Re: Best way to disguise edit audio overs?
2017/07/18 16:02:11
It sounds as though the OP's overs are significantly long, since overs typically only become noticeable when they span hundreds (or thousands) of samples, in which case manual editing isn't practical. If that's the case (as opposed to just finding a handful of overs and fearing they might be audible), then you have just two options: substitution or hiding.
In some cases, you can copy-and-paste another bit of the track over the offending bit. Careful crossfading can make it seamless in the mix. If that isn't possible, use the masking effect to your benefit. Use automation to dip those parts and raise something else with a similar frequency signature to cover it. You might even add a new part just for that purpose like a shaker or tambourine. If it's short, a crash cymbal hit might be sufficient to mask it. If not, a short piano run can be made to sound like it's complementing the guitar but in reality is taking over briefly to cover it up.
All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to.
My Stuff