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COMPLETED: The Analog Summing Experiment
I am keen on trying analog summing and comparing to ITB (software) summing. So, I thought I would document the process for those of you interested in this sort of thing... I bought a Midas Venice 320 console to use for summing. I have a UAD Apollo 16 that will send 16 channels from the PC to the back half of the Midas board. The front half of the board will be used for the mic pres and sent into the Apollo 16 INs. Ultimately, I'd like to add an API 2500 to mix into as a bus comp on the Master Inserts - and compare to the UAD version (that I love). I got the board in tonight and I'm starting to get things hooked up. This board is primarily designed for live use so the routing is limited. It should work well for my purposes, but I left the Fractal Axe FX plugged directly into my PA speakers because I couldn't route through the board to a stereo monitor bus, only mono. The photo is a little dark, but you can see where this is going. Below the board is the Fractal Axe FX, a RAC12 controller for it, and an original Echoplex EP3. I intend to leverage the Echoplex using the fx1 send of the board (probably via a patch bay). The Apollo will go in the rack to the right that's under the desk, as will the comp.
post edited by smallstonefan - May 20, 17 4:38 PM
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 10, 17 4:21 PM
I'd say you're probably not interested any more in ITB summing....or summin like that ;)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 10, 17 6:35 PM
Starise I'd say you're probably not interested any more in ITB summing....or summin like that ;)
We shall see! LOL I have to believe there will be a difference, but will it matter?
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 10, 17 7:32 PM
This is interesting: This is a boring subject actually and also has been done to death. I get the fact you may use the mixer live and that is great but if you think it is somehow going to transform your mix you may be disappointed. Many great engineers are ITB now that started out mixing on a console. That fact alone says it all. If the music ideas are great and the mix is great then it won't matter so much. If the music and the mix are average then nothing will improve it either. The fact now we have some great console emulations going on has made things even more interesting. Be careful how you do any tests. Many AB tests are flawed and I could probably shoot a giant hole in your method. If you are going to do this then you would only be able to use the analog mixer with no EQ or no processing applied anywhere. (and even then how would you know for sure that even with all your EQ's set for no eq is it truely flat or not. Can the EQ be switched out?) Panning would have to be carefully set. Pan laws taken into account. Exact fader positions on both mixes ITB and outside etc. You have to go to a lot of trouble to remove any possible variables. There was a great article in Audio Technology magazine a few years ago and I wish I could find it but cannot unfortunately. They did this exact thing and displayed the mix as a very complex three dimensional plot and both were identical and I mean identical. The fact that in that link above a room full of great ears all chose the ITB mix over all the others that were console mixes certainly shows something don't you think. The convenience of ITB mixing alone puts it miles ahead.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 10, 17 8:34 PM
Hi Jeff, I appreciate your input! I'm not really expecting anything - certainly not a trans-formative experience. I love gear and experimenting and learning and can fortunately afford to indulge my interests. :) I can actually bypass the EQs on this board to take them out of the equation. Not sure why I would need to worry about pan laws - I will be pretty much sending left/right signals. The mixer channels will either be panned hard left, hard right, or center. In the end, if it sounds good it is good, right? I also believe that the point would be to mix INTO something like this, but I am absolutely excited to see if just running a mix through the summing portion (unity gain on pres, nothing like EQ in the channel) has any noticeable effect. If it does, I'll take it from there... Look, there is nothing that magically makes a mix awesome. However, everything in the process does SOMETHING. You could argue (successfully) that a pro engineer could use Sonar stock plugins and make a mix that would crush anything I did with my UAD plugins. Same with Dave Gilmour plugging a Squire into a practice amp vs. me playing a vintage strat into a vintage amp; he would create tone because he is Dave Gilmour. However, I am MUCH better off using the nice guitar/amp. The question is, do the UAD plugins, using a nice Fender instead of a Squire, or summing through a console give ME better results given my abilities and other gear? That is the real distinction here that most people miss - it's not whether or not analog summing is better, the question is "is this a tool that helps ME get better results?" I intend to find out. I'll post the details as I go - and absolutely feel free to shoot holes in my methodology as you find them - I truly welcome that!
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 10, 17 9:00 PM
I think you should do some experimenting and I would be interested hearing the results too. Pan laws come into play if you pan a mono source centre on the analog mixer. You need to match that in the ITB case too. But if as you say you are going to use stereo sources then that is a great way to get around it. A null test would be interesting to do too as long as you can replicate everything perfectly on the analog mixer and the ITB situation. You have to be careful where you feed your input signals in as well. I have found from experience that input Mic Pre gain settings are not all equal between channels. Even if they are set to full anti clockwise etc. You would have to start by bypassing any input Mic Pres and feed signals into direct tape returns etc..try to avoid any variables there. After years of using consoles and then going over to a digital mixer I have really discovered that every analog mixer actually imparts a sound onto your mix. Not the summing engine so much but everything else. Sometimes it may not be that great. Unless you are using state of the art analog mixers which most of are not. Most mixers are in the medium range category. I mixed an album on large format Tascam mixer a few years ago and it sounds pretty nice too but then after going all digital I started hear the sound of that mixer. When I remixed one of those album tracks digitally in the end I preferred the digital mixer. The analog sound started to become more apparent to me. This is just me but once I got used to the pristine transparent sound that an all digital world offers I started to hear the analog sound more and it colours the sound slightly. Everybody thinks analog is superior but it is actually inferior. If there are any transformers involved you are getting distortion. What I do love now though and this is something no analog mixer can do is the fact we can pass parts of our mix through analog sounding plugins but leave other parts alone. When you do a mix on an all analog desk it is applying its sound to every source. There is no way around it.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 0:44 PM
Hi Jeff, I love this stuff and appreciate the dialog! I think you should do some experimenting and I would be interested hearing the results too. I will record clips throughout the process. I'll make the high-quality files and post on my dropbox. Happy to hear your thoughts on any specific tests. Pan laws come into play if you pan a mono source centre on the analog mixer. You need to match that in the ITB case too. But if as you say you are going to use stereo sources then that is a great way to get around it. I'm not sure what you mean by match it. My thinking is the pan pot probably plays a role in the analog summing equation. The Daw sums it one way - the console another way and I'm not understanding the need to match anything other than they both pan center. Perhaps I should clarify my thoughts on feeding this. I plan to create some stereo buses like you would with the Brauer technique. So, a stereo bus for the drum kit, one for perc, one for reverb, one for fx, etc. Then some mono busses - one for bass, one for vocals, etc. The idea would be to try and spread things across as much of the 16 channels as possible. I think I can use up "8 stereo tracks" pretty easily. Now with Pres, this gets interesting. I was going to go Line In and set the gains to Unity. That would still pass the signal through the pres though. I can also go Insert, which bypasses the preamps. I might actually like having the preamps in the signal - you never know so I'll probably try both. If going through the pres though I will have to send some test signals into each channel to tune the gain to unity on each pre. Same with EQ - I can do it with EQ on but flat, or EQ removed from the chain. Again, I think the purest test is Direct In (bypassing pres) and with EQ removed from the signal chain. I have really discovered that every analog mixer actually imparts a sound onto your mix. I hope this is true, and I hope I like the Midas sound. :)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 9:55 AM
Cool! I'm interested in following your progress here. I just invested in Waves NLS and will try that on a couple of mixes tonight to see what it adds. I work primarily in Logic on a personal basis so no more PC console emulator for me :( However, I have used hardware summers on several occasions before. In my case(s) it's been just summing boxes and not a console like yours. So far, the box with the most to offer - to my ears - has been the Thermionic Culture Fat Bustard. That made 5 mixes for an EP sound like night and day. The software alternatives I have tried didn't offer that much and some other summing boxes couldn't quite live up to that one either. But in every case, there's been a difference. I've been wanting to get a Fat Bustard but for some reason, I haven't. I hope NLS can offer back some of what I miss from Cake's PC module. But I still believe that a good hardware summing device adds something special. I hope your experiment here will shed some light on this. Best of luck and have fun!
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 11:24 AM
smallstonefan Again, I think the purest test is Direct In (bypassing pres) and with EQ removed from the signal chain.
Keep in mind that cables and patch cords impact the sound significantly. That is, the impact is both measurable and audible.
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 11:36 AM
Soundwise Keep in mind that cables and patch cords impact the sound significantly. That is, the impact is both measurable and audible.
Excellent point! I will try to make the comparison as clean as possible, but in the end I am really looking for whether I like it "better" with or without going out to the console. I try not to buy junk cables, but I'm also not where I was when I was into a guitar rack where I was buying custom Lava cable and only using solder with a certain % of silver... :)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 11:44 AM
ProjectM ...So far, the box with the most to offer - to my ears - has been the Thermionic Culture Fat Bustard. ... I hope your experiment here will shed some light on this. Best of luck and have fun!
I've heard great things about the Fat Bustard! I was looking at dedicated summing boxes and someone on the UAD forum pointed me towards a console for all of the other benefits; I think that was great advice. Fun is the name of the game! :)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 11, 17 6:42 PM
OK, here's what I'm thinking of for testing methodology: Disclaimer, I know it best would be to mix into the changes but that's not feasible so will just be looking for differences on an existing mix. 1. Output mix as developed with no outside summing 2. Create 16 channels in DAW to send to 16 tracks on Console and route all DAW tracks to one or a pair of these 16. That way, everything goes to the Midas. 3. Bring the summed signal back into the Daw prior to any mix bus plugins - so it's the same behavior as having all tracks ITB go to the mix bus. 4. Create files for the following scenarios: a. Using the Inserts of the console, bypassing both the preamps and the EQ. I will send a test tone and attempt to level each channels' fader so everything is at unity. - Using the Inserts of the console to bypass the Pres, but putting the EQ in the chain with EQ zeroed out.
- Go line in to the console through the pres at unity, EQ bypassed.
- Go line in to the console through the pres at unity and EQ in path, but zeroed out.
- Go line in to the console through the pres with the pres slightly above unity to get some of the preamp sound, EQ bypassed.
That should give plenty of interesting reference tracks to listen to. Am I missing something? Any other ideas? I have a Stam SA4000 on order and want to play with that as a bus comp, but that's the next phase. I have actually set up the board to use an Aux to feed a sidechain of the bus comp (so I can adjust which tracks feed it and EQ it); I am looking forward to that experiment! :)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 13, 17 7:45 PM
I am now remembering how many cables and little details are involved with outboard - and loving it! :) The board is hooked up to the UAD Apollo 16; first 16 channels of the Midas go to the Apollo 16. (They are fed to the Midas from a snake). All 16 outs of the Apollo 16 are routed to the last 16 channels of the board for summing. The UAD Console recognized the Apollo 16 and did a firmware update, and everything from a software perspective seems fine. I want to test all of the ins/outs of the UAD next. Then I should be about ready to try the summing.
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 3:07 AM
ha ha didn't look close at the two cables I bought from GC today. Thought both had male TRS, but wouldn't ya know one of them is a girl! Also found I didn't have patch cables to return the sum to the Apollo. Ha HA hardware rulz! :) James
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 2:17 PM
Keep on keeping on James.
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 2:19 PM
I dreamed of cables and faders all night long. LOL I'm back at it though - and I did make a lot of progress!
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 2:56 PM
OK, it appears that I have everything hooked up properly and audio flowing where it needs to go. Seeing this was a real challenge! Last night late I oops and plugged the right main output from the board into the secondary outs. Problem is I have the secondary outs set to mono to feed my Avantone mix cube. So was I was properly summing the Left into the Daw, but the right was coming in as a mono signal of everything panned right. Also, the UAD Console needed to be set up to NOT monitor the in 7/8 where I was bringing the signal back into the DAW. That was also mixing with the proper left coming in and the right that was already mono. Weird phasing issues and such. Then there is the DAW. I'm using my project Believe in Ableton (don't tell me to finish it Ed, my wife is already one me! LOL). I use a lot of interesting routing in Ableton for side-chaining and grouping, plus there are the Aux buses. Seriously - WHEW! I seem to have everything working and now need to verify that the channels are properly set to unity, and that I didn't inadvertently change the volume of something. For example, I may have set an output of a track to go through it's group when it wasn't before. If the group has a volume change on it, I would have affected the volume of the track. I'm going to open the original project and take screen shots of all routing to compare. Also, I need to make sure each track being summed is at unity with the others. My thought is to send a test tone of pink noise to each channel and measure the DB going in as well as what's going out and level. I'll need to do this for all 16 tracks. FWIW, I am sending all stereo tracks to sum - nothing mono. I figured I'd eyeball the unity on the incoming gain and then adjust the fader to get level. I welcome ideas on this though! EDIT: I won't use the board to send to the Avantone. Due to latency introduced by bringing the signal back into the daw and working on it, there is a latency from the mains signal. I'll go back to using the software routing.
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 8:32 PM
☄ Helpfulby glennstanton May 15, 17 1:29 PM
I would not be using pink noise for level calibrations. The pink noise signal is not a totally consistent level as it tends to hover around a level. A better alternative would be a 1kHz sine wave at the ref dbFS level. e.g. 0 dB VU = -18 dB FS etc... Level calibration is going to be very important here. The 0 dB VU tones should playback at 0 dB VU in the DAW. With the faders at unity. The level on the master buss should also be 0 dbVU. The level coming out of the interface and into the mixer should also be set so each channel sets up the same 0 dB VU output level on the mixer main outs. One by one for each track, and the track faders also at unity etc...
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 8:42 PM
Thanks Jeff, that makes more sense to me! There is one area of calibration I'm a bit stumped on. When going in Line In or Mic In on the Midas, you still pass through the pre-amp. There are separate markings for Unity for Line and Mic ins, but no detents so there is no way to know if you are truly at unity. hmm, looking at the schematic I could use the Insert jack instead of Line In; that appears to bypass the pre-amps. I might actually like the sound of the pres but I'm thinking one thing at a time! Going through the Inserts and bypassing the EQ with the switch would leave me to leveling with just the faders. Interestingly, I could then go Line In and use the already leveled faders to figure out unity for the pre amp. Thoughts?
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 8:45 PM
From Sonoris website: Calibration is simple, first select what channel to use for the calibrated pink noise (bandlimited 20Hz-20KHz or 500Hz-2KHz), L, R or both. You can calibrate your monitors at this level to show 83dB on a slow, C-weighted SPL meter using your monitor control. In stereo mode add 3dB. Mark the monitor control levels for each scale and you are done! The 500Hz-2KHz noise signal can give a better and more stable reading on the SPL meter under some circumstances. Please try both options and see what works best for you.
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 8:49 PM
I use a similar technique to set levels of my monitors for mixing, but this is a bit different. In essence, I am sending 16 channels out of my PC into 16 channels in the mixer. This signal will get summed in the mixer and then sent out the mixer into two tracks coming back INTO the PC. There are no detents on the mic-pre volume knobs nor on the faders, so simply setting a knob or fader to unity based on looking at it won't be precise enough. We want them all to be at unity so there is no skewing the results by having some tracks slightly different in volume. Also, using this technique ensures that if I have to move something in the future, I can always re calibrate and reference old mixes (all 2 of them! LOL).
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 8:56 PM
☄ Helpfulby glennstanton May 15, 17 1:29 PM
backwoods From Sonoris website: Calibration is simple, first select what channel to use for the calibrated pink noise (bandlimited 20Hz-20KHz or 500Hz-2KHz), L, R or both. You can calibrate your monitors at this level to show 83dB on a slow, C-weighted SPL meter using your monitor control. In stereo mode add 3dB. Mark the monitor control levels for each scale and you are done! The 500Hz-2KHz noise signal can give a better and more stable reading on the SPL meter under some circumstances. Please try both options and see what works best for you.
We are not calibrating SPL levels for monitors here. We are calibrating precise levels within a DAW. These two things are very different. On that though tones are not great for calibrating SPL monitor levels either. You only have to move the measurement microphone a few inches and the level can change by many dB. Band limited pink noise is a good source for this job. Except you have to adjust the gain of band limited pink noise after you apply the filtering to full range pink noise. That is very important.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 9:44 PM
☄ Helpfulby glennstanton May 15, 17 1:30 PM
The insert points are the best place to insert a signal that completely bypasses the whole front end of that mixer. The inserts will probably be TRS. Which means the tip carries the signal coming from the preamps and the ring is the way into the signal path for the channel. So if you push a plug right in it won't work. But like Mackie mixers you may be able to insert the jack part of the way in order to get to the ring connection. Or you wire a TRS lead and only connect to the ring connection. The insert points are not balanced either. The specs don't actually mention the insert receive nominal level but for other line inputs it is 0 dB VU (which is not +4 dbU either. It means 0.775 v rms not 1.23 v rms) Your interface might send out +4dbu for a certain digital ref level. That is what I would find out first. Check your interface specs. What is the max output level at 0 dB FS. If it is say +22dBu then in order to get +4 dBu out of your interface you would have to work down at -18 as being the ref level. It would be OK to send +4 into the insert points because the headroom is enormous e.g. 20 dB or more so it would not be an issue driving the channels little harder.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 10:05 PM
Hi Jeff, I just plugged the TRS connections from my DB25 snake into the inserts and they all work perfectly! I get what you are describing, but they are all working in my case... The UAD let's be control the the reference level of all pairs on the Apollos by choosing either +4 or -10. Right now they are all defaulted at +4 dBu. The signal is good and strong coming into the board and in fact now that I've "roughed in the levels" it's grooving and I'm resisting the urge to create a copy of the project and wander off with it. Something sounds great, but at this point I may just have the drums and bass too loud or something; so I'll stay focused on calibrating. I had an interesting experience. In Ableton all tracks are stereo tracks. So ran the bass out in stereo to a pair of stereo ins and it all sounded fine. For giggles, I thought I'd try the bass in mono so I put a mono plugin on the track that goes out to the Midas, switched to send on only one out and not a stereo pair, and chose a different single insert on the board that was a stereo track. Now the bass was too low. I think maybe the bass was mono to begin with and when I put the mono plugin in it I halved the volume. I need to test. Anyway, I put a gain switch on at +6db and it sounded good. I cranked it to +9 db and it sounded GREAT! Not objective by any means, but still a shload of fun! :)
Dickie Fredericks
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 14, 17 11:01 PM
Ive done a of stuff ITB but summing OTB works best for me. I have the D Box and I really really dig it. So much so that Im looking to buy a 2Bus LT in the future to take all 24 out of the box. Sum goes into a Langevin DVC and then into a Daking FET3 then back into the DVC Limiter section and then back into the DAW. Don't have to use it all with all the in/out switches but its there. I dig it.
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 15, 17 1:14 AM
OK, here's a first set of files. :) 1. BelieveITB.wav is the In the Box version. This is how the song was originally mixed and rendered. 2. Believe direct no eq.wav. This is the first attempt at summing. All tracks where tested for unity with a 1k sine wave. VUMT wasn't playing nice so I used Dorrough. That's not quite exact though, so I may want to do it with VUMT again. At any rate, they are close! There is no limiter on these, so feel free to use your own. I added this to a project, solod one and played the other then mapped the solo button for each track to the same midi key on my Novation LaucnControl. This allows me to toggle between then with one touch of a button. I absolutely hear a difference! I also don't ALWAYS hear the difference! :) Tempo is set to 88, so use that for a reference with my notes: PS: I believe they are level matched but if you find they aren't, please let me know. 1. The sound effects at the very beginning sound a bit more distant in the outboard mix. The kit almost seems a bit lower. 2. But at measure 5 (10s) the kit sounds pretty much identical. 3. At measure 19 the ITB mix guitars just disappear. I can't find any differences in the mix though to explain this. :/ 4. The Aux buses with the reverbs are much more pronounced in the outboard summing mix. They would need to be brought done. You can hear them when the vocals start at 29. 5. The build up/rise that starts about 42 sounds "smoother" to me on the outboard summing. 6. The bass line that starts around 51 (one of my favorite parts, thanks Bapu!) seems more focused in the out of the box mix and seems to sit better to me. The low end in general is much better and very noticeable here! 7. The synth bass line that starts about measure 64 again seems more focused and better blended in the out of the box summing mix. 8. At measure 70, the background "ooohs" seem fuller in the out of the box mix. Let me know what you hear! Also, let me know if you think I messed up the methodology at all... This is actually challenging, but a whole lot of fun! I've got some other outboard gear on order and will compare methodologically as well when it gets here. :)
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 15, 17 1:15 AM
Dickie Fredericks Ive done a of stuff ITB but summing OTB works best for me. I have the D Box and I really really dig it. So much so that Im looking to buy a 2Bus LT in the future to take all 24 out of the box. Sum goes into a Langevin DVC and then into a Daking FET3 then back into the DVC Limiter section and then back into the DAW. Don't have to use it all with all the in/out switches but its there. I dig it.
Dickie, Just my initial tests tells me there is <something> different, and from what I can tell slightly better (especially in the low-end). I've got more to test, but check out the files I just posted if you get a chance and let me know what you think...
Jeff Evans
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 15, 17 1:41 AM
OK listened to these. Firstly they don't null in any form. Not even close. The two waveforms are very different. So that means the test is not accurate. When Audio Technology did this they got very close to a perfect match of waveforms. Something that is not happening here. I think the mixes between the two are too different. I am hearing more kick in one etc.. Also has the ITB mix got no eq etc everywhere the same as the OTB mix? My impressions are there is nothing I could not do in the ITB mix that is happening in the OTB mix. i.e. not worth the hassle of sending everything out to mixer etc... If you read that link I posted right at the start it is saying someone who does a better ITB mix will sound better than someone doing an ordinary mix OTB. I agree with that.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 15, 17 2:03 AM
They are very different - totally agreed. However, all I did was route the outs to the Midas and sum there. I used 1k sine wave to get the midas to have all returns at unity. That's it! So yeah, the are very different. Cool if you could match the differences. Not sure I could, or would know what to look for. However, being able to build off this base? Yeah, that is cool to me. So, where could my methodology have gone wrong?
Jeff Evans
Max Output Level: -24 dBFS
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Re: The Analog Summing Experiment
May 15, 17 2:27 AM
Yes it is tricky getting an identical mix with ITB and OTB setups. I think you need totally mono tracks. They should only be panned L C and R. The pan law for your mixer needs to match that of the ITB version. You cannot change the pan laws for the mixer so you need to find out what it is. (i.e. send a tone from a channel to one side of the Midas mixer e.g. L. Set the output meter to read 0 dB VU on the left channel. Then without changing anything, pan centre and see how far it drops down. It will either be 0,-3, -4.5 or -6 db. Then you need to set the ITB DAW for the same pan law.) I think the best way is to set the mix via clip gains only and leave all your ITB faders at unity. This is hard in Sonar because you cannot do it easily. In Studio One you can by just grabbing the gain handle of the audio event on each track and pulling it up or down. The level and the waveform height change. You also send all the tracks out to the mixer and set all their gains at unity too. (which you have calibrated of course to all be identical) No plugins anywhere ITB of course and all EQ's bypassed on the mixer. No dynamics or reverbs anywhere. Theoretically the same mix should exist ITB and at the stereo outs of the mixer which of course you record back into your DAW. I bet if you did this, things would be much closer.
Specs i5-2500K 3.5 Ghz - 8 Gb RAM - Win 7 64 bit - ATI Radeon HD6900 Series - RME PCI HDSP9632 - Steinberg Midex 8 Midi interface - Faderport 8- Studio One V4 - iMac 2.5Ghz Core i5 - Sierra 10.12.6 - Focusrite Clarett thunderbolt interface Poor minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas -Eleanor Roosevelt