700C Issues With X1b Build 246

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May 02, 11 9:45 AM (permalink)

700C Issues With X1b Build 246

Back on deck finally & finding a few odd things with the setup while trying to get fluent with X1b and the 700C. More to follow & some are bound to become mere observations.

1. I'm sure this has been seen before if anyone has some info.. during playback, if I use the ASSIGN knob to change the output of a track with TS-64 Transient Shaper, the result is a beep and playback stops.

2. Bank Select. Select track 5 for example and hit +8 Bank switch... the screen doesn't update. Should this still be normal? The mouse still obviously required.

3. Using the ASSIGN knob again to change OUT assignment between busses. I noticed that if I happen to venture too far and end up on the 700R outputs, the knob will not return to the busses previously available from it. A known bug?

Thanks for any updates or input & it's nice to be back.


ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.

4 Replies Related Threads

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    Re:700C Issues With X1b Build 246 May 13, 11 4:43 AM (permalink)
    4. I heard, that the "double tap a fader to return it to its previous position" function available in 8.5 does not work anymore. Can anyone confirm?

    ad 2) I also heard that transmission of selections etc. is not as bidirectional as it is with 8.5. (selecting tracks with the mouse does not automatically select the same tracks on the console)

    @Cakewalk: Are those things addressed ?
    Ryan Munnis [Cakewalk]
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    Re:700C Issues With X1b Build 246 May 13, 11 10:35 AM (permalink)
    Hi Folks,

    To address your observations:

    Observation 1 - I'm not seeing this personally so there must be more specifics as to why its happening for you. Are you able to replicate this with any project? Does it only happen if you change the Output assignment from the VS-700C or can you replicate it with the mouse as well? 32-bit or 64-bit version of TS-64? Driver mode in use?

    Observation 2 - The screen never did update by moving between banks. In SONAR X1, however, the screen will automatically update with your track selection. So if you select a track in a different bank it will update. No need to use the mouse to scroll.

    Example: if you're viewing Tracks 1-8 and track 1 is selected, then you bank over to tracks 18-24 and press the [SEL] button on the VS-700C for track 22. When doing this, the Track View and Console View will jump to show your newly selected track.

    Note: this is new to SONAR X1 so if you're using SONAR 8 or 8.5 you won't see this behavior

    Observation 3 - I'm not seeing this either. What driver mode are you using? Do you have "Show Mono Outputs" enabled? One or two VS-700Rs? What firmware is installed on your VS-700C?

    Observation 4 - The gesture for this is to hold COMMAND on the surface and Tap the fader. It is not a double tap on the fader.

    In regards to whether or not we're addressing these issues, we need to know about what you're running into first in order to investigate. If the only report of an issue is on the forums, there's a very likely chance we haven't read it.

    Myself and others might pop in on the forums occasionally when time permits, but if you think you're running into an error in how things should function you should definitely let us know with the Problem Report Form so we can sort it out. If you're unsure of if it's an error or something specific to your setup, give our support team a call.

    Contact info here: http://www.cakewalk.com/S..rt/contact/default.aspx

    Best regards,

    Ryan Munnis
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    Re:700C Issues With X1b Build 246 June 20, 11 9:26 PM (permalink)
    Ok... small update finally. Have updated to 255 now also but it made no discernible difference here.

    Last night I reset my .ini file to default and only got one 'stoppage of play' which was nice(!) and everything seemed a lot happier. 'Suspect' on upgrading to X1 it's picked up things it didn't particularly like from 8.5 and caused some of the grief I've seen. Was previously a very stable and solid DAW.

    Will do some updating on the above observations once the current project is finished. Also had been seeing X1 lock up when using plug ins. For example, tried to load a reverb preset during playback and X1 locked up! Not used to seeing this sort of behavior.

    Nothing is a show stopper... just embarrassing when someone is looking over your shoulder and asking the usual 'Why not Pro Tools?" and you explain the benefits of your decision and then BAM! lock up... classic timing.

    Cheers... will get back to it.

    ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.
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    Re:700C Issues With X1b Build 246 September 12, 11 10:10 PM (permalink)
    Quick update to these issues... since installing X1C there have been zero show stoppers. The current project is the recording of an up and coming bands EP (6 tracks) and to date Sonar has not had one crash or issue causing concern for the 'clients' or the operator (me ). There are some strange things about the work flow but these are being identified and queried as individual threads to better isolate and address them (hopefully). Would like to get rid of the clicky sound when scrolling and there is input seen at a record enabled channel though... hmmmm..Cheers all.

    ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.
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