AudioSnap and Disappearing Transient Markers
I've been having an issue with AudioSnap and transient markers disappearing.
At first, the transient markers would disappear while I'm doing the edits. I would get to a certain point and realize that the markers I want to select were magically gone! I called Cakewalk Tech Support and the guy told me to bounce the clips to see if that fixes it, and if not, copy the clips to a new project and bounce the clips there. I did this, and it worked! I was able to make it through the whole song without a single disappearing transient marker. However...
Then I went to save and reopen the project and my heart sank - disappearing transient markers in the same place. I have attached links to some photos of this crazy-ness.
The situation is as follows: This occurs on the two lower tracks, not the top (which is the track I used as the "master time track", from which I copied the markers and used the "Merge and lock markers" feature). When I zoom in, the markers disappear and are non-selectable (even if I try to lasso the top tracks active marker). When I zoom out, the markers reappear, however they are unselectable in the region where I zoom in they disappear. The only way I can select those disappearing markers is to zoom out, and lasso them with a known active marker. - Zoomed out, all markers are visible, but some are non-selectable. - Zoomed in, some markers start to disappear AND the audio snaps back to original place (as if AudioSnap were disabled on that track) - Zoomed in again, lots of markers disappear and audio snaps back to original.
Through all of this, the top track is flawless.
Let me know if I need to supply more information.
Thanks in advance.