Bus envelopes don't move with track edits???

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2017/02/06 17:10:01 (permalink)

Bus envelopes don't move with track edits???

Hi there,
I have to move a song intro later, I edit the tracks and move the clips to where I want them, all good BUT the buss automation stays where it was and doesn't move with the selected tracks. I selected the busses as well but the envelopes don't move. Pulling my hair out.
What am I doing wrong???

Jono Grant (Film and TV Composer)
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    Re: Bus envelopes don't move with track edits??? 2017/02/12 13:31:06 (permalink)
    Is anybody out there? This seems like a pretty basic question: How to move buss envelopes with tracks?
    >> I slide tracks to a new location but buss envelopes stay where they were, I need them to move as well. I select "all", so I would only assume the buss envelopes would be included in the group of things I wish to move but they don't. Perhaps they would move in a "cut/paste" situation but I am sliding tracks.

    Jono Grant (Film and TV Composer)
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    Re: Bus envelopes don't move with track edits??? 2017/02/12 13:44:49 (permalink)
    There is a cut/copy/paste special under the edit tab that should do what you want.

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    Re: Bus envelopes don't move with track edits??? 2017/02/12 14:16:20 (permalink)
    It makes sense to have the option to move track automation with clips because you're essentially automating the audio of those clips specifically, but I don't think it would make sense for Sonar to move bus automation with track automation because a bus might be fed with multiple tracks. If bus automation is moved then it affects the sound of all tracks which feed that bus, so it would be crazy for Sonar to assume that this is what you intended. I guess they could include an option to link bus automation to track automation, but I think there would be far fewer cases in which users needed this behavior than there are cases in which users need to move track automation with clips. Adding options adds to the overall complexity of the program (and also increases the potential for a user to do things unwittingly) and so Cakewalk have to consider just how useful and popular such an option would be. 
    Besides, it's not that hard to move the bus automation manually. 

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    Re: Bus envelopes don't move with track edits??? 2018/04/03 01:38:46 (permalink)
    i have the same probleme here. 
    then how to move alll busses automations with all the tracks? 
    i just want to move all the projet. busses automations HAVE to follow!

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    Re: Bus envelopes don't move with track edits??? 2018/04/03 05:39:35 (permalink)
    Ripple Editing?

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and http://www.reverb.com. Listen to my music on http://www.YouTube.com/thecraiganderton, and visit http://www.craiganderton.com. Thanks!
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