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8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing MusicJoe Albano on Sep 15, 2015 in Recording & Production0 commentsSo you're ready to record, mix and master that song/album/soundtrack? Joe Albano is here to ensure you don't succumb to any common pitfalls during the process. These tips should help... Throughout the entire production process of setup, recording, mixing, and mastering, there are any number of problems that can crop up, or mistakes that can be made, that can negatively impact on the final results. Here are 8 quick suggestions—mistakes to avoid—to keep a project on track to a successful conclusion1. Setup: Don’t wear too many hatsA lot of people—especially those operating their own personal studios—find themselves taking on all the roles: recording engineer, assistant, musician, producer, mixer, mastering engineer. This can work—I’ve done it myself—but it also can lead to less-than-ideal situations and results. When you’re trying to do everything, it’s easy to miss critical details during parts of the process, and those oversights can come back to haunt you—while watching the meter to insure good levels, you might miss a performance flub that sticks out later; while mixing a track you’ve heard dozens of times, you may inadvertently gloss over a small glitch or mistake you’ve gotten used to; etc. Even if you can’t afford to hire on extra personnel, it may be possible to find friends willing to help or students willing to intern, to take on the less-critical tasks, freeing you up to focus on the most important details.2. Setup: Don’t skimp on the monitoringEvery decision you make throughout a project is based on what you hear through the monitors, so this is one area that really can’t afford to be given short shrift. Don’t rely on some old hi-fi speakers, to save a few bucks—studio monitors are designed for a more neutral response than consumer products, and that’s key to letting you know what the tracks and mixes actually sound like—what’s good and what needs to be tweaked. But even good studio monitors have their own coloration, and the room adds to this, so it’s a good idea to check the sound on different speakers (and headphones) to get a more accurate picture of what’s actually in the recordings, as opposed to what the equipment and room may be doing to the sound.3. Recording: Don’t ignore the performers’ monitor mixJust as you depend on what you hear on the studio monitors, the performers depend on what they hear in their headphone mixes. If the blend of backing tracks and the balance between them and the performer’s own voice or instrument isn’t ideal, it can negatively impact the performance—singers may strain, players may over- or under-play, vocalists may go off pitch—any number of musical flaws can result from a poor monitor mix. Performers may not want to complain, or not be able to articulate what’s not right (from a suitably technical standpoint), so you (or your trusted assistant engineer) need to put on a set of cans and check the monitor mixes carefully, making sure everything is optimal for each particular recording, before hitting the big red button. 4. Recording: Don’t commit to processing on the way inOften, during tracking, you may feel that you’ll want to EQ this instrument, or compress that vocal, later on in the mix, so it’s tempting to do it right there, especially if you have one or two nice pieces of hardware you’re dying to to use. But there’s always the danger that any processing you commit to before the tracks are all blended together may just not work well in the final mix, and it’s not always easy (or possible!) to undo it (especially over-compression). Experienced recordists know just how much they can get away with—say, just how much gentle compression or limiting is enough to control a performer’s dynamic swings, but still remain transparent, without imparting too much “squash” to the recording. If you’re not at that point yet, it’s probably better to avoid committing until the mix. You could run a separate processed feed to the monitor mix, if you’re confident that hearing the processed signal might help the performer out, or you could record two tracks—one dry, one processed—to give yourself an out later, if needed. This last is commonly done with instruments like electric guitar and bass, where the player needs to hear the effect of the amp to play an appropriate part, but you might want to leave your options open, in case that sound proves to be too much, or just wrong, for the mix later on. 5. Recording: Don’t “fix it in the mix”That phrase is an old recording industry joke—anything that doesn’t sound perfect going down will get fixed in a later stage of the process. But while today’s tools (auto-tuning, time-shifting, etc.) provide more corrective options than ever, that’s still not the best approach—you really want each track to be as well-recorded as possible, so in the mix you can focus on creative processing, rather than corrective tasks. This doesn’t mean I think you should process the audio during tracking to have a “finished” quality—the previous tip still holds. But with considerations like instrument tuning, vocal intonation, consistent tonality, musically-appropriate performance dynamics, and the like, you should strive to get these right at the source, and not depend on that virtual toolbox of modern toys to edit, squeeze, twist, and coax them out of less-than-ideal tracks later on, when you should be focused on mixing. 6. Mixing: Don’t mix the same day as recording & editingThis might not always be an option, but whenever possible, it’s a good idea to avoid mixing the same day you just finished recording and editing the tracks. Your head will be in one place—individual musical and technical details—but you need to shift to another—the big picture. It’s hard to shake off that individual focus on particular parts or edits, and be able to hear those tracks in the larger context of the full arrangement, as you need to for the mix. I’ve found that, whenever I did a mix immediately after, say, finishing a complex, time-consuming edit (like a comp or harmony edit), I always inadvertently made that track too loud in the mix. Subconsciously, I was so used to hearing the minutiae of that track, that my ear told me I still needed to hear all that detail even within the mix, when the track should have been buried just a bit, for a more appropriate blend. I’d always immediately pick up on this the next day, when I listened to the mix with fresh ears. Starting the mix a day later can alleviate this, but if that’s not possible, then taking a break is really important, before switching hats. Most mixers have their own tricks to shake off the subconscious focus on detail, and clear their heads—take a walk, play other music, listen to the mix from another room. Whatever works for you, it can make a big difference, and save a lot of hand-wringing the next day. 7. Mixing: Don’t try to make a mix sound like a master It can be good practice—especially for novice mixers—to reference your mix(es) to commercial recordings—it helps you get that “sound” of commercial recordings in your ears. But nowadays, there’s a potential pitfall to doing this. Modern commercial releases are heavily mastered—overall EQ, compression and limiting is applied, as a final step. This is all well and good (arguments about current mastering practices aside for a moment), but you can’t really get that sound without specialized mastering tools, and your mix won’t (and shouldn’t) necessarily have that sound until mastering is applied, at the very end of the entire process (if you heard those commercial mixes before they were mastered, you see that they didn’t always have that quality on their own, either). Because of the trend toward loudness maximizing, the pre-mastered mix can (and should) have more dynamic range and transient punch that is possible once its level has been cranked up to be competitive with the boosted levels of most commercial releases—it’s normal for the finished mix to be around 8-10 dB lower in average level that it will be once mastering has been applied. Though many mix engineers do apply mastering-type processing (compression, limiting) to the stereo output (LR) mix bus, many others avoid this in the mix, except as a reference, to anticipate the possible effects of the mastering to come. Most mastering engineers prefer mixes without master bus processing, which can tie their hands—I feel it’s best to leave that to the final stage, and avoid it in the mix. 8. Mastering: Don’t master your own mixesAnd that brings us to my last suggestion—if possible, don’t master your own mixes. While many of us do wear both hats (I’ve had to for many projects), ideally, it would be good to have a fresh set of ears take on that final stage of production. Besides bringing years of experience to what can be a “black art”, a dedicated mastering engineer will hear the mix fresh, as eventual listeners will. The mixer, by the time the mix is done, will have heard those tracks hundreds of times (even more if he was also the tracking engineer and/or (one of) the artist(s))! No matter how good you are, after you’ve heard something so many times, you will subconsciously gloss over details your ears have simply become accustomed to, that a set of fresh ears will pick up on immediately. Since mastering is the last chance to address such issues, it pays to have a fresh perspective. If that’s not possible, at the very least, just as between recording/editing and mixing, it would be a good idea to take a break when the mix is done, and come back the next day to do the mastering. You may not have an entirely new perspective, but you will bring fresh(er) ears to that important final step of the long production journey. And that’s all we have space for in the scope of this article. Hopefully, some of these suggestions will be helpful to some of you out there, especially those one-man/one-woman acts who, despite juggling all those hats, still want the absolute best results for their musical projects! Check out Joe Albano's Audio Concepts series video tutorials in The Academy HERE. Artikle:https://ask.audio/articles/8-mistakes-to-avoid-when-producing-music
Asus TUF Z370-Pro Gaming, Bugera Trirec Infinium, Cakewalk Platinum, Corsair RM750 750W, Corsair Vengeance DDR4 4x8GB, Gigabyte GTX 960 2GB, Genelec 6010A with 5040A sub, Ibanez AEG10II BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR27E BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR28FE BK, Ibanez RG550 RF, Ibanez RG570 FMCS, Ibanez SR506 BM, Intel Core i7 8700K, USB, NI Komplete 11 Ultimate with Kontrol S61, Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVMe SSD, Samsung SSDs 840 EVO 1TB, Toontrack EZdrummer 2, Toontrack EZMix 2, Toontrack Superior Drummer 3, UA Apollo Twin Duo, Windows 10 Pro
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/16 10:41:32
Looks like some solid, practical advice. Thanks, dood. :-)
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/16 11:08:53
I know it's common knowledge, but for people like us, it's gold. And for people new to recording it's really good advice. This should be on my wall.
Asus TUF Z370-Pro Gaming, Bugera Trirec Infinium, Cakewalk Platinum, Corsair RM750 750W, Corsair Vengeance DDR4 4x8GB, Gigabyte GTX 960 2GB, Genelec 6010A with 5040A sub, Ibanez AEG10II BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR27E BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR28FE BK, Ibanez RG550 RF, Ibanez RG570 FMCS, Ibanez SR506 BM, Intel Core i7 8700K, USB, NI Komplete 11 Ultimate with Kontrol S61, Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVMe SSD, Samsung SSDs 840 EVO 1TB, Toontrack EZdrummer 2, Toontrack EZMix 2, Toontrack Superior Drummer 3, UA Apollo Twin Duo, Windows 10 Pro
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/16 11:14:06
I know for instance that hearing your take on my songs, gives it a new dimension. And mixing your own work may result in glitches and things your grown custom too. Or plain simply that your bored of the song and wants it to be finish as soon as possible. Getting some fresh ears are a necessary.
Asus TUF Z370-Pro Gaming, Bugera Trirec Infinium, Cakewalk Platinum, Corsair RM750 750W, Corsair Vengeance DDR4 4x8GB, Gigabyte GTX 960 2GB, Genelec 6010A with 5040A sub, Ibanez AEG10II BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR27E BK, Ibanez Iron Label RGIR28FE BK, Ibanez RG550 RF, Ibanez RG570 FMCS, Ibanez SR506 BM, Intel Core i7 8700K, USB, NI Komplete 11 Ultimate with Kontrol S61, Samsung 960 EVO M.2 NVMe SSD, Samsung SSDs 840 EVO 1TB, Toontrack EZdrummer 2, Toontrack EZMix 2, Toontrack Superior Drummer 3, UA Apollo Twin Duo, Windows 10 Pro
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/16 11:42:50
#7 only applies, if you plan on ruining your music, by applying way too much limiting and compression at the mastering stage, as is most commercial releases today. leaving a mix with plenty of headroom, if you know you are going to be applying limiting to bring up the overall volume, is smart, as long as you don't chop off all of your peaks. and if you do, your stuff will sound as hammered and harsh as most modern commercial masters. there ARE some mastering engineers, who have figured out how to eq the top end, so that HEAVY limiting does not sound so harsh, but this all depends on the end user.... are they listening on ear buds for hours at a time? are the streaming thru their phones? are they sitting and listening on a high end audiophile home stereo or theatre? do they have regular bookshelf speakers in an office? the whole idea of mixing, is to get your best sounding mix. it should sound wonderful without any mastering. the whole idea of MASTERING, in my opinion, is to get whatever else you can out of the headroom, without ruining the mix, or changing the overall sonics. there are many commercial releases i have bought over the last year, that i do not listen to anymore, because it sounds harsh to me. YMMV
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/17 10:57:19
☄ Helpfulby Jarsve 2015/09/17 18:02:45
My first thought was: there are only EIGHT? I've found many more ways than that to ruin a recording. A basic tenet of engineering is when trying to make something fool-proof, never underestimate the resourcefulness of fools. Even the most fundamental principles are worth being reminded of, because we're all guilty of violating them at some time or another. Being impatient while tracking is my most-repeated sin. I'll hurry through a BGV, confident that whatever flaws it may have can be fixed later. Then only to discover that the track is distorted because I'd neglected to check it before moving on to the next one.
![](http://i68.tinypic.com/343lt07.gif) All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. My Stuff
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/17 11:08:47
☄ Helpfulby Jarsve 2015/09/17 18:07:16
@bit... Exactly why I spend an enormous amount of time recording a ridiculous amount of takes (to the point one looking at the project might question my mental health) and checking it all. The time I lose at that stage saves way more later on and I never have to go back and retrack (which I find leads to inconsistency). I end up with a mountain "perfect" takes that I then go even crazier on comping into ultra mega takes. Like instead of comping out errors I'm comping IN nuances I like. I also have instant doubles by clone the track and just making sure I don't use any of the clips I used for the original track (instead of recording to the original which honestly I find produces less accurate/desirable results for some reason).
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/18 04:35:54
☄ Helpfulby Jarsve 2015/09/18 13:32:11
IMO, for a beginner one of the most important advice is: In recording/mixing 1+1=3. Two greater-than-life-sounds put together equals porridge. You can't neutralize salt by adding sugar, so be careful with destructive FX solutions and have enough headroom. It took me a while to really believe and understand what that means.
SONAR PE 8.5.3, Asus P5B, 2,4 Ghz Dual Core, 4 Gb RAM, GF 7300, EMU 1820, Bluetube Pre - Kontakt4, Ozone, Addictive Drums, PSP Mixpack2, Melda Creative Pack, Melodyne Plugin etc. The benefit of being a middle aged amateur is the low number of years of frustration ahead of you.
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/19 04:31:59
Jarsve ...taking on all the roles: recording engineer, assistant, musician, producer, mixer, mastering engineer...
Don't forget "roadie" too. Time and energy spent moving gear around, setting it up, putting it away, geting it out again, putting it away again, etc. can be quite significant.
post edited by Kev999 - 2015/09/19 04:40:55
SonarPlatinum∞(|Mixbus32C(4.3.19)|DigitalPerformer(9.5.1)|Reaper(5.77)FractalDesign:DefineR5|i7-6850k@4.1GHz|16GB@2666MHz-DDR4|MSI:GamingProCarbonX99a|Matrox:M9148(x2)|UAD2solo(6.5.2)|W7Ult-x64-SP1 Audient:iD22+ASP800|KRK:VXT6|+various-outboard-gear|+guitars&basses, etc. Having fun at work lately
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/21 05:31:04
this is a very good compilation and should be a MUST READ for everyone on this forum ... or even on this planet ;-) (although #4 doesn't apply to old brit school philosophy where some of the real good guys swear by printing the good stuff to tape/file to have fewer decision to make later on) wearing many hats myself, I am a strong believer in #8 - get someone skilled and experienced to do the final polish ...
GOOD TUNES LAST FOREVER +++ Visit the Rehab +++ DAW: Platinum/X3e, win10 64 bit, i7-3930K (6x3.2GHz), Asus Sabertooth X79, 32 GB DDR3 1600MHz, ATI HD 5450, 120 GB SSD OCZ Agility3, 2x 1TB WD HDD SATA 600 Audio-Interface: 2x MOTU 1248 AVB, Focusrite OctoPre, (Roland Octa-Capture) Control-Surface: VS-700C VSTi: WAVES, NI K10u, FabFilter, IK, ... (too many really)
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/26 10:28:04
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/26 14:00:52
Thank you SO much for this thread :) Bob Bone
Wisdom is a giant accumulation of "DOH!" Sonar: Platinum (x64), X3 (x64) Audio Interfaces: AudioBox 1818VSL, Steinberg UR-22 Computers: 1) i7-2600 k, 32 GB RAM, Windows 8.1 Pro x64 & 2) AMD A-10 7850 32 GB RAM Windows 10 Pro x64 Soft Synths: NI Komplete 8 Ultimate, Arturia V Collection, many others MIDI Controllers: M-Audio Axiom Pro 61, Keystation 88es Settings: 24-Bit, Sample Rate 48k, ASIO Buffer Size 128, Total Round Trip Latency 9.7 ms
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/09/27 03:45:10
☄ Helpfulby Jarsve 2015/09/27 04:30:05
Don't agree with No 8. I have mastered many of my own mixes and very well might I add. The secret is leaving plenty of time eg one or two weeks between mixing and mastering. Then you do approach it with a fresh set of ears. You don't really remember much. (or I don't anyway ![](http://forum.cakewalk.com/upfiles/smiley/s1.gif) ) In fact I could argue in favour of mastering your own mixes. If you have got a real good idea of how you want the final master to actually sound you can mix towards it and then when you are mastering later on you can master and finalise that sound even further. Sometimes a different mastering engineer will drift away from what you may have had in mind. Too often the case. You can mix after tracking too but also leave one or two weeks just to get over the whole tracking experience. That is what he does not mention. But it does require patience though.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/10/01 01:04:44
I'm on the other side of the fence Jeff. I'll send my songs to my mastering engineer just to get that fresh set of ears. My philosophy is that it can't hurt for someone else to have a listen and pick up on something that I may have missed. I'm not saying it can't be done, and I'm sure almost everyone has mastered their own mixes, it's just that I really value someone that knows what sound I usually aim for, and can help me achieve that if I'm not quite there. There is also the issue of listening in completely different room, which is relevant to those of us that mix in a room that is not ideal.
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Jeff Evans
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Re: 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Producing Music (great read from ask audio)
2015/10/01 08:01:45
Some good points made by rebe1007. Especially hearing your mix on another set of speakers. A good mastering engineer will only do a great job and a better job of mastering than you only if they are right on the same page as you and they know exactly how you want it to sound in the very end. Sometimes the client does not get that across very well to the ME and in fact he ends up moving away from what the artist is hearing in their head and only make it much worse. Mastering is one art where this can happen so easily. Mixing too I guess but usually they are around during that process more. I have been on the other end of the stick too and got a great mix from a client and I thought I knew what they wanted and mastered the album according to how I was hearing it in my head and I thought it was pretty damn good. Only to find they hated it! In the end I ended up doing a really great job for him and he is thrilled now. But what really helped was the reference tracks that I was getting. It is really important. If there is a track you just love, the ME will really appreciate it a lot. (Well I do anyway, if they say don't give me any ref tracks the chances of them getting it totally wrong increases indeed!) I certainly appreciate it and once I got it a light bulb went off and I got what they were after. Interesting too was the first three ref CD's I was given were not right either. (even though the artist thought they were) When I tried mastering like what I heard from the ref CD's I was still off base. It was not until the 4th or 5th reference track the penny just dropped. All I am saying is if you are lucky enough to be able to master your own tracks well and there are a few that can, it saves a whole lot of hassle. Otherwise if you can’t then use a ME for sure but make it very clear to them how you want it to sound in the end. And don’t accept something that you feel is not right either. You are paying damn good money. Make them work for it. Speak up and make them do it again. I mastered that album 3 to 4 times before I totally nailed it for the artist. That is what point 8 does not mention so much.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt