Re:Binding .wav and .mp3 files to Keyboard for chopping songs
August 02, 11 8:48 PM
Welcome, Rob.
That isn't a function of the DAW itself, but it c an be done with a VST sampler.
Here's one I like for what you are wanting to do: Sam! 1.3 is the one I use.
It plays wav files, so you would need to convert your MP3's to wav first.
Importing your MP3's into MC5 will create wav files that you can work with.
With Sam! 1.3, you can assign up to 24 different wav files to separate keys, and you have several parameters you can adjust for each one, if needed.
Check it out.
My Soundclick Page SONAR Professional, X3eStudio,W7 64bit, AMD Athlon IIx4 2.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 64bit, AKAI EIE Pro, Nektar Impact LX61,Alesis DM6,Alesis ControlPad,Yamaha MG10/2,Alesis M1Mk2 monitors,Samson Servo300,assorted guitars,Lava Lamp
Shimozu-Kushiari or Bob