens faith in the future? They must believe that there's something for them.

    Well...this is typically me, but I wrote it...so I mail it...Rubbish or not.

    SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre  -  Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc.
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 18:32:07 (permalink)
    Mother nature can stop everything. Even music.

    Craig DuBuc
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 19:39:03 (permalink)
    How did the atom form?

    Which one?
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 20:42:31 (permalink)
    How did the atom form?
    Great question Bub...
    One faction will be able to give you the answer with absolute 100% certainty. The other faction will tell you that they honestly don't know, but are at least trying to find out.

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/22 23:50:48 (permalink)
    We had the coldest winter in 86 years last year right here in south west florida.....  yeah it was hot this summer, but it always is!

    See this Video for a a great take on the environment:

    ADK Built DAW, W7, Sonar Platinum, Studio One Pro,Yamaha HS8's & HS8S  Presonus Studio/Live 24.4.2, A few decent mic pre's,  lots of mics, 57's,58 betas, Sm7b, LD Condensors, Small condensors, Senn 421's,  DI's,  Sans Amp, A few guitar amps etc. Guitars : Gib. LP, Epi. Lp, Dillion Tele, Ibanez beater, Ibanez Ergodyne 4 String bass, Mapex Mars series 6 pc. studio kit, cymbals and other sh*t.
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    Dave Modisette
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 07:58:30 (permalink)
    Well, I'm freezing my butt off in Florida.

    I'll trust the info when I can find someone who isn't making money off of it one way or the other.

    Dave Modisette ... rocks a Purrrfect Audio Studio Pro rig.

    My music.
    ... And of course, the Facebook page. 
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 12:12:33 (permalink)

    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

    And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

    Mark Wessels

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:02:34 (permalink)


    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

    And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

    nothing.  but those are not subjects which are against the forum rules.

    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:14:42 (permalink)



    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

    And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

    nothing.  but those are not subjects which are against the forum rules.

    Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. No religion. Enjoy!

    OK, I guess I was misinformed.

    Mark Wessels

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:23:24 (permalink)




    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

    And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

    nothing.  but those are not subjects which are against the forum rules.

    Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. No religion. NO BECAN.  NO MOOBS.  Enjoy!

    OK, I guess I was misinformed.


    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:34:55 (permalink)





    this is a music forum where political and religious discussions are prohibited.

    why do people choose to ignore that?

    And what does bacon and moobs have to do with music?

    nothing.  but those are not subjects which are against the forum rules.

    Discussion of off-topic music related subjects. No politics. No religion, EXCEPT BECAN and MOOBS.  Enjoy!

    OK, I guess I was misinformed.

    restored to original condition

    Mark Wessels

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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:37:08 (permalink)

    unfortunately, the whole of the climate argument has been bastardized by the influence of politics and money, leaving all of the information available suspect, and therefore, void.

    Unfortunately, ignoring all of the information when the debate has been influenced by politics and money leaves you a slave to the wealthy and powerful.
    post edited by slartabartfast - 2011/01/23 14:40:16
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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 14:57:10 (permalink)
    "Unfortunately, ignoring all of the information when the debate has been influenced by politics and money leaves you a slave to the wealthy and powerful."
    Actually, I am not ignoring "all of the information", I am dismissing the information influenced by politics and money, and in turn ignoring the debate based on that prejudiced information.

    There is a lot more information available, and carefully locating and filtering that info with an eye on the source allows for better decision making.

    I am not a slave to anyone.



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    Re:2010 tied for Earth's warmest year on record 2011/01/23 15:23:50 (permalink)

    unfortunately, the whole of the climate argument has been bastardized by the influence of politics and money, leaving all of the information available suspect, and therefore, void.

    Unfortunately, ignoring all of the information when the debate has been influenced by politics and money leaves you a slave to the wealthy and powerful.

    A whole society of people panicing could and would cause chaos. You think the economy is bad now? Imagine everyone trieing to prepare to survive a natural disaster-impending doom scenario. Oh, wait a minute, it's already that way. Nevermind.

    Craig DuBuc
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