While I agree that the R button should be disabled by default, I have a very strong feeling that the Bakers will never consider changing the behavior (unless the request receives 20+ votes). So, although I voted, I recommend either using the Automation lanes (since the button to expand/collapse them is disabled by default), or create track templates with the R button disabled (a quick test here only half disabled the R button in terms of MIDI tracks, though).
Thanks for support guys.
If having a track in TV high enough, there is a blueish marker on the automation lanes button - but [R] is high up and always visible, kind of(depending on the filter you might have),
So really useful at a glance to view status.
But even better - in console view - you don't have this lanes button at all - so [R]-button even more useful. This make it really useful all the way through the mixing process.
I constantly find myself thinking
- can I use fader or is there automation already?
As a workaround I go and turn off [R]-button and that works well - but having it grayed without any intervention would be even better.
My initial thought was a preference setting if have this or not - so we can decide behavior.Maybe a couple of checkboxes even - to decide a visible state on what is there - don't know.
With as long history as Sonar it's bound to be liked as is by many too.
And good call from FreeFly also - the lanes behavior need some attention,If open and then close lanes - volume automation goes away and is not considered to have automation.
And behavior of [-]-button in lane close it too - and no automation if untouched, but if automation is there show ghost in main track - but with a color that is invisible unless selected, or set clip custom color that makes that dark green visible.
So a custom color entry for ghosts, please, so we can match with the theme we run. I remember it took me a while to figure out how to actually remove automation - you have to enter clip area and remove it there. Not entirely intuitive, in my view, I thought [-]-button did that(but takes lane has an [x]-button for that).
The more hours you spend using Sonar - the more it matters with these little things.
post edited by lfm - May 24, 15 5:19 AM