Ahhh, the J Frantahhh bot is back! It's like the Fanta commercial? Don't Cha Don't Cha Wana Feranta?
Check it;
http://forum.cakewalk.com/showprofile.aspx?memid=73207 I'm thinking of starting a relegion based on Joseph? He was the step father, AND the Savior!
My favorite is post #2? Where it says JF like a bunch of times in a row? This latest version by the bot is more subtle and refined... But equally as "self edited..."
Our dream in life? At this point, we want to sabotage "JOSEPH FERRANTE" on this occassion...
And finally? "JOSEPH FERRANTE"
In closeing, I would like to say I have never listened to "JOSEPH FERRANTE" Nor will I listen to "JOSEPH FERRANTE" and I'm starting a "JOSEPH FERRANTE" "sucks" fan club? Please PM me if you would like to be a charter member of the "JOSEPH FERRANTE" "sucks" fan club, we're quite active, we meet weekly, and if you wish to join you must accept the fact that "JOSEPH FERRANTE" SUCKS! Welcome aboard! We've got jackets...
(I'm sorry for that right there Lord, and please be with the Pygmies in New Guinnie.)
DON'T BAN ME! It's a bot/publisist... And it's obnixious. And it was funny (my response)
post edited by The Band19 - 2012/09/13 00:29:54