When i Start the Sonar from the local place in the steam folder, it does not act like the "online" program,
fewer plugins is scanned at start BUT the ACT is working....!
This confuse me a lot...As i don't know if the Sonar uses local settings (ACT folder is found in c:/program data/Cakewalk) But also in the steam folder, this goes by most of the files...makes me feel i run two versions of the program...!
The other settings is default and re-installing wont help as I have tried this 50-11 times already!!
I think I must change the path to the software...is there a Main.ini file or some that I can edit, or at least check?
"At ingenium ingens inculto latent hoc sub corpore" -
"'But, yet under this rough exterior lies concealed a great genius "
Sonar Platinum - and lot of "hang a rounds" and prospects!