Am I bugging or is X1?

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2011/03/06 23:15:00 (permalink)

Am I bugging or is X1?

I use the layer function on the track view and now in X1 it seems to act a bit different.  I will setup a loop area and record a few takes and then when done ill select the files i dont like and trash.  In X1 when i laso a region opposed to selecting it, it will delete any files that are in that range on on any layer in that track.  Other tracks not affected but, i ultimately loose my good take, and the only way a around it is to individually select the regions i want to delete and zap one at a time.  

Is this me or anyone else see this?


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    Re:Am I bugging or is X1? 2011/03/07 00:43:37 (permalink)
    Seems like a number of people have reported lassoing to be broken in X1, and it's in the lineup of things to be fixed.  Working with layers though, I understand what you're doing - we all weed out the takes we don't want, but isn't it just as easy to select the rejected clip and the push Delete rather than lassoing?  It's the way I've always done it, so it's just natural to me.  But seems like that works just as well--?


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    Re:Am I bugging or is X1? 2011/03/07 01:54:08 (permalink)
    Maybe this is something to do with the smart tool? Maybe make sure you have the Select tool selected before trying to do the lasoo? You could also just mute clips that you don't want to hear. I usually do that in case I ever change my mind about which was the best take.
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    Re:Am I bugging or is X1? 2011/03/07 04:10:13 (permalink)
    yea meant to mention in the original post already tried to use the actual tool and not the smart and still the same result.  As far as selecting the one clip and deleting yea its ok if its just one.  but sometimes ill jjust loop record and do a few takes and then just snag the best one.  May end up doing 10 passes or so.  So the muting does work in other instances but these other takes i know i wont need cause i choos the best then or comp it out.  then i just wanna be able to ditch the trash and keep things neat and easy to nav

    thanks for the replies anyways
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