Re:Audio Clarity
2010/11/13 03:58:53
If ya could go up to User Control Panel, and give the pros here some info, like pc specs, type of hardware, software, it makes life easier, and will get you more responses. At the top also there is a support drop-down, click on Guitar Pro, and lots of info! I believe it covers that question word for word, in the troubleshooting section of manual. Could be a hundred different things, and is the most asked question on these pages, so maybe look around and see if ya see something similar. Buffer settings, interface adjustments, just too hard to tell from lack of info, but someone will help, maybe! Really need to get more info. Good luck, and just trying to save ya some unanswered posts without that precious info (Users Control Panel)!
HP Pavilion dv6 Intel Duo Core 2 2.20GHz T6600, Windows 7 x 64, Guitar tracks Pro 4, SonarX1dEXP,SonarX2Prod. 8.5.3, Focusrite Saffire 6 USB, JBL monitors, Alesis SR-16, Guitar Rig 4 Pro, PRS SE, Epiphone Les Paul Custom, Cort SJ-10 ,Steven Slate 3.5, Akai MPK25, Glyph GT 050Q (500GB)RP1000