Re: Audio File Maintenance Questions
2017/03/07 14:57:43
☄ Helpfulby meh 2017/03/08 05:23:01
Utilities > Consolidate Project Audio:
Important Overview:
The reason to "Consolidate Project Audio" is to clean up your "takes"
getting rid of any tracks that aren't really going to be used in the project.
Consolidation cleans your audio folder by copying only the audio used in the project
to a new folder typically called "songname_xx backup"
(xx beling anything from 1a through 9z) and creates that folder inside
of your ../songname/audio folder.
All original audio files will still be available inside of ../songname/audio
and only the audio used in that particular version of the song will be copied to
../songname/audio/songname_xx backup .
An example of audio not used in a project would be:
Imagine you record a lead vocal, save the .cwp and then re-record the same vocal
on an other track or even the same track, replacing the original take.
So ... in your "audio" folder both takes will still be there, even if only
one track and one take is used in the project.
When you "Consolidate..." Sonar will know what audio is in the .cwp
and what is not, and will only backup the audio that is used in that
particular version of the song. ( remember ... version is songname_xx )
"If" you're cutting tracks and you're cutting 1 track at a time and
not deleting takes, removig clips, and generally keeping the first take
of every track, then there's no need to consolidate.
If you're wanting to keep old versions of the song for reference, then
you should consolidate *that particular version* and then move the
consolidated audio folder called "songname_xx backup" to ../songname/_archive,
which will be a new folder you make inside of your songname folder.
You should also move that particular .cwp of the song into _archive .
How to Consolidate:
1) Save your .cwp as a newer version. ( songname_xx )
2) Choose: Tools > Consolidate Project Audio ...
... answer OK to questions.
CTRL+S to save again and close Sonar.
3) Open ../songname/audio and copy all audio files to a folder you now make
called _trash
Open the folder called "songname_xx backup" and CRTL+A (to select all)
CTRL+X (to cut) move up one level back into songname/audio and CTRL+V (to paste).
Minimise the folder.
4) Open Sonar ... GO > ALT+F > 1, to open the last .cwp
to double check that there are no lost files.
If Sonar doesn't complain then:
Minimise or close Sonar,
Maximise the folder, highlight both "_trash" and "songname_xx backup"
and SHFT+DEL to permanently delete both.