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May 20, 18 4:54 AM (permalink)

Bandlab Clarification Please

Instead of getting a launch menu offering the saves I've made to my current project I'm now getting an internet redirect to download a new update for my "Cakewalk Sonar Platinum" software from Bandlab.  I understand that Bandlab is the new owner of the software but I have ignored this download for some time so let me explain the source of my resistance and perhaps someone could ease my concerns.
"A free Streamlined version"...  I paid for mine.  Nothing is free.  What begins as free ALWAYS ends up costing you and any assertion on my part that I have spent thousands on Kontakt, instruments, and processors to make this system work will be "My Problem" when Bandlab demands a return for their investment.  The word, "streamlined," used to be a good one but it has lost its innocence.  It used to mean allowing you easier and better access to what you wanted but now its code for removing options and choice to allow the developers to give us what they want to give us regardless of what we want.  I really fear that the new update will remove things I use and need rather than give me extra stuff.
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.  I like being unavailable and away at my discretion.  I don't use "the Cloud" for anything and I have no need to "Collaborate" with anyone.  Now, I realize that many musicians that use this DAW will want many of these features and that is fine but will I still be able to use it with Kontact 5, Spitfire audio files and others, away from the internet to create MY music as I have done?
I've been burned before.  I was an owner of Logic Platinum Audio for PC and I knew this software completely.  All my music was in the Logic Audio Format and then it was bought out by Apple.  My upgrade agreement was pronounced null and void unless I spent thousands on a high-end Mac and went back to "computer school" to learn a new computer environment.
So while Bandlab promotes its new features that I have no need for, sound more like buzz words for the social engineering of conformity and are saying I wasted my money on something that's now free, I want to know what I will lose by downloading this "not quite up to scratch to charge money for" upgrade.              
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 6:57 AM (permalink)
CbB as it sits today is the core SONAR program release for November, plus some additions. It being "core" needs to be understood, since it is not the "Platinum package" but rather the core program, which is essentially an "upgraded Home Studio" version (which was also given away after the abandonment by Gibson).

As far as functionality, it will "socket with" any other programs/modules that were visible inside Platinum.

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 7:45 AM (permalink)
Mettelus, please excuse my ignorance.  I know I harbor a lot and that's a good starting position as far as I can see.  So this new download "is not the "Platinum package" but rather the core program, which is essentially an "upgraded Home Studio" version".  Okay, so now I am panicing.  The feature lists of more expensive versions of software are divided into two categories:  "What it can do" - functionality and connections, and, "How much it can do" - numbers and size.  The latter could be the number of tracks, files, instruments, etc or the size of these and other settings.
So, I'm thrilled that the functionality will allow the same connections I had before, but is my downgrade to the Home Studio version going to limit the number of tracks, instruments or ANYTHING I had in the Platinum Professional DAW?  Since I am a cellist composing symphonic orchestrations I could lose Gibson and not even realize it so not every loss is a problem and I do need to keep up to date to mesh with the PCs constantly updating its drivers.  However, I really do need to know exactly what I'd be losing in order to go forward.  Thanks.  
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 8:04 AM (permalink)

If you install Cakewalk by Bandlab without uninstalling your previous Sonar Platinum
the new version will not be limited at all. You can use all your Platinum features in the new version
as long as you keep both installations (the old Sonar and the new Cakewalk).

It will just run better and crash less.

In order to install the program you will temporarily need an internet connection for your PC.
After it's installed, you won't need the internet anymore.

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 8:05 AM (permalink)
You'll also get the new replace track template feature,
which is cool for VST orchestration.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 8:53 AM (permalink)
The only way you will lose anything is if you make the dumb move of uninstalling Platinum.
Assuming you don't do this then you'll have access to everything you enjoyed in Platinum with the new version.
Also, please remember Platinum will not get any more updates, CdB will

CbB, Platinum, 64 bit throughout
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 9:35 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby smoddelm May 21, 18 0:41 PM
As has been said, there is nothing to stop you having both installed and that is in fact what you should do if you intend to use the new version as it will maintain the ability to use everything that you have now. *
* However,  the bandlab version is 64 bit only, which may be or may not prove to be an issue for you. I've never managed to get Miroslav Phiharmonic, for example, to work in 64 bit Platinum, so I'm sticking with Platinum (where I can use it in 32 bit version) until such time as bandlab offers a compelling reason to use their version which tbh I don't expect to be any time soon.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 10:17 AM (permalink)
I have been a Cakewalk Pro Audio/Sonar X*/Platinum user for 20-odd years.  In that time I have changed machines several times and each time simply downloaded an re-installed my setup.  And the company has changed hands a couple of times before, but each time the whole shebang was included in the deal.  The Bandlab transfer is obviously quite different.  I appreciate that it's a way better outcome than it could have been, but it is still worrying -  I have just downloaded my Cakewak product/serial# list and there are 52 entries!  I get it that we're OK while the Gibson servers are still running, but does anyone more technical than me know if we can protect our systems in the event that they stop?  
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 1:11 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby karhide May 20, 18 4:51 PM
Cakewalk by Bandlab is not Home Studio - that is misleading. It is Sonar with all the add-ons removed so it's like you just installed the Sonar DAW only and didn't install all the plugins and everything that came with it. So it is the core software with a new name and new updates.
If you install it, but also keep Splat installed with all its add ons, you can run Cakewalk by Bandlab and it will be just like running Splat with new updates and no loss of functionality.
Looking at the future, Bandlab will be migrating all Cakewalk user accounts to their new system. I imagine at that point you will be able to download and activate your legacy Cakewalk products, including those that you got with Platinum and you probably won't have to keep the old Sonar Platinum installed to use them with the new Cakewalk DAW. There's a huge amount of transitional work they have to go through first to make that happen though.
Looking further to the future, Bandlab makes the core Cakewalk DAW available for free, and will most likely sell the additional add-ons as optional extras to new users who don't already have them. I expect they will also continue to develop new add-ons that they can sell.
So in short, you are not losing anything that you had before. You are only gaining through new updates, features and bug fixes. Cakewalk will help drive Bandlab's music platform and will probably be a great marketing asset for Bandlab. Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there which will make Bandlab a market leader and help them corner the market to sell Cakewalk add ons that will fund development going forward. The DAW conspiracy theorist community don't seem to be able to grasp how this situation is probably the best thing that could ever have happened to Cakewalk and its users.

Splat, Win 10 64bit and all sorts of musical odds and sods collected over the years, but still missing a lot of my old analogue stuff I sold off years ago.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 2:52 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby markno999 December 30, 18 5:42 AM
Your writing as if the company you dealt with still exists and is subject to update/ upgrade policies even though you admit yourself its a new company so you cant trust them to provide the "Same" program... Sorry too say, your wrong it is the same program udated and developed by the "Same" group under a "new" name and ownership and as has been stated without 3rd party content. It's as simple that and "Free" to install or even not install. Your plugins will still work, there are "No" limitations or time limits.

Sorry for all the "Quotation" marks but only 7 months ago we were told that Sonar was dropped and ceased developement, which you probably know so in emphasis I went a little overboard. Could be a little impatience but hopefully you wont take offence.

I am glad BandLab picked it up, If they hadn't we wouldn't be having this discussion and be stuck with what we got and no way to continue in the developement cycle so for the umpteenth time thanks are deserved and appropriate.

It's your choice though, I suggest you at least try it out.

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 4:03 PM (permalink)
Instead of getting a launch menu offering the saves I've made to my current project I'm now getting an internet redirect to download a new update for my "Cakewalk Sonar Platinum" software from Bandlab.  I understand that Bandlab is the new owner of the software but I have ignored this download for some time so let me explain the source of my resistance and perhaps someone could ease my concerns.
"A free Streamlined version"...  I paid for mine.  Nothing is free.  What begins as free ALWAYS ends up costing you and any assertion on my part that I have spent thousands on Kontakt, instruments, and processors to make this system work will be "My Problem" when Bandlab demands a return for their investment.  The word, "streamlined," used to be a good one but it has lost its innocence.  It used to mean allowing you easier and better access to what you wanted but now its code for removing options and choice to allow the developers to give us what they want to give us regardless of what we want.  I really fear that the new update will remove things I use and need rather than give me extra stuff.
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.  I like being unavailable and away at my discretion.  I don't use "the Cloud" for anything and I have no need to "Collaborate" with anyone.  Now, I realize that many musicians that use this DAW will want many of these features and that is fine but will I still be able to use it with Kontact 5, Spitfire audio files and others, away from the internet to create MY music as I have done?
I've been burned before.  I was an owner of Logic Platinum Audio for PC and I knew this software completely.  All my music was in the Logic Audio Format and then it was bought out by Apple.  My upgrade agreement was pronounced null and void unless I spent thousands on a high-end Mac and went back to "computer school" to learn a new computer environment.
So while Bandlab promotes its new features that I have no need for, sound more like buzz words for the social engineering of conformity and are saying I wasted my money on something that's now free, I want to know what I will lose by downloading this "not quite up to scratch to charge money for" upgrade.              

I'm with you on your thinking, but as long as you live in the western world and don't plan on dying any time soon ... you will own a mobile telephone. It's becoming mandatory to function in society and for the tax man to get his cut ... it's just a question of time. And I don't see no resistance movement taking shape.
With on line activation you have already crossed the bridge of self-sufficiency, and with the company issuing your license in effect out of business ... all is lost. You can write off your monetary expenditures. The main argument against, and worst case scenario for on-line activation has happened. Your left with nothing, except your existing install.
Do you get it ? 
It's only due to the grace of the company that bought the IP from Cakewalk inc., that this forum still is active.
Check out your options in the stickies on top of this page. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.  

OS:Win7x64 SP1 CPU:i5/8GB/SSD DAWs : CbB, FLS, SO2, (Reaper) etc. To much Gear, not enough wires. 
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 4:31 PM (permalink)
i keep reading that as "lunch menu"

just a sec

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 6:03 PM (permalink)
Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there 

If that truly is the business model Bandlab is hinging their success on, they're going to fail miserably I'm afraid. 

If gear was the determining factor, we would all have a shelf full of Grammies and a pocket full of change.  -microapp
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 6:54 PM (permalink)
Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there 

If that truly is the business model Bandlab is hinging their success on, they're going to fail miserably I'm afraid. 

I suspect BandLab might have a slightly more sophisticated business model.

OS:Win7x64 SP1 CPU:i5/8GB/SSD DAWs : CbB, FLS, SO2, (Reaper) etc. To much Gear, not enough wires. 
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 9:35 PM (permalink)
Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there 

If that truly is the business model Bandlab is hinging their success on, they're going to fail miserably I'm afraid. 

No one knows, so shall we wait and see? Or just moan because Cakewalk got rescued - again? If you make a high-end DAW free, it is likely to dominate the market. That's not a bad bet, is it?

Splat, Win 10 64bit and all sorts of musical odds and sods collected over the years, but still missing a lot of my old analogue stuff I sold off years ago.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 10:00 PM (permalink)
Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there 

If that truly is the business model Bandlab is hinging their success on, they're going to fail miserably I'm afraid. 

No one knows, so shall we wait and see? 

You wrote as if you knew. Forgive me for assuming same. My bad.

Or just moan because Cakewalk got rescued - again?
Wasn't moaning. At all.
If you make a high-end DAW free, it is likely to dominate the market. That's not a bad bet, is it?
Its not a bet I would put any money on. Reputations die hard and Sonar has a reputation problem. Making it free isn't going to help that issue and quite possibly may only serve to reinforce it. I could be wrong and I hope I am. But I wouldn't risk any of my hard earned cash on that bet.

If gear was the determining factor, we would all have a shelf full of Grammies and a pocket full of change.  -microapp
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 10:28 PM (permalink)
Because Cakewalk is a high end, professional DAW available at no cost, it is likely to become the most popular, most supported DAW out there 

If that truly is the business model Bandlab is hinging their success on, they're going to fail miserably I'm afraid. 

No one knows, so shall we wait and see? 

You wrote as if you knew. Forgive me for assuming same. My bad.

Or just moan because Cakewalk got rescued - again?
Wasn't moaning. At all.
If you make a high-end DAW free, it is likely to dominate the market. That's not a bad bet, is it?
Its not a bet I would put any money on. Reputations die hard and Sonar has a reputation problem. Making it free isn't going to help that issue and quite possibly may only serve to reinforce it. I could be wrong and I hope I am. But I wouldn't risk any of my hard earned cash on that bet.

Yea sure, but you wouldn't want to be trying to sell it it would you? Cakewalk is still well respected, and going by the recent updates it looks like they are serious about making it even more so. They do have some bad karma to shake off though.

Splat, Win 10 64bit and all sorts of musical odds and sods collected over the years, but still missing a lot of my old analogue stuff I sold off years ago.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 10:49 PM (permalink)
The only way you will lose anything is if you make the dumb move of uninstalling Platinum.
Assuming you don't do this then you'll have access to everything you enjoyed in Platinum with the new version.
Also, please remember Platinum will not get any more updates, CdB will

Just a thought: I'll probably be buying a new desktop PC in the next few months.  Will I need to install on it both my Sonar Platinum (by downloading from the Comand Centre) and Cakewalk by Bandlab?  i.e. are these two now Siamese twins for ever?  The corllary being that the Command Centre must stay active for ever as it's the only repository of all the extra stuff I bought for Platinum?

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 10:52 PM (permalink)
The only way you will lose anything is if you make the dumb move of uninstalling Platinum.
Assuming you don't do this then you'll have access to everything you enjoyed in Platinum with the new version.
Also, please remember Platinum will not get any more updates, CdB will

Just a thought: I'll probably be buying a new desktop PC in the next few months.  Will I need to install on it both my Sonar Platinum (by downloading from the Comand Centre) and Cakewalk by Bandlab?  i.e. are these two now Siamese twins for ever?  The corllary being that the Command Centre must stay active for ever as it's the only repository of all the extra stuff I bought for Platinum?

This is definitely the case for the moment, at least until BandLab has done all the migration of our accounts & products.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 20, 18 11:18 PM (permalink)
The corllary being that the Command Centre must stay active for ever as it's the only repository of all the extra stuff I bought for Platinum?

You can install Melodyne essential and addictive drums 2 without command centre.

I do believe much of what's currently missing in Cakewalk by Bandlab will be added back for purchase for those who haven't previously purchased Platinum, but some of it might not, and if you want all of it, then yes. You'll always need both installed.
John T
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 21, 18 1:01 AM (permalink)
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.     

I own a mobile phone. I'll admit to having some mixed feelings about mobile phones, but it seems necessary to the line of work I'm in, which means I'm often not near a land line.
But I'll tell you what, I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if I'd become a slave. It seems improbable that I don't think I'm a slave, but I'm mistaken about that.
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 21, 18 5:49 PM (permalink)
John T
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.     

I own a mobile phone. I'll admit to having some mixed feelings about mobile phones, but it seems necessary to the line of work I'm in, which means I'm often not near a land line.
But I'll tell you what, I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if I'd become a slave. It seems improbable that I don't think I'm a slave, but I'm mistaken about that.

Well you know how the saying goes : The best slaves are those who believe they are free ... :) 

OS:Win7x64 SP1 CPU:i5/8GB/SSD DAWs : CbB, FLS, SO2, (Reaper) etc. To much Gear, not enough wires. 
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 21, 18 8:05 PM (permalink)
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  
There were people who felt the same way about indoor plumbing. And don't get them started on electricity or those new fangled horseless carriages. 

If gear was the determining factor, we would all have a shelf full of Grammies and a pocket full of change.  -microapp
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 21, 18 9:35 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Karyn May 21, 18 10:40 PM
Cakewalk by Bandlab is not Home Studio - that is misleading. It is Sonar with all the add-ons removed so it's like you just installed the Sonar DAW only and didn't install all the plugins and everything that came with it. So it is the core software with a new name and new updates.

This ^.
CbB is the identical core SONAR Platinum program with numerous fixes and new features coming by the month. Just as it was before. The word streamlined applied to the removal of content and some plugin's that were distributed under agreement from third party companies. Those were not Cakewalk property and their removal doesn't diminish the value of the core program in any way. We have some major new features, enhancements and bug fixes coming in the next months. Installing CbB is no different in principle than when it was installed via command center.

Noel Borthwick
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John T
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 21, 18 11:24 PM (permalink)
John T
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.     

I own a mobile phone. I'll admit to having some mixed feelings about mobile phones, but it seems necessary to the line of work I'm in, which means I'm often not near a land line.
But I'll tell you what, I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if I'd become a slave. It seems improbable that I don't think I'm a slave, but I'm mistaken about that.

Well you know how the saying goes : The best slaves are those who believe they are free ... :) 

Really though. I mean, I use to arrange to meet friends for a drink and to call my family and stuff. It really doesn't feel like slavery.
Self-build PC // 16GB RAM // i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz // Nofan 0dB cooler // ASUS P8-Z77 V Pro motherboard // Intel x-25m SSD System Drive // Seagate RAID Array Audio Drive // Windows 10 64 bit // Sonar Platinum (64 bit) // Sonar VS-700 // M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 // KRK RP-6 Monitors // and a bunch of other stuff
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please May 22, 18 0:01 PM (permalink)
John T
John T
I do not own a mobile phone...  Let me rephrase that.  I WILL NOT OWN A MOBILE PHONE, a tablet, or any other push technology.  I don't like the way they have ushered in yet another addiction to "the Age of the Rude, the Shallow and the Stupid" and  turned us into slaves.     

I own a mobile phone. I'll admit to having some mixed feelings about mobile phones, but it seems necessary to the line of work I'm in, which means I'm often not near a land line.
But I'll tell you what, I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if I'd become a slave. It seems improbable that I don't think I'm a slave, but I'm mistaken about that.

Well you know how the saying goes : The best slaves are those who believe they are free ... :) 

Really though. I mean, I use to arrange to meet friends for a drink and to call my family and stuff. It really doesn't feel like slavery.

Relax, it was intended as a joke. I see we don't share the same humor.

OS:Win7x64 SP1 CPU:i5/8GB/SSD DAWs : CbB, FLS, SO2, (Reaper) etc. To much Gear, not enough wires. 
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please December 30, 18 2:02 AM (permalink)
I apologize.  I left this conversation because I really have only one piece of music left to finish and I was hoping I could just do so without bothering with Bandlab.  I have less than 18 months before the big sleep and I'll be bedridden for some of that but to do what I want to do, I can already see potential issues where driver incompatibilities could force my hand.
However, the advice in this thread is ambiguous.  Since I don't know what prompts or choices I'll get when I upgrade and a roll-back or do-over, being highly unlikely, I need to know what to do in more exact terms.  For example:
If you install Cakewalk by Bandlab without uninstalling your previous Sonar Platinum
the new version will not be limited at all. You can use all your Platinum features in the new version
as long as you keep both installations (the old Sonar and the new Cakewalk).

Normally, an upgrade process finds your installation and overwrites those parts that require change.  You do not uninstall your current installation even though the process will uninstall some of it for you.  By "keep both installations" it appears that overwriting my current installation is not what is being recommended and that I should install Bandlab as a separate installation.  How much separation should I aim for?  I have 6 SSDs of 1TB each.  Should I install on a separate drive?  And, how do I get Sonar Platinum's additional features to register in the Bandlab installation if they are separate?
And this is the downside of "Free" that I raised.  If I was paying for Bandlab I would demand that they provide the detailed documentation outlining the upgrade process complete with graphics of each prompt, and the outcome of each choice but because it is free I am left to depend upon the kindness of strangers and can demand nothing.  While I am pretty sure, almost certain, and quietly confidant that the process itself will make all abundantly clear, the mere possibility that it will not is unacceptable.  I just do not have the time to learn Cubase or Pro-Tools from scratch.  

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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please December 30, 18 3:58 AM (permalink)
The upgrade to CbB is similar to upgrading from an older/lesser version of SONAR to Platinum.
After the upgrade both DAWs are available.
Everything installed with 64bit Platinum is accessible in CbB.
Both DAWs have their own folders in program files, Cakewalk Content, user directory, programData and registry entries.
There are a few shared registry entries such as the location of "Cakewalk Content" and the default project directory.
The "shared folders" are upgraded. This means updated versions of the plug-in manager and scanner. Also the Dx plug-ins and PC modules are overwritten but this does not mean much as they have not changed in some time.
Don't get too exotic with the upgrade. Put CbB on the same drive as SONAR. The worst that can happen is you don't like CbB. If that is the case, uninstall BandLab Assistant and CbB then re-run the SONAR installer (or rollback and roll forward using CCC).
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please January 02, 19 12:00 AM (permalink)
However, the advice in this thread is ambiguous.  Since I don't know what prompts or choices I'll get when I upgrade and a roll-back or do-over, being highly unlikely, I need to know what to do in more exact terms.  For example:

You must know about Image backups, right?  Norton Ghost v.15 for Windows 7, or Acronis True Image and others for Windows 10.

So simply make an image backup of your C-drive before the new install of CbB, and stop worrying.  Restore the image if you have bad dreams.
Brian Walton
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Re: Bandlab Clarification Please January 02, 19 5:36 PM (permalink)
And this is the downside of "Free" that I raised.  If I was paying for Bandlab I would demand that they provide the detailed documentation outlining the upgrade process complete with graphics of each prompt, and the outcome of each choice but because it is free I am left to depend upon the kindness of strangers and can demand nothing.  While I am pretty sure, almost certain, and quietly confidant that the process itself will make all abundantly clear, the mere possibility that it will not is unacceptable.  I just do not have the time to learn Cubase or Pro-Tools from scratch.  

Maybe if you put a few hundred bucks in the tip jar you would feel better about the program not being free.

post edited by Brian Walton - January 02, 19 9:44 PM
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