Helpful ReplyBand in a Box vs Sonar

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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar August 16, 18 4:10 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby richardskeltmusic August 16, 18 4:46 PM
Is it just me or are the bass parts from BiaB always 1 octave low and nded to be transposed up +12 to work properly?

Many synths, including Dim Pro, have their bass patches programmed to respond to playing an octave higher on the keyboard to facilitate playing/recording with controllers having fewer keys. These patches will sound an octave low if the part is played as notated on an un-transposed keyboard where MIDI note number 60 is middle C (261.6Hz when tuned to A-440).
Transposing the MIDI up an octave is the easy way of dealing with this, but it would be more correct/consistent to re-program the synth/patch to respond normally.

SONAR Platinum x64, 2x MOTU 2408/PCIe-424  (24-bit, 48kHz)
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Brian Cadoret
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar August 16, 18 5:25 PM (permalink)
Is it just me or are the bass parts from BiaB always 1 octave low and nded to be transposed up +12 to work properly?

In the Preferences/Channels of Band in a Box you will notice the Bass channel is set at -1
If you change this to 0 it will export midi at the correct pitch.
Hope this helps
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar August 16, 18 5:48 PM (permalink)
Brian Cadoret
Is it just me or are the bass parts from BiaB always 1 octave low and nded to be transposed up +12 to work properly?

In the Preferences/Channels of Band in a Box you will notice the Bass channel is set at -1
If you change this to 0 it will export midi at the correct pitch.
Hope this helps

That's interesting. Is -1 (octave) the default, or are you speculating based on the symptoms? If both BiaB and the synth were transposing, it would sound two octaves low.
EDIT: Just checked my BiaB 2016 install. It does default to -1 octave for the Bass. Never exported a bass part so I never noticed. Thanks for the heads-up.

SONAR Platinum x64, 2x MOTU 2408/PCIe-424  (24-bit, 48kHz)
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Re: Band in a Box vs Sonar August 18, 18 2:01 AM (permalink)
Some of the suggestions on here to turn cakewalk into Dr T's Keyboard controlled synthesizer level ii software are amusing.  The Amiga was so far ahead of its time that some of the messages and features of that program I still don't see implemented.  Especially the Lvl 2 manual.  That was well written.  You needed a physics' degree to appreciate it  I still feel there are things in there that haven't shown up.  Maybe I'm incorrect  but it's worth looking at either through Steem the Atari ST Emulator,Tims midi  or Tosec Amiga.  So is Notater another program far ahead of its time. 
I find the history of these computers fascinating.  Also the number of creators companies that by buying out other companies is not that many on the PC.  These older computers had many people who designed competitive programs.  I mean there were 25 Word Processing programs for the Amiga as opposed to 4,  Word, Worperfect, Open office LIbre office.   Which is surprising when you really look at how much software really exists?  It's not as much as people think.  
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