I might wait to hear the new reverb in X2 first.
It's Breverb light basicly Star...
So, if you've heard Breverb...then you've heard Breverb X2....more or less..
The users of Aether and Breeze are certainly not the they are
pricier then others....Valhalla, for example, which is a great reverb...
But, and this is IMHO, they just don't seem to have the REALNESS that Andrews
verbs do...My TSAR-1R is great...just not as "alive"
PerfectSpace is a really good Convo...just seems "flat" to me, if you know what I mean...
Breverb is a really good reverb,
TSAR-1 is a really good reverb,
There are a lot...but, to my ears, they don't have the "sparkle" that Andrews do...
Can't explain it...just have to try it for yourself and see ...because we're all different..