A fatal crash -recovering the file?
A nasty thig happened: while working with backing vocal tracks, using vocal strip and a FX chain preset, Sonar suddenly crashed and is now unable to open the file. It starts to open it but then crashes again. At first it attempted to save a recovery file, but I cannot find one anywhere...
There have been no problems before, and I wonder if the file is corrupted for good, or is there a way to recover or reopen it? The last backup file found (previous version) is from three days and unhelpful - Ineed the one I was working on... please!
X1, Windows 7 64b, Echo L 3G, AMD Athlon 64x2 6000+ 3gHz, 8G RAM, SAMSUNG HD501LJ SCSI, ATI Radeon HD2400, TL Audio Ebony A1.