ATMEGA328P send MIDI via USB

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January 10, 17 3:53 AM (permalink)

ATMEGA328P send MIDI via USB

I've created a circuit on my breadboard including multiple shift registers and a teensy 2.0++.

My program takes inputs from the shift regs and converts them into MIDI messages. Using my teensy in MIDI mode, my project works just fine.

I'm now moving all this to a permanent solution using an ATMEGA328P. I used my teensy as a programer and then as serial-to-USB-bridge. The project works well this way too, and the midi messages are received and interpreted correctly by my DAW.

When all the stuff is moved to the casing and screwed together, I want to use MIDI-over-USB instead of using regular MIDI connectors.

So my question is this: How do I extend my circuit to be compatible with USB HID and send the serial data via USB-MIDI?

Ideally I'd like to have an architecture with exchangeable I/O Boards:

My main controller outputs the MIDI commands via a 31250 baud serial bus. This signal could then be sent to:
A USB-board that sends the MIDI via USB
A standard MIDI-board
Or even an ethernet-board to add network support.
Would that be worth the effort?
How could that be done?


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    Re: ATMEGA328P send MIDI via USB January 11, 17 1:24 PM (permalink)
    It sounds like what you need is a TTL serial to USB midi converter.
    I don't know of any available for purchase. 
    1. Use another Teensy as a serial ttl to usb midi bridge?
    2. You could purchase a standard, store-bought midi to USB cable, go inside the box and remove the opto-couplers and connect directly to the RX/TX/GND TTL lines (which are probably 3.3 V logic).
    You cannot use a plain rs232 to usb adapter because it will auto-configure as a com port on the pc.
    A midi to usb will auto-configure as a midi port.
    3. Put a standard midi port on your contraption and use a store-bought midi to USB adapter cable.
     4. Use a PIC 18F14K50. There is a midi-USB stack available that sets it up for USB midi. You would have to design your own pcb and write your own code. I had to use one of those on a HID project. When I had extra time I tried the midi config and it worked.
    It was recognized as a USB midi device on the pc. 
    post edited by mikedocy - January 11, 17 1:48 PM
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