Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation

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May 23, 15 9:25 AM (permalink)
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Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation

Have loads of projects I go back and work on - and have a hard time figure out what tracks I actually have automation on or not - so if to just move faders or do offset mode and do faders etc. And did I put automation on bus, or any of child tracks etc.
And color of automation is not visible unless track is selected - the ghost have some dark color not visible and is not configurable.
I see that [R] is on by default - and started to manually turn that off, until I put something there.
And will try to remember turn that off immediately when creating a track.
Really good indicator I think to know you can just move fader on that track without going into automation or look for it.
I think an option to have that [R]-button grayed by default until putting anything there - is my request.
Cannot see that would be any harm in any case at all.
And now opening old projects I have to go through and implement this idea manually the first thing I do - turn off [R] where there is nothing.
Would be neat, if just grayed.
Any love - you decide and vote...
5 stars is, I really want this
3 stars - would be ok, I guess
1 star - my god, I don't want this

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    Re: Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation May 23, 15 2:06 PM (permalink)
    +4 (4)
    yes, this would be very helpful.
    alongside please fix the behaviour that when you expand the automation lanes but have not recorded any automation yet, an automation lane gets added automatically for volume (if you don't select any other parameter and just collapse automation lanes again) ... this prevents later volume changes of the track (acts like a stuck fader on the control surface until you figure that Sonar once again put this automation lane there)

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    Re: Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation May 24, 15 1:29 AM (permalink)
    While I agree that the R button should be disabled by default, I have a very strong feeling that the Bakers will never consider changing the behavior (unless the request receives 20+ votes). So, although I voted, I recommend either using the Automation lanes (since the button to expand/collapse them is disabled by default), or create track templates with the R button disabled (a quick test here only half disabled the R button in terms of MIDI tracks, though).
    alongside please fix the behavior that when you expand the automation lanes but have not recorded any automation yet, an automation lane gets added automatically for volume

    Oh yes, Bakers, please don't automatically create a Volume automation envelope (still happens even if I disable the R button on the track strip first). I only want to control my Kontakt instruments' volumes using the faders on the Kontakt GUI. This means I have to right-click on the track's Volume control and select "Disable Control" every time I mistakenly click on the Automation Lanes button (since it's positioned right next to the Take Lanes button).

    Tak T.
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    Re: Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation May 24, 15 4:59 AM (permalink)
    While I agree that the R button should be disabled by default, I have a very strong feeling that the Bakers will never consider changing the behavior (unless the request receives 20+ votes). So, although I voted, I recommend either using the Automation lanes (since the button to expand/collapse them is disabled by default), or create track templates with the R button disabled (a quick test here only half disabled the R button in terms of MIDI tracks, though).

    Thanks for support guys.
    If having a track in TV high enough, there is a blueish marker on the automation lanes button - but [R] is high up and always visible, kind of(depending on the filter you might have),
    So really useful at a glance to view status.
    But even better - in console view - you don't have this lanes button at all - so [R]-button even more useful. This make it really useful all the way through the mixing process.
    I constantly find myself thinking
    - can I use fader or is there automation already?
    As a workaround I go and turn off [R]-button and that works well - but having it grayed without any intervention would be even better.
    My initial thought was a preference setting if have this or not - so we can decide behavior.
    Maybe a couple of checkboxes even - to decide a visible state on what is there - don't know.
    With as long history as Sonar it's bound to be liked as is by many too.
    And good call from FreeFly also - the lanes behavior need some attention,
    If open and then close lanes - volume automation goes away and is not considered to have automation.
    And behavior of [-]-button in lane close it too - and no automation if untouched, but if automation is there show ghost in main track - but with a color that is invisible unless selected, or set clip custom color that makes that dark green visible.
    So a custom color entry for ghosts, please, so we can match with the theme we run.
    I remember it took me a while to figure out how to actually remove automation - you have to enter clip area and remove it there. Not entirely intuitive, in my view, I thought [-]-button did that(but takes lane has an [x]-button for that).
    The more hours you spend using Sonar - the more it matters with these little things.
    post edited by lfm - May 24, 15 5:19 AM

    Cubase Pro 9 with SA2015 as backup - W7 i7 2.8GHz 16G GeForce GT 730 - RME HDSP 9632 + AI4S
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    Re: Automation [Read] button grayed until you actually entered any automation May 24, 15 10:14 AM (permalink)
    But even better - in console view - you don't have this lanes button at all - so [R]-button even more useful. This make it really useful all the way through the mixing process.
    I constantly find myself thinking
    - can I use fader or is there automation already?
    As a workaround I go and turn off [R]-button and that works well - but having it grayed without any intervention would be even better.

    True. To be honest, I didn't really use automation in Sonar during the last couple of years for some reason and have just started re-learning it recently. And I do wonder if automation data already exists in the track I'm looking at. I always create a new project from my custom project template that contains a large number of tracks. Next time I edit it I'll turn off all R buttons at once (by Quick Grouping)... 

    Tak T.
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    Turn off the default R being on. July 27, 16 11:32 PM (permalink)
    Turn off the default R set to on. It makes no logical sense to have it set to ON for new tracks with no autamation in them.
    I would prefer to think for myself... the way it seems here... I should say “I record everyday” I want the record buttons ON as default and ready to record when I setup a new track…
    Truly I prefer a clean slate…  “Nothing on” .

    Hay look,
    Somethings are not locked in stone... lol 3/18/2019
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