Allways have a second drive
I'm sure some of you have been through this already, but each time I do an upgrade on the system, I get 2 drives, and one I have all the stuff onto the first drive (Sonar , wavedata, apps, etc) then I clone the drive.
Well, I just did the upgrade to a new motherboard and CPU(i7 2600k) and windows 7 pro would not cooperate because of some sysprep thing, would not start, after considerable head scratching, I went back to the old motherboard and ran the sysprep thing to generalize the drive, then put the drive back into the new computer, got things up and running now. Another useful thing about having 2 bootable drives is if you get a nasty virus on the first drive that your antivirus software cant get rid of, boot from the second drive and scan the first.
Hope someone finds this helpful
Cheers Doug