A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech

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October 02, 11 7:16 PM (permalink)

A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech

Ben said he likes the slower melancholy celtic tunes, so here's one for Ben.
I wrote this waltz for my wife, Sherri. Funny enough, I named it Sherri's Waltz. Who-da-thunk-it?! 
 Sherri's Waltz 

String Jammer

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 02, 11 8:10 PM (permalink)
    It's still too happy, you can see the drunken irishman chasing the drunk girls and him slipping his hand up their skirt and then everyone has a good laugh as they fall on their ass. Still beatifuly played!

    Peace Ben

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 02, 11 9:23 PM (permalink)
    Nice violin playing - or was that a fiddle?

    Always great playing and production from you Scottybro.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 02, 11 11:05 PM (permalink)

    It's still too happy, you can see the drunken irishman chasing the drunk girls and him slipping his hand up their skirt and then everyone has a good laugh as they fall on their ass. Still beatifuly played!

    Peace Ben

    I guess you prefer the dirges, otherwise, funeral marches, eh?

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 02, 11 11:06 PM (permalink)

    Nice violin playing - or was that a fiddle?

    Always great playing and production from you Scottybro.

    He he he...Thanks, Markybro!

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 02, 11 11:25 PM (permalink)
    LOL Scotty, this rules man! Those two little half step drops make the hair on my arms stand up when they hit...that was sooo appropriate! Really enjoyed this tune immensely! The only thing I think I'd do....(please don't shoot me) is automate the fiddles a bit or maybe even slightly compress a bit so they don't leap out and bury the rest of the fine mix you have going on. I know you want them to be dynamic and show themselves where they are supposed to...just sometimes they seemed to grab me a bit too much to where I lost the mix in the back.

    Awesome playing on everything...and some killer fiddle lines. That end was awesome too! I'd LOVE to do a rocked up version of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" with you! Man, we'd rip heads off with that! Hahahaha! Anyway....awesome tune here...thanks for sharing it!


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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 6:37 AM (permalink)
    Thank you, Danny! Glad you liked it.  Too late to go back and remix...it's already on an album and I don't have the original tracks. Lemme know when ready to do the Devil!

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 6:49 AM (permalink)
    Beautiful Scott.

    Another effortless piece, this would fit right in back home I tell ya. I can see my father reading the sunday paper, mam cookin a sunday roast with this on the radio in the background. Fact.

    I didnt find the fiddle too intrusive at times at all since it is the focus of the track, although danny does have more finely tuned hearing than I would.

    In relation to Bens request, I actually think you would find it hard to write what he is looking for since you would have to dampen/deaden almost conciously curtail your musical creativity. This is no disrespsect to Ben or you at all, but you naturally write sweet flowing melodic music, its what you do best.

    Am I talkin through my ass...maybe!!!



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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 10:13 AM (permalink)
    What a beautiful tune.

    I love it when a song can stand on it's melody and there is some great harmonic stuff happening in the spaces that surround.

    So nice, just right... it is what I call *music*.

    I have to say, I'm in agreement with Ben on this... the song isn't melancholy... it seems to express both a subtle sense of wry humor and sincere Joie de vivre... which I am thankful you have shared with us.

    Thanks for sharing!

    best regards,

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 10:57 AM (permalink)
    Scotty wrote:

    Thank you, Danny! Glad you liked it. Too late to go back and remix...it's already on an album and I don't have the original tracks. Lemme know when ready to do the Devil!

    You're quite welcome! Yeah we so have to do that tune. I've been working on a rock arrangement for it on and off for a few months now. All the fiddle parts you know and love will be the same...but we gotta make the Devil (as much as it pains me to say it since I hate him) a little meaner with some molten, rock guitar. LOL! Kinda like Crossroads where Steve Vai tears it up? I always thought "TDWDTG" would be an awesome rocker with the right parts implemented into it. I was actually going to do the entire tune with guitars...then I remembered you're vicious playing. :) Yeah when I get the arrangement complete, I'll pm you and see what your schedule looks like. Thanks!

    Cian wrote:

    I didnt find the fiddle too intrusive at times at all since it is the focus of the track, although danny does have more finely tuned hearing than I would.

    Nah brother, I'm sure your ears are just as good as mine. I just listen for every little thing in the background as well because it's usually my job to. LOL! For example...just to show you how I heard it...when we listen to a fine tune like this as a normal listener, we're going to allow that fiddle to engulf us and not really care about anything else but the incredible playing, melody and execution. But, if we were mixing the tune...or mastering it, we have to pay close attention to solo instruments that are super dynamic like this one. Anytime something leaps out at you when you're in mix/master mode, you have to make sure that the underlying music bed doesn't disappear as well. This is one quality major labels always seem to get. No matter how loud a focal point instrument may be, you just about never lose the music behind it...not even for a second.

    So I've trained myself to always try to think with that mentality on my own stuff as well as others. It's always going to be subjective no matter what side of the fence we listen from, but when my mix hat goes on, I always try my best to keep the focal things up front, but never have them bury the instrumentation even for a second...and in a sense that's what I had heard on this one. Nothing was ever completely buried mind you, but at times it just seemed like the fiddle came out a bit up front to where the music took a back seat every once in a while and somewhat vanished. You might lose a piano one time..maybe a kick or snare the next...stuff like that. All subjective really....but I just wanted to explain how and why I commented the way I did. :) Don't listen to me though Cian...the more people listen to me, the more I ruin their listening pleasure. LOL!

    I had a friend tell me the other day "you know, before I met you...I was a crap engineer..but now that I know you and know how you listen to things the way you do, I seem to have a problem listening to things and liking them the way I used to...thanks for helping me and ruining me all in one shot, Danny!" LOL!

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 11:11 AM (permalink)

    I personally think it is a subtle art to mix as someone who enjoys listening to music rather than to mix as someone who is interested in mixing.


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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 11:30 AM (permalink)
    No problem danny, when I meant it that way I certainly was aiming for a more technical stance and since it is your job, for that, our ears would certainly be more fine tuned.

    And sure, mike you got a point too, its like you sit with a mix everyday trying to get it right and then you back with fresh ears as a "listener" of the music and you suddenly feel compelled to change things.



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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 1:37 PM (permalink)
    Wow! This being turned into a mixing thread, I'm glad that I wasn't responsible for the mix on this one.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 1:52 PM (permalink)
    Sounds fine to me, yes the violin leaps out in a few places but hey if we all mixed the same would it all not become a little boring.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 3:28 PM (permalink)

    Wow! This being turned into a mixing thread, I'm glad that I wasn't responsible for the mix on this one.

    My apologies Scotty...I just wanted to explain the method to my madness and none of it was meant to bash on the mix or the person who mixed it....honest. :)

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 4:33 PM (permalink)
    It's for Sherri and it's called Sherri's Waltz?  What are the odds of that! :)

    Nice and airy.  Sort of a 40s feel to it somehow, not sure why I feel that way.

    I think it's the chord changes.  Sweet.


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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 6:15 PM (permalink)
    There is no right way to mix music, it's ****.  Listening is subjective and what may sound right to you may not sound right to me.

    It's the song stupid!!!  Lets get this right first, then we'll worry about how it sounds.


    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 6:55 PM (permalink)

    There is no right way to mix music, it's ****.  Listening is subjective and what may sound right to you may not sound right to me.

    It's the song stupid!!!  Lets get this right first, then we'll worry about how it sounds.


    So are you saying; "Mix, shmix"?

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 7:01 PM (permalink)
    Thnaks, mang!

    No need to apologize. If I had mixed this it may have been different. The studio engineer did the mixing and I had very little input. Had I known then what I know now....

    Thanks for your kind words. I wasn't around for the 40's so I wouldn't know what they sounded like, but I'll take your word for it.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 7:34 PM (permalink)
    def scotty, this is an artform, music making that is.  thats what the audio scientest's have forgotten, whats really funny is as artists we got all this freedom in the 70's after having to put up with the audio scientest's in white coats and this is true telling the artist we must mic or mix this way now we have the same situation going on again.

    i rarely give mixing advice unless it's asked for, im more intersted in the tune.


    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 9:14 PM (permalink)

    def scotty, this is an artform, music making that is.  thats what the audio scientest's have forgotten, whats really funny is as artists we got all this freedom in the 70's after having to put up with the audio scientest's in white coats and this is true telling the artist we must mic or mix this way now we have the same situation going on again.

    i rarely give mixing advice unless it's asked for, im more intersted in the tune.


    Aha! Glad you feel that way.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 9:56 PM (permalink)
    Great tunage. I like it a lot. Like a drunken waltz. :-)

    BTW - I thought the devil's bit was better, by far, than Johnny's.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 03, 11 10:10 PM (permalink)
    I may squeeze you a little harder (but what girl in her right mind wouldn't?) or use a limitter or something in a couple of places? (where it gets a little aggressive) Or maybe just ride um cowboy on the fader :-) But It's just in a couple of spots? And it is a minor observation...  On the whole? It was outstanding!
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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 6:01 AM (permalink)
    Thank you Guitarprima and Robby for your comments.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 2:00 PM (permalink)

    Thank you Guitarprima and Robby for your comments.
    Your welcome Snotty.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 3:22 PM (permalink)


    Thank you Guitarprima and Robby for your comments.
    Your welcome Snotty.

    Is there a problem here?

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 4:13 PM (permalink)



    Thank you Guitarprima and Robby for your comments.
    Your welcome Snotty.

    Is there a problem here?

    Not that I'm aware of? Are you alright?

    Notation, the original DAW. Everything else is just rote. We are who we are and no more than another. Humans, you people are crazy.
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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 4:52 PM (permalink)




    Thank you Guitarprima and Robby for your comments.
    Your welcome Snotty.

    Is there a problem here?

    Not that I'm aware of? Are you alright?

    No, I'm half left. Oh, I see now....I accidentally mispelled your name. Oopsie...my bad!
    post edited by Scottytunes - October 05, 11 4:55 PM

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 05, 11 5:03 PM (permalink)
    No problem Scotty. I was trying to be funny about it.

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    Re:A Melancholy Tune for BenMMusTech October 20, 11 2:47 PM (permalink)
    Love this, Scott.

    I can't wait to hear a Danny/Scott collab too.  :)  
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