Added Volume Automation in a MIDI track, now I cannot grab/highlight the Clips, help!
Hi, all!
I'm sorry for the brusqueness, I'm on a deadline. I just got X1, loving it! Sooo fast. And, you'll all be happy to know I sold my Mac 8 core, ditched Digital Performer and Logic, and bought a custom Studio Cat rig, running a mad fast Sonar X1 on it! ;)
Loving it! I have a quick question, if anyone can help.
So, I'm using Stylus. Made a four bar MIDI groove, in a MIDI track (standard clip). Then, I activated the Volume Write function (CC#7) on the MIDI track. Pressed play, and recorded a volume swell on the track. It shows up as a nice envelope.
Now, however, I can't seem to "get the clip" to be on top, and grabbable. Right now, my MIDI track shows the volume envelope on top, and bright, and the clip is now dull, and "in the back" of the track. I cannot grab the clip at all, all I can do is maneuver/edit the volume envelope.
Can anyone tell me how to "switch back and forth" between the track focus, so that I can focus on the envelopes, then focus on the clips, so that I can edit them?
Thanks, everyone!
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