32 bit Sonar "BitBridge"

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September 25, 10 0:20 PM (permalink)

32 bit Sonar "BitBridge"

Well the subject might be a little confusing but hear me out.

I'm having issues with reaching the 3gb ram limit in Sonar 32bit. Sonar 64 bit isn't doing it for me and so I thought:

Well if in 64 bit they can run a 32 bit plugin in another process, why can't they do this in 32 bit Sonar so we can use more than 3gb of ram?

So, it wouldn't really be a BitBridge but it would be the same concept in that it would run plugin instances in different processes hence avoid hitting the 3gb limit in 32 bit.

I'm pretty sure this is not a new idea, as I believe some of the other DAW's already do this - so why can't Sonar?
post edited by zan - September 25, 10 0:38 PM

Intel Core i7 920, Gigabyte EX58-UD4P, 6g OCZ Gold Triple Channel, ATI Radeon HD 4550 graphics, Windows 7, Sonar 8.5.3 x64, Fireface 800 & 400, Novation RemoteSL61, Behringer BCF2000 and other bits and bobs.


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    Nathan D
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    Re:32 bit Sonar "BitBridge" September 25, 10 2:44 AM (permalink)

    I'm pretty sure this is not a new idea, as I believe some of the other DAW's already do this - so why can't Sonar?

    No other DAW can do this, if you want different processes for any plugins - try jBridge
    post edited by Nathan D - September 25, 10 2:46 AM
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    Re:32 bit Sonar "BitBridge" September 25, 10 3:43 AM (permalink)
    Nathan D

    I'm pretty sure this is not a new idea, as I believe some of the other DAW's already do this - so why can't Sonar?

    No other DAW can do this, if you want different processes for any plugins - try jBridge
    Ok, perhaps not, but a friend was telling me the other day that you could do this in Reaper, perhaps I misunderstood what he was saying.

    In anycase, I can't see why Sonar couldn't do it...

    Intel Core i7 920, Gigabyte EX58-UD4P, 6g OCZ Gold Triple Channel, ATI Radeon HD 4550 graphics, Windows 7, Sonar 8.5.3 x64, Fireface 800 & 400, Novation RemoteSL61, Behringer BCF2000 and other bits and bobs.

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    Re:32 bit Sonar "BitBridge" September 25, 10 8:14 AM (permalink)
    Nathan D gave you the best answer. 

    JBridge only cost ~22 bucks and will do exactly what you want.  Try it!

    Intel Q9400 2.66 GHz
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    RME FireFace 400
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