A Wayfarers Lament
https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13792220 long story short
18i20 goes crap
60 days i mix from 1 speaker
all tracks set to mono
finally, i have enough jack to get a new audio interface
MF has the fr 2i2 for $129 ?
he says pry
then I say, well that 2i2 has limitations, no spdif
so i say, well why not the 6i6
he says, dude, you are so weird, i will give you a special, but there is no mute
I won't go further than that splayaays that big bass
hey KEV, you did me righteous
i go to my local GC I ask can you give me 2
anyway, this tune is for wasplugestat and that wandering waydoot