This gets asked often, even by me once.
Merely working your way through the documentation would not lead you to this solution.
The fact that 'Tracks/Bounce to Track(s)' opens a dialog which, amongst many other options, also has a 'Channel Format' selection, and that this is what you need to turn two mono tracks to one stereo track, is non-obvious.
I found it confusing that the similarly named function 'Bounce to Clip(s)' in the right-click menu does NOT have an equivalent sub-dialog, but it DOES have another menu directly underneath it called 'Convert to Stereo' (or Mono, depending), but which does NOT do what you might expect.
It is sufficiently non-obvious is it that when I asked this same question, one of the more erudite members of this forum advised me to go to File/Export and in that dialog there is (also) a 'Channel Format' option. I was to export my files, then re-import the converted files into my project.
In other words, the person advising me also did not know of the sub-dialog in 'Bounce to Track(s)'.
Something along the lines of a 'Craig Anderton's Tips Light', in which common operations and how to achieve them is described would be very useful. Help in a cookbook recipe format.
post edited by twelvetone - July 31, 16 10:37 PM