Audio Input

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September 14, 16 7:34 AM (permalink)

Audio Input

Getting something weird. My interface is definitely going to my computer. I can see on the "recording device" it's there and getting sound.

Cakewalk is registering that it's there, when I go into preferences, the Scarlet Solo (interface) is listed as an option. It's selected as the default and only option.

However, when making an audio track, I can't get it to list my device as being there. I pull down the menu and it says

1. None
2. Selected Track Input Series
3. Selected track Inputs....

And I can't arm the track for recording. 

This is a new problem as I've been using Music Creator for years. 

Windows 10
MME driver

Possibly related, Music Creator is starting up SUPER fast. Like I doubt it's doing its usual start up routine. I can hear previously recorded audio, but nothing new can be recorded. I'm getting frustrated because nothing's really changed on my PC, but now it's unable to record. 

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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 8:34 AM (permalink)
    First... make sure everything is using the same bit setting.... 32 bits or 64 bits. 
    Windows 10 is 64 bit so be sure everything is running on the same 64 bit platform....
    Next... I noticed you listed MC6...Windows 10.... MME driver...... and you are running a Scarlett Solo interface.  Doesn't the Solo interface use ASIO?  I'm pretty sure it does because it's a Focusrite.  Load and switch to the proper driver (ASIO) and see if that makes a difference.

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    "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer 
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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 2:41 PM (permalink)
    The Solo DOES run ASIO, but when using the ASIO driver I get problems with running to both headphones and speakers. It likes to run to both instead of letting me choose. I could probably revisit the issue. 

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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 2:43 PM (permalink)
    There it is... I can only use the speakers output on my Scarlet with the ASIO driver. Which would be fine if I didn't want to record something that wasn't looping back from speaker to mic. 
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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 2:45 PM (permalink)
    Also, the preferences for MME Driver have always worked. They still work in the preferences menu. It's just when selecting for the individual track that MME has disappeared. This is also a recent development. It used to be that MME devices showed up as an option. It just no longer does. 
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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 2:52 PM (permalink)
    When using the ASIO driver, the "Playback Device" switches to "Focusrite Scarlet ASIO Output 1". Which is my speakers. But I'm currently using the standard speaker output on my computer so that I can use my computer for even one thing that isn't Cakewalk. Additionally, it prevents Cakewalk from going out of the headphones. ASIO CAN record... but then I'll have to switch drivers to playback. That's garbage. 
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    Re: Audio Input September 14, 16 3:16 PM (permalink)
    If the Scarlet was setup to handle all PC audio with the audio monitors and headphones connected to the Scarlet, there would be no need to switch audio interfaces or driver modes in MC.
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    Re: Audio Input September 26, 16 3:58 AM (permalink)
    The problem there, Scook, is that I don't want or need all of my computer's audio running through my Scarlet. If it were a computer I only used to record. No problem. But I use it for other things. And while it's perfect for recording, I like to mute and unmute things all the time, something the Scarlet can't handle. But the MME driver is made to be more versatile, something I really need. 

    To top that off, now that I've tried ASIO dedicating the scarlet to not just recording but handling all audio... I get drop out almost instantly as soon as I start recording. As in within the first second. This Asio driver is completely useless. There's gotta be another problem and Asio isn't the solution. I wish I could use my MME driver to record again... that was working fine. Suddenly selecting the MME sound (as it plays and records sound from the scarlet) doesn't work for some reason. If you can't help with that, I'd really rather wait for someone who knows how to work with the system I use and like. 
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