Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs

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August 02, 11 8:15 PM (permalink)

Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs

Hey everyone, 

I've been interested in mixing some songs and chopping them up(much like the boulevard of broken dreams/wonderwall chop by oasis/greenday) using my midi keyboard and either .wav or .mp3 files in MC5.  My friend recently showed me how to bind certain audio files(such as small clips from a song) to a specific key on his midi-keyboard, but unfortunately he uses Logic and the process to bind the files to the keyboard is not applicable to MC5.  Does anyone know if MC5 is capable of performing this task?  I've looked all over support and the forums but haven't found anything yet.  And the email I sent to tech support has been unanswered for over 2 weeks now lol.  Any help is appreciated.


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    Re:Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs August 02, 11 8:48 PM (permalink)
    Welcome, Rob.
    That isn't a function of the DAW itself, but it c an be done with a VST sampler.
    Here's one I like for what you are wanting to do:

    Sam! 1.3 is the one I use.
    It plays wav files, so you would need to convert your MP3's to wav first.
    Importing your MP3's into MC5 will create wav files that you can work with.
    With Sam! 1.3, you can assign up to 24 different wav files to separate keys, and you have several parameters you can adjust for each one, if needed.
    Check it out.

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    Re:Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs August 03, 11 11:04 AM (permalink)
    Dropzone used to be what you would use for that, but I don't remember if DZ is still being bundled with MC5 or MC6 or not.  I'll see if i can remember to check it out.
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
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    Re:Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs August 03, 11 4:59 PM (permalink)
    Thank you guys for the replies, I'll be looking into both of them.  Appreciate it.

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    Re:Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs August 03, 11 8:46 PM (permalink)
    I do have dropzone in MC6, the problem, however, is that I'm not sure if MC6 scanned it from a previous installation or not.
    i7, 16G DDR3, Win10x64, MOTU Ultralite Hybrid MK3
    Yamaha MOXF6, Hammond XK3c, other stuff.
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