Awakened by Reality - Mix tweaked and remastered

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September 02, 11 8:22 PM (permalink)

Awakened by Reality - Mix tweaked and remastered

I tweaked the mix and remastered the song. This song is going on a compilation CD for the Rock Vs. Hunger charity event that Una Mas Records and the Uber Radio Network are sponsoring. I have mainly been focusing on songwriting and not production until this opportunity came up.  I am looking for feedback on the mix and mastering. 
Hi everyone!  Here's another song on my Surreal Nightmares album.  Part five of the nightmare.  Check it out on Reverbnation:
It's called "Awakened by Reality".  All instruments are done with softsynths.
post edited by Dreambliss - October 15, 11 5:02 PM

Luke Sarro
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 03, 11 5:49 PM (permalink)
    Well, the songs forum must be busy again, if this can get near the bottom before anyone comments on it!  I guess that's a good thing, eh?  :) 

    Anyway, GREAT stuff here!  You know I'm no expert, but this sounds seriously good!  :)
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 03, 11 9:08 PM (permalink)

    I would kick those drums up a notch? And kick the mix in the a** with some EQ.
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 04, 11 3:43 PM (permalink)
    Luke, that was freaking incredible.  It was like you took the listener on a musical roller coaster.  Some very creative and inventive synth work there along with excellent performances.  Loved it, and I'll second Janet's question as to how this can not be getting more play.  Bump it 'til they all listen... it's worth it 
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 05, 11 4:48 PM (permalink)
    That's a pretty big one. I like the Twilight Zone quote in there :-) At least on the crappy speakers it all sounds pretty good to me. There's some very "Tool but more pissed off" moments in there :-) It's got enough variation and movements to keep it interesting as an instrumental.

    Dean Roddey
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 07, 11 9:15 AM (permalink)
    Great job again Luke.  Very eerie and dark, especially the guitar riff towards the end.  Really clean, tight mix too. Nice work.

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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 10, 11 12:09 AM (permalink)
    Amazing guitar sounds for softsynths, really impressive. This is excellent stuff Luke, a really well put together track.


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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 10, 11 6:21 PM (permalink)
    Agreed this is a very nice track.  Overall seemed mixed very well, with plenty of changes etc, to keep things intretesting. I especially like the intro.

    My only caveat is that lead sound that comes in at around .45 seems a bit harsh/loud to me.  Like unpleasently so.   If you could make that sit back a bit, or take the edge off just slightly, you would be good to go IMO.


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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 10, 11 6:48 PM (permalink)
    Holy Bejesus, this is fantastic! What a great musical mind you have!

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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 12, 11 4:55 AM (permalink)
    loved this Luke. very well-programmed indeed! some cool riffs and you got that creepy vibe down perfectly! you write sometimes like i do, ie throwing in the odd 'wrong' note just to add a little sense of weirdness. this is gonna be one epic album!

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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 12, 11 3:51 PM (permalink)
    Yeah, this is the complete product for sure -- forceful execution, cool chord changes, and what looks to be an interesting storyline for the entire album.  Bump!

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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 15, 11 7:14 PM (permalink)
    @Janet – Thank you Janet!  I’m starting to escape my musical boundaries.  It feels good!  . Wait till you hear my next song.  You’re going to melt.  It’s not as heavy and it’s more emotional (well the second half of the song anyways) than what you’re used to hearing out of me.  It’s almost complete!  WOOHOO!
    @bandontherun19 – Thanks man.  Do you think the drums overall need to come up a notch or just maybe perhaps the kick/snare?  What do you feel is lacking from EQ?  I appreciate the feedback!
    @philz – Thanks Phil!  I love taking listeners on an unexpected ride.  I’m glad you enjoyed this!
    @droddey – Thanks Dean!  Any Twilight Zone resemblances weren’t intentional, but since the music is dark, it makes sense!  As always, I like to change things up to keep it interesting, even if it’s just subtle changes.
    @MetalTeK – Thanks man!  I appreciate the comments!  I love eerie and dark stuff… and it’s what I do best
    @jamesg1213 – Thanks James!  I use Electri6ity for the guitars.  I’ve spent some time tweaking and getting the realism and tones I want out of it.  I'm thrilled with the results.
    @Kroneborge – Thanks Mathew!  I agree on that lead that comes in at :45.  I’ve been struggling to get that under control.  A few days ago I tweaked it which helped, but I still need to take off a little bit more of that edge.  I may end up using a spectrum analyzer to find the offending frequencies and either fix it with EQ, or create a new signal chain in Guitar Rig 4.
    @Scottytunes – Thanks Scotty!  I’m glad my mind is good for something!  LOL.  I really appreciate the comments, especially coming from one hell of a fiddle player! 
    @mgh – Thanks Mark!  I’m glad you enjoyed this!  I love throwing in those “off” notes here and there.  It creates tension and a sense of weirdness, which fits perfectly with my style.  My next song, which as I mentioned is almost done, definitely contains more of those “off” notes!  .

    @cwestmont – Thanks man!  After I’m done with the album, I’m going to finish the backstory, which will basically be a series of short stories to explain the events in each song.  Then I’ll compile all of those stories into a novel, explaining in more detail along the way.
    post edited by Dreambliss - September 15, 11 7:19 PM

    Luke Sarro
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 16, 11 2:59 PM (permalink)
    @droddey – Thanks Dean! Any Twilight Zone resemblances weren’t intentional, but since the music is dark, it makes sense! As always, I like to change things up to keep it interesting, even if it’s just subtle changes.

    Oh, the reason I said that is that you quote the Twilight Zone theme there in one pretty prominent line at one point.

    Dean Roddey
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 16, 11 6:31 PM (permalink)
    Very creative material. Mix feels like it could use a tad more low end but it works as is. Would fit well into a horror movie or trailer even. Good stuff!

    Ed Edge

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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 16, 11 6:52 PM (permalink)
    "@bandontherun19 – Thanks man.  Do you think the drums overall need to come up a notch or just maybe perhaps the kick/snare?  What do you feel is lacking from EQ?  I appreciate the feedback! "

    Blissy, I listened again, it just seems (to me?) that for the style of music? The "sound and feel" of that drum track should be more agressive... I can't really hear the kick that well? Or rather, "I can't feel it?" I hear the cymbals fine? Maybe compress them a bit more, and bring the overall track up some, and give a bit more thump to that kick. But to me? The overall mix needs a kick/boost in the low end, maybe with a MB Compressor, like in Ozone on the master? This isn't bad? It just feels like, again for this style? It needs to be "more agressive...." 

    And please keep in mind? That anything I say may be wrong? And probably is? :-(

     But I want to give you my honest feedback.
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    Re:Awakened By Reality September 18, 11 12:13 AM (permalink)
    Hey Luke,

    Wow, amazing work here. Killer riffs, chord changes and arrangement.

    Really creepy/cool vibe...excellent stuff.


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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 5:04 PM (permalink)
    I hate to bump this but...

    I tweaked the mix and remastered the song. This song is going on a compilation CD for the Rock Vs. Hunger charity event that Una Mas Records and the Uber Radio Network are sponsoring. I have mainly been focusing on songwriting and not production until this opportunity came up. I am looking for feedback on the mix and mastering.

    Luke Sarro
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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 5:26 PM (permalink)
    Hey Luke awesome stuff man.  I would not of guessed the guitar to be a soft synth, nice job.  The mix sounds great here.  Very creative and tight.

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 8:13 PM (permalink)

    I hate to bump this but...

    I tweaked the mix and remastered the song. This song is going on a compilation CD for the Rock Vs. Hunger charity event that Una Mas Records and the Uber Radio Network are sponsoring. I have mainly been focusing on songwriting and not production until this opportunity came up. I am looking for feedback on the mix and mastering.

    If you could fix that kick drum where it comes through harder and phatter (or fatter whatever you prefer ;) ) I think that would help the low end a lot that some are talking about.  I would love to hear this with that kick drum really comming through nice and solid.
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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 10:13 PM (permalink)
    pretty convincing "guitars" considering that they are not guitars.

    very creative stuff.

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 11:02 PM (permalink)
    Not my cup of tea at all. But, very impressive work. 

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 11:19 PM (permalink)
    Man, I am diggin all your tunes. 2 thumbs up!

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 11:34 PM (permalink)
    I remember this one. I wish I could comment on the mix. I'm currently stuck on notebook speakers :-( I'm sure it's much better though.

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 15, 11 11:35 PM (permalink)
    great mix(es)!!
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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 16, 11 3:38 AM (permalink)
    I really like this. I usually find I get a bit bored by most instrumental stuff but there's plenty of changes to keep my interest all the way through. It certainly has the eerie & haunted, especially the intro.

    I'm also pretty amazed if all the guitars are synth, the 'chugging'  especially is very realistic. Mix sounds good to me, great music.
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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 16, 11 4:16 AM (permalink)
    Hi, Luke,

    This is really very cool, thematic sounding, and Electr6ity sounds fantastic on this!

    As always, good creative songwriting, and great playing and production, Luke, nicely done!

    Have a good one!

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    Re:Awakened By Reality October 16, 11 6:04 PM (permalink)
    Nice sounding stuff! The mix is really good. I can't believe it's all synths!

    Well done!

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