AnsweredBehringer HD400 ... works!

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November 01, 13 11:26 PM (permalink)

Behringer HD400 ... works!

This thread was previously titled "delete".. so I though of posting something instead of just leaving it blank.
My monitor speakers pick up noticeable but soft noise (sort of whooshing sound) when I move the mouse or scroll the webpage. It's been going on for a while.
I've decided to give the Behringer HD400 a try.. and I'm happy to say that it works well. No noise, hum or hiss when I turn up the Quad Capture vol to max (when there is no audio running). I'm really happy with the result.

post edited by tomixornot - November 26, 13 6:35 AM


i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz / MB Intel DP67BG / 16GB Ram
- ADATA 250GB SSD (Boot)
- Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB HDD (Samples)
Audio interface : Motu 828 MK ii
i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz / MB Asrock Z170 / 16GB Ram
- Samsung EVO 850 120GB / 500 GB SSD

Audio interface : Roland Quad Capture
Win 10 Pro / Sonar Platinum
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! November 26, 13 6:37 AM (permalink)
..bump (for the update)


i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz / MB Intel DP67BG / 16GB Ram
- ADATA 250GB SSD (Boot)
- Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB HDD (Samples)
Audio interface : Motu 828 MK ii
i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz / MB Asrock Z170 / 16GB Ram
- Samsung EVO 850 120GB / 500 GB SSD

Audio interface : Roland Quad Capture
Win 10 Pro / Sonar Platinum
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! November 26, 13 6:48 AM (permalink)
Sounds like System Sounds are still turned on.  I have Windows System Sounds disabled (none). 
I have an Octa Capture and do not get any "swooshing" sounds like you are (were) getting.  I have my studio monitors connected directly to the Octa Capture.

"GCSG Productions"
Franklin D-10 Pedal Steel Guitar (primary instrument). Nashville Telecaster, Bass, etc. 
ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero M/B, i7 6700K CPU, 16GB Ram, SSD and conventional hard drives, Win 10 Pro and Win 10 Pro Insider Pre-Release
Sonar Platinum/CbB. MOTU 896MK3 Hybrid, Tranzport, X-Touch, JBL LSR308 Monitors,  
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! November 26, 13 8:00 AM (permalink)
Fireberd, thanks for the suggestion.
Now I had my Windows Sound set to 'no sound', as well as disabling the Windows sound device. Removing the HD400 and the whooshing sound is back (have to place your ear next to the monitor to hear it). Placing the HD400 back, again removes the noise. I suspect it may be due to me staying quite near to the power line. It's about 400 to 500 km meter away.
post edited by tomixornot - November 26, 13 1:21 PM


i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz / MB Intel DP67BG / 16GB Ram
- ADATA 250GB SSD (Boot)
- Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB HDD (Samples)
Audio interface : Motu 828 MK ii
i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz / MB Asrock Z170 / 16GB Ram
- Samsung EVO 850 120GB / 500 GB SSD

Audio interface : Roland Quad Capture
Win 10 Pro / Sonar Platinum
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! November 26, 13 8:53 AM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby tomixornot November 26, 13 1:22 PM
That HD400 is for a "ground loop hum" problem.  You must have a ground loop problem rather than what you are describing.
 It is copied after the EB-Tech hum eliminator.

"GCSG Productions"
Franklin D-10 Pedal Steel Guitar (primary instrument). Nashville Telecaster, Bass, etc. 
ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero M/B, i7 6700K CPU, 16GB Ram, SSD and conventional hard drives, Win 10 Pro and Win 10 Pro Insider Pre-Release
Sonar Platinum/CbB. MOTU 896MK3 Hybrid, Tranzport, X-Touch, JBL LSR308 Monitors,  
Ozone 5,  Studio One 4.1
ISRC Registered
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! November 26, 13 1:43 PM (permalink)
That might just be the case. All my power supply came from a single wall outlet, through a power regulator, but that didn't help. My guitar sounds noisy at certain times, otherwise it's clean.
I actually bough the EB-Tech hum eliminator (XLR) at the same time too, but have not tested it yet. Hoping to get a clean guitar sound from the EB-Tech.. otherwise a call to the electrician may be in order.


i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz / MB Intel DP67BG / 16GB Ram
- ADATA 250GB SSD (Boot)
- Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB HDD (Samples)
Audio interface : Motu 828 MK ii
i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz / MB Asrock Z170 / 16GB Ram
- Samsung EVO 850 120GB / 500 GB SSD

Audio interface : Roland Quad Capture
Win 10 Pro / Sonar Platinum
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! December 18, 13 8:17 AM (permalink)
I also have a Quad Capture and used to get this problem. For me the problem occured when running my old Dell laptop from the mains supply - laptops (particularly Dell) are notorious for this problem. Of course I could have run the laptop on batteries, but this is far from an ideal solution.
I solved it on my rig by flipping the ground lift switch on the back of the Quad Capture - this eliminates the problem for me. However, I've also changed my laptop too, and don't actually need to have the switch engaged - but it certainly helped when I had the dell.


Current configuration:
Core i3 Laptop / 8GB RAM; Sonar Platinum (replaced with REAPER); Roland Quad Capture interface; Alesis Micron; Roland XP30; Akai Mini MPK; Akai S2000
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! December 20, 13 9:18 PM (permalink)
It's an odd problem for me, I've tried flipping the ground lift switch of the Quad Capture, but somehow, the noise level seems higher after doing so.
I've also managed to clean up the grounding issue I can think off. Once there is a small leak, I felt small current running through the metal parts of the Quad Capture, my guitar string, etc.. it was traced to a bad power plug multi socket. After changing that, the leak is gone, but the noise still persist.


i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz / MB Intel DP67BG / 16GB Ram
- ADATA 250GB SSD (Boot)
- Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB HDD (Samples)
Audio interface : Motu 828 MK ii
i7 6700K @ 4.00GHz / MB Asrock Z170 / 16GB Ram
- Samsung EVO 850 120GB / 500 GB SSD

Audio interface : Roland Quad Capture
Win 10 Pro / Sonar Platinum
Cactus Music
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Re: Behringer HD400 ... works! December 22, 13 4:37 PM (permalink)
Not sure if this is related, but I used to "hear" mouse movment on a system I had. It wasn't a woosh, but a sort of putt, putt, putt noise as the mouse moved around. You only noticed it with headphones on. I wrote it off as some sort of RF interferance genorated by the mouse sending info to the MOBO.
The mouse was hardwired USB.

Johnny V  
Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
3 Desktops and 3 Laptops W7 and W10
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