Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes

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November 13, 16 12:08 AM (permalink)
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Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes

Hi Peeps,
Lately, I have been using lots of automation in my creations. Here is a typical example:-

I know that you can edit the A1, A2 etc. to contain something more meaningful, but I find that there isn't enough room to write what I want. And the width of the current text box isn't expandable, as far as I am aware.
I think it would be nice to have a much larger text box in the space just below the main track and to the right of the widgets in the automation lane. We could then add what ever comments we feel is necessary to remind us exactly what we are using the automation for.
And, even though I hardly use Take Lanes, it may be a good idea for those too.
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    Re: Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes November 13, 16 12:15 AM (permalink)
    +2 (2)
    There is a text box in take lanes. There is not one in automation lanes though.

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    Re: Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes November 13, 16 12:18 AM (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    Im all for this idea.
    Sometimes I lose track of what my automation is for and why I created it.
    especially on heavily automated tracks (multiple lanes).

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    Re: Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes November 13, 16 12:20 AM (permalink)
    There is a text box in take lanes. There is not one in automation lanes though.

    Ah! Thanks, I didn't realise that, because I don't really use them.
    In that case, could we have the same for Automation Lanes please?
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    Re: Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes November 13, 16 12:39 AM (permalink)
    +1 (1)
    Voted. I think there should be an option to show/hide those big text boxes in Take lanes (because I rarely use them), and the lane name fields should be largely expandable. 

    Tak T.
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    Re: Adding a Text Box to Automation and Take Lanes November 14, 16 12:52 AM (permalink)
    You can rename the automation lanes as a short term solution.  But the name box has a maximum size that will only display about 15 characters.
    Better than nothing, but the lack of a text box when it's already a feature on take lanes is questionable.
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