Re: Best DAW speedy workflow tips?
October 21, 18 4:17 PM
Track and project templates!
I have different project templates for different types of projects. For example, for straight-up rock/pop/blues my project template automatically creates track folders labeled "Drum/Perc MIDI", "Drum/Perc AUDIO", "Synth MIDI", "Synth AUDIO", "Guitars" and "Vox". It also supplies reverb and drum busses. It preloads Superior Drummer 3 with internal routing already set up and separate tracks for kick, snare, OH, toms and room. That's a half hour saved right there. If the project will contain orchestration, I have track templates that save just as much time, loading Kontakt with 4 channels, creating 4 MIDI and 4 audio tracks (bass, cello, viola, violin).

All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to.
My Stuff