The only thing i can think of off the top of my head would be along the lines of what FBB said...
I think you might be able to find it faster in the midi event list view, but i havn't really used that yet so i can't help you with that, sorry. But if you know your way around there, i think you can see which midi CCs are controlling which parameters.
But the old fashioned way would be to right click on various sliders (such as track volume, or maybe send levels, etc...) and see if any of them have the option to 'disable remote control.' If they do, click it, and try again.
Have the problem sliders ever been mapped to anything? Most software synths allow midi learn by right clicking on something - the filter's cutoff for example - selecting midi learn, and then moving the desired knob/slider. Can you map the a synth's cutoff to slider 2 by right clicking the cutoff, and selecting midi learn?
If you can do the above, i'm not 100% sure what's wrong - apart from the first thing i mentioned above (that the sliders could be midi learnt, and to check for the option to disable remote control on various track volume sliders and send levels).
If you can't midi map a synth's cutoff (by right clicking on a synths cutoff and selecting midi learn) inside Sonar, can you do it on a stand alone synth? If you can, the problem is inside the DAW somewhere. If you can't even map those slider on a stand alone synth, outside of any DAW, then i'd say it's the hardware. Is it new? has it always been like that?
post edited by S.Wallis - August 17, 11 7:44 AM