Acoustic Guitar Mic

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November 06, 17 4:31 PM (permalink)

Acoustic Guitar Mic

Bought an Audix i5 for recording acoustic guitar, but I have to turn the gain all the way up in order to get close to a decent level.  Thinking I need a cardioid condenser.  Any recommendations for $150 or less would be appreciated.

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 06, 17 4:48 PM (permalink)
    I get really good acoustic recordings with my AKG C200B.  Highly recommended.  Ebay has used ones in your price range.
    *for me, in as dead a room as possible, i aim the mic at the soundhole, while it is positioned 8-10" from the neck at the 7th fret(ish).
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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 06, 17 5:03 PM (permalink)
    My mike for recording is a little CAD I bought a pair on a Stupid deal for $32
    I find large diaphram are too boomy so the little guys are awsome. Very natural sound. 
    Live I use a SM 57 and the built in PU. 

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 06, 17 5:14 PM (permalink)
    I've had great luck with the RODE NT-1A.
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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 07, 17 3:45 AM (permalink)
    SDCs usually end up being preferable on acoustic.  They have a more natural off axis response which will sound more open than an LDC, and a more detailed transient response.  Not many good choices under $150.  For $199 you can get a pair of Rode M5's.  And I'll take a stereo recording over a mono one any day of the week.  You won't get the same results as true quality condenser mics, but miles beyond a dynamic.  

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 07, 17 1:20 PM (permalink)
    I've had great luck with the RODE NT-1A.

    +1, really nice mic for the money.


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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 07, 17 3:53 PM (permalink)
    I've found the AKG Perception 220 to be a full bodied mic good for acoustic gtr and vocals.

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 07, 17 4:01 PM (permalink)
    Yes, a small diameter mic is often used as much as a large diameter condenser.  I bought 2 Oktava Mk-012s for $100 from Guitar Center, but that was many moons ago when they blew them out.  Great, if darkish mics, which worked well in the early days of DACs which tended to be a bit harsh.  Still great mics, but they are 10x expensive now, and you have to be careful of Chinese knock offs used.
    Although SDC are first choice, if you are forced to use one good mic, I'd get a LDC since it is more useful on more things, especially vocals (tho I've used SDCs on them too).  At the $150 level I'm not sure what I'd get.  You might get find a Blue spark on sale.  And it looks cool.

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 08, 17 3:02 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the suggestions, still doing research.
    Found some nice demos of the Rode M3 on YT.
    post edited by CarvinAbuser - November 08, 17 3:35 PM

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 08, 17 3:34 PM (permalink)
    I find the user reviews on Sweetwater a good source of hands on info. 
    Asking on these types of forums is a very narrow overview of the world of audio. But at least you can trust us :) 

    Johnny V  
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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 14, 17 10:40 PM (permalink)
    Please forgive me if you know better than this, but I want to make sure.  You are using a preamplifier right?  Lots of people who complain about not getting enough volume aren't using a preamp.  The quality of the preamp will have a huge effect on the quality of the mic.  You can make a good mic sound bad with a bad preamp, and a bad mic sound a lot better with a good preamp.
    Anyways, I agree with the Rode NT-1A assessment above, and if you can afford it, it's bigger brother the Rode NTK is my favorite mic for any source in the guitar/vocals frequency range.
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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 15, 17 2:11 AM (permalink)
    No problem, thanks for the suggestions.  I'm aware that a preamp can make microphones hotter.  I've always recorded directly to an interface and never had any trouble until I recently started recording low volume sources like classical guitar.

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 17, 17 3:50 PM (permalink)
    I have used both LDC and SDC mics. The main difference with respect to recording acoustic guitars is the bass tends to be more dramatic on an LDC and I find myself notching out a lot of it especially if playing a large body guitar.
    Of course, a lot of that has to do with mic placement. I find LDC mics more boomier for acoustic guitar recordings. While it's perfectly ok to use an LDC you might need to put in an EQ and get rid of some bass after you record it. No sweat.. I usually play a smaller body Martin which lends itself well to LDC recording. 
    Good pencil mics are the favored way. I don't have a good pair, so I usually resort to doing it with LDC and notching the bass.

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    Re: Acoustic Guitar Mic November 17, 17 4:39 PM (permalink)

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