Hello Bakers, I have a few suggestions
I think it would be immensely useful AND A HUGE TIMESAVER if we had the ability to create multiple instances of buses ( at once) as well as being able to clone buses. as this can only be accomplished currently at the track level
Additionally, we should be able to have a bus (or aux) automatically created and routed when creating tracks and track folders
ie when you create a track/ track folder be able to right click the folder and create send to ... bus aux etc and have the bus created complete with logical routing etc to all tracks in that group as well it would be nice to be able to group select all of the folders and have a create buses for
all command
I also think we need to have the ability to create all of our session structure within some form of text editor the existing track manager needs to have the expanded functionality of creating and naming tracks including routing options etc.
The ability to copy clip name to tracks as this can only be done in the opposite order ( copy track names to clip names) makes it a pain, and very time consuming when you import named session files and then have to manually input track names as projects these days, can have upward of 100 plus tracks
Be able to group select the entire project to complete either of the above en mass
And finally we really need the ability to copy/export/import entire projects/templates with the options to select/deselect individual session parameters plugins routing etc
I get that the average hobbyist will have limited need if any for these functions but it will have a huge impact on those of us using Sonar in a professional environment.
I'm sure you can see a common theme with the above requests
improved workflow for professional users = more time spent on creativity and creating awesome mixes/projects instead of tedious easily automatable tasks, we can do without fancy bells and whistles and feature upgrades that serve little purpose in a professional work environment ( although we like those too :) ) it's all about efficiency and time management in the end.
post edited by Frequency Studios - July 25, 16 9:27 PM