A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls?

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August 08, 11 11:40 PM (permalink)

A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls?

Hi all,
just a quick question:
Some of the sliders in the APRO refuse to be remapped. Namely the S2-S8. Most/all other sliders/knobs and buttons allow remapping
within the same focus window of my soft synth.
Anyone have any idea "why"?
A thank you to "S. Wallis" and the tutorial which assisted me in getting this far, as prior to this I couldn't get a damn thing to remap between
SONAR and the APRO.
Win 7 Pro - 64 Bit
SONAR X1 64 Bit - Patch X1b
CPU: 3.4 Ghz Quad Core
8 Gb RAM
M-Audio AP192 S'Card
Nvidia GTX 460 1Gb
Roland A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller


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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 10, 11 8:46 AM (permalink)
    You haven't marked them as unavailable to ACT have you? That'll stop them being mapped.
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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 10, 11 5:23 PM (permalink)
    Hi FBB,
    no, I haven't marked them as unavailable to ACT....that's another reason why I'm befuddled on this problem.

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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 11, 11 5:22 PM (permalink)
    Hmm that's my favourite bet gone...... Is it all synths and never worked? If so it may be faulty hardware.

    There is a difference between MIDI mapping and ACT mapping as well. Might be worth checking that the sliders are MIDI mapped although they should be if you are using the A800-Pro preset but I have had to redo my PCR-800 (The A800-PRO's predecessor) before.

    Details HERE

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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 12, 11 8:01 AM (permalink)
    Thx FBB,
    I'll have a look at what you've proposed.
    I'm just confused from the perspective that all other knobs/rotaries have been re-assignable within the same context (ie B1, B2, B3 or B4) and yet these few sliders refuse to be remapped?!
    Appreciate your time and assistance.

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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 17, 11 7:37 AM (permalink)
    The only thing i can think of off the top of my head would be along the lines of what FBB said...

    I think you might be able to find it faster in the midi event list view, but i havn't really used that yet so i can't help you with that, sorry. But if you know your way around there, i think you can see which midi CCs are controlling which parameters.

    But the old fashioned way would be to right click on various sliders (such as track volume, or maybe send levels, etc...) and see if any of them have the option to 'disable remote control.' If they do, click it, and try again.

    Have the problem sliders ever been mapped to anything? Most software synths allow midi learn by right clicking on something - the filter's cutoff for example - selecting midi learn, and then moving the desired knob/slider. Can you map the a synth's cutoff to slider 2 by right clicking the cutoff, and selecting midi learn?

    If you can do the above, i'm not 100% sure what's wrong - apart from the first thing i mentioned above (that the sliders could be midi learnt, and to check for the option to disable remote control on various track volume sliders and send levels).

    If you can't midi map a synth's cutoff  (by right clicking on a synths cutoff and selecting midi learn) inside Sonar, can you do it on a stand alone synth? If you can, the problem is inside the DAW somewhere. If you can't even map those slider on a stand alone synth, outside of any DAW, then i'd say it's the hardware. Is it new? has it always been like that?
    post edited by S.Wallis - August 17, 11 7:44 AM
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    Re:A800-PRO MIDI Keyboard Controller & Sonar X1 - can't remap some controls? August 19, 11 6:51 PM (permalink)

    The only thing i can think of off the top of my head would be along the lines of what FBB said...

    I think you might be able to find it faster in the midi event list view, but i havn't really used that yet so i can't help you with that, sorry. But if you know your way around there, i think you can see which midi CCs are controlling which parameters.

    But the old fashioned way would be to right click on various sliders (such as track volume, or maybe send levels, etc...) and see if any of them have the option to 'disable remote control.' If they do, click it, and try again.

    Have the problem sliders ever been mapped to anything? Most software synths allow midi learn by right clicking on something - the filter's cutoff for example - selecting midi learn, and then moving the desired knob/slider. Can you map the a synth's cutoff to slider 2 by right clicking the cutoff, and selecting midi learn?

    If you can do the above, i'm not 100% sure what's wrong - apart from the first thing i mentioned above (that the sliders could be midi learnt, and to check for the option to disable remote control on various track volume sliders and send levels).

    If you can't midi map a synth's cutoff  (by right clicking on a synths cutoff and selecting midi learn) inside Sonar, can you do it on a stand alone synth? If you can, the problem is inside the DAW somewhere. If you can't even map those slider on a stand alone synth, outside of any DAW, then i'd say it's the hardware. Is it new? has it always been like that?

    Hi SW,
    thx for your input here. I've been away and hence haven't had the opportunity to attempt what FBB has proposed. In addition to FBB's idea, I'll also give your idea/s a whirl this coming weekend. Interestingly enough, I can say in part response to some of your proposed ideas that I know for a fact that for some reason I can't get the A800 PRO to talk to the synth in standalone mode - I already attempted that early on after discovering your thread on this APRO problem - at least I've got a good portion of the APRO working within SONAR thus far, it's only a matter of discovering why the APRO refuses to remap some of these last controls within SONAR and I'll be reasonably happy.
    I spoke with Roland Tech Support here in Australia (ie Sydney) initially on this whole problem of the APRO not responding within SONAR (I hadn't tested each and every SONAR preset at that stage - I tried the first few and none had worked so I therefore presumed none of them would work and moved on). Even the techie at Roland was stumped. He was trying to emulate the problem but using a PCR which of course is not the same thing. I think he was beginning to think that it was my problem and that perhaps I was a "knucklehead" that just needed to conduct some more reading of the manual - LOL!
    After speaking with him and getting nowhere, I researched this problem on the web and hence discovered your thread. After attempting what you prescribed - "Halle-friggin-lujah"! I got some of the APRO working and responding within SONAR. As a consequence, I called the Roland Techie back and advised him that I would send him an email with the thread link to your post. At least this would highlight the fact that I'm not the only one experiencing this problem, and that a non Cakewalk/Roland personnel has discovered a workaround. He received the email and responded with "he'll be looking into it and getting back to me". Some weeks later I've heard nothing - but it raises an interesting point - it looks as though there are a few of us with this problem - what are Cakewalk/Roland intending to do about it? After all, it's a fairly new product and by all rights we shouldn't be expected to tolerate these quirks without the promise of a firmware/software patch to address the issue/s.
    Anyway SW, that's it from me for the moment. I've got some homework to do on this problem and testing - wouldn't it have been nice if the friggin thing just worked seamlessly out of the box without having to go through all this BS?!

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