A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up

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2011/01/31 09:25:40 (permalink)

A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up

Well thanks To Steve Strummer for kinda getting me started ...here's  is my 1st attempt at anything recorded.
Recorded on Guitar tracks 4.1 with effects via the Studio VS-20 editor add on   ( which has super effects and is very customisable !!) 
I only heard the song 2 months ago and thought ......."That sounds Cool" ..... .. so via a Blues Fakebook I found a tab and off we went.
This is my rendition of Chester B's song ......not one of his best known ... ...but I think its a belter
"Who's been Talking "
 The 'band' is Bluesology ......and that is me and a few guitars and guitar tracks 4.1...
Lots of learning already in Guitar Tracks .....But I know its by no means perfect and I have aton of learning in store ........So, Any thoughts or helpful hints would be appreciated ... I am very much a recording novice.
My song is called "No More Talking"  .
I deliberately did not use any MIDi.mainly as I havn't a clue how to ...nor any drum trcaks ...again mainly as I don't know where to start
In case anyone is interested
Track 1 is simulated Bass...........using a normal 6 string electric
Track 2 is Gibson ES339 clean tone Rhythm guitar
Track 3 is vocals
Track 4 is some rhythm ..... a small tambourine .panned left I think
Track 5 is more Rhythm usinga rhythm "eggt"
Track 6 is Acoustic guitar background 'wash'
Track 7 is  lead guitar .ES 339 aagin with some added Chorus effect
Track 8 is a 2nd bass track to fill it out ...both bass tracks are panned out on different sides
Track 9 is a doube tracked copy of the ending vocals just to fill it out a bit
Hope you enjoy a bit of it !!
Am now going to upgrade the GT4 to Sonar Home Studio 7XL .....so we;ll see what that does for me !!.........I would hope to be using both Drum tracks on this and some MIDI as well ...any tips ??
.More learning in store I guess !!
Incidentally would anyone recomend the Cakewalk Book " Recording in Home Studio" ... .it seems a bit pricey at £24.99 in the UK.... .is it worth the dosh ???

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 09:22:45 (permalink)
    any comments / feedback would be much appreciated ....especially on the overal recording... thsi is a 1st output .so i'm sure I have loads to learn 

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 11:37:16 (permalink)
    Hi Barry,  always nice to hear some blues. You're not making it easy to listen to this song. Without a strong rhythm part, be it drums or rhythm guitar,  there are several individual tracks that go in different directions. The vocal works and the bass riff works with this question and answer feel to it but the rhythm guitar part is way to soft and not driving the song along. Also without some strong backing the solo is just another part. Hope you don't mind the criticism but the blues imho is all about the rhythm , get that part in order and the other parts will fall into place. 

    Greetings, Rik
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 12:26:13 (permalink)
    Hi Strummer07 and welcome to the forum.
    You have a good start.  I do have to agree with Rik however.  IMHO, the Blues is all about rhythm.  Even if it is just one guitar and a voice (like Lighting Hopkin's) the rhythm pushes and drives the song along.  If you were to add a rhythm guitar and drums, this would provide the needed drive and would also help in the timing of the song.  One of the things that I love about the early electric blues, is its looseness.  For me that is always hard but it becomes easier as you get more comfortable with performing and recording at the same time.
    There is a lot of talent here on the forum that will provide you with some great tips and information (at least I have found that to be true).  So -- I hope you keep posting and I look forward to listening.
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 12:51:40 (permalink)
    Whatever that is on the left (guitar?bass?) is just very poorly played and the timing is just too off to even comment any further on the song. But I do like your voice.
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 13:37:01 (permalink)
    Guys .. many thanks for listening and taking time out to comment.....thats exactly what I asked for.
    I am very new to this whole recording arena .so know what, where in the mix, and how prominent its should ........on this recording .is just guesswork .......... without much to go on.
    So tks morenoise for the rhythm suggestion , Freddy J ths for the welcome .. this seems like a good place to learn and share tks also for the suggestions  .. On this 1st offering .......trying to find and adapt a drum track wa a step too far ..but I'll have drums in on the next go around.!!! .and jamesyoyo Thanks also ....the playing is the best I can muster at this moment !!.and I do find timing a challenge ... but I hope the drum track may help sort that out ......but apprciate your comments .....and if the voice passed muster .........thats great!
    This seems like a great place to learn ........comments appreciated
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 18:16:47 (permalink)
    Hey Barry, good to see you here - and thanks for the namecheck
    All the elements of a good song are here, you just need to get your new toy Session Drummer in there and record to it (or to the metronome) so everything is synched up nicely.
    Mind you, it's a first effort and when all's said and done, it takes some nerve to post a song in here so good for you.
    The help and advice you'll get from the guys that participate in here will prove priceless, and you'll continue to learn and improve.
    My main advice at this stage would be to always record your parts to a click track, metronome or a drum loop, and make certain all the instruments are locked in synch with each other.
    Good start

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 18:33:12 (permalink)
    Barry, welcome to the forum.

    Your in the right place, people give you the positives you need to hear to keep you going, but they wont beat around the bush, if something bothers them...theyll say it!!

    I liked the song,very relaxing, each individual parts are good,the bass riff works and your vocals are nice. The big problem like everyone has stated is the timing,if that aint right well then you aint gonna create a hit!

    Get a metrenome in those earphones and keep at it, never stop.

    Good work.



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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 19:06:13 (permalink)


    If Strummy is helping you I thought I'd check this out.

    What I can tell you is this, your first effort was a lot better than I would have expected.

    Work on getting some drums or click to help you with your timing. 

    Your voice is good, your playing is good.

    Look forward to your next effort.

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/01 21:50:01 (permalink)
    Welcome to the Songs Forum, Mr. Strummer.  I think you've already received some good advice.  I'll just add that I think you have all the pieces there, and now you just have to put them together.  I believe you'll find that the drums will provide the 'glue' to make everything work the way you'd like.  Just keep at it.
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 10:39:12 (permalink)
    Muchas Gracias guys
    Steve, Bapu , whack and philz... appreciate your comments .....all constructive criticism is welcome & well recieved ... the overwhelming feeback is very much to have a large drummer sitting right by my left ear ... bashing out a solid beat ..that even I can't miss. I accept that 100% .....Next effort is taking place in my head at the moment !! But it will happen!! ( I can hear the groans !! :-) )   
    I've enjoyed doing this .. a first go at anything is always a bit hit and miss ....and the whole Sonar /DAW area is a big unknown at the moment. But just listening to some of the amazing pieces of music being uploaded here ..there are some seriously good musicians on this board and some talented mix - masters too ......plenty to emulate and 'borrow' !!  
    I am a humble apprentice in both areas !!.......but you have to start somewhere.
    philz .. love the avatur ...I used to work just down the road from where this 'sculpture' actually sits ....its in the new (ish) Docklands Business complex in the East end of London, UK and is mighty impressive. First time I saw it I was actually driving .and your first reaction is Heck !! ( or something similar ) what on earth is that !!! 
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 13:16:36 (permalink)
    Welcome to the forum Strummer! With Steve's help you couldn't be in better hands. He is the very person that got me started also and I am forever grateful.
    As for the recording, I'd stay with this song a bit and develop it a little. Add a click, clap, hi-hat, cymbal, foot anything on beats 2 and 4 to hold everything together. Record it. Keep re-recording it and experiment. Post the recordings for advice and before you know it you'll be playing way better than you ever imagined. Good luck and HAVE FUN!

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 15:52:41 (permalink)
    Barry, you have a PM :-)

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    Have fun!
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 16:06:41 (permalink)
    Nothing to add that hasn't been said already, but just wanted to join in welcoming you on board. As you've seen already, there's plenty of good advice here and people will be honest in a good way. I remember feeling very apprehensive when I posted here for the first time and it took me a while to pluck up the courage to do so, but I can honestly say that I've never once regretted it and learnt much from the good people here.

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 16:13:28 (permalink)
    I agree with Cian, you are definitely in the RIGHT place to learn to start your recordings.

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/02 18:20:43 (permalink)
    Welcome aboard. Stick around here, you're bound to learn a lot.
    Re; your recording: Unfortunately, the timing issues made me feel like I was at a Willie Nelson concert.

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/04 05:13:23 (permalink)
    you have a voice very suited to this style. as others have said, you need to sort out the timing of the music. but keep at it, it'll come!

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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/04 11:09:43 (permalink)
    Appreciate the listens and the comments
    so thanks Bayoubill/ Venus/Alex/Paulo/Scotty tunes and mgh
    Willy Nelson ?? ...........now there's a thought !!  
    Timing is being sorted as we speak !! May take a while .so don't hold your breath !!
    But as Arnie said ...." I'll be back!!".............. .metronomically grooved in all the right places !!
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    Re:A 1st 'output' from my V-studio/ GT4.1 set up 2011/02/04 11:33:45 (permalink)
    welcome...I'd be working on the advice from above....just wanted to say "hey" and welcome aboard.

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