Re: 2C Audio Kaleidoscope Updated to 1.1
2016/07/31 12:21:32
I actually wasn't trying to be snarky.
I was hoping someone would pop up and have a real world, commercial music usage and say something like
'geez this is better than Eventide for vocal processing, check out these background tracks'
'check out this leslie-like effect it gave my synth lead'
'check out this reverse mangle, sounds like the guitar solo crawled out of a meat grinder and then melts your face off'
or even
'makes the best chicken marsala if you're microwave is MIDI enabled!'
(my friggin microwave died last night while I was throwing a family dinner together, didn't ruin the meal but I'm still fuming about it).
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils" Loius-Hector Berlioz MenuMagic - plug-in management powertools!
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