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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
January 01, 16 11:08 AM
Leadfoot Bring back the two minute grace period.
Edited for spelling!!!
It has not been taken away, it's a server clock issue that only the Bakers can fix. I've reported it (again).
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
January 01, 16 11:21 AM
I am not so sure people are making all the mistakes either, in spelling.....computer spell checker might be some what to blame also....?....so yah, give us time to make sure our posts...reflect what we thought we ment, and wrote would be good to do....regardless of the webmaster or other end of the system running the forums!..To reduce confusion!
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
January 01, 16 11:38 AM
I too find it a little irksome but I'm easily irked. The server clock thing is ridiculous as is many things with this forum software so I hope the Bakers aren't paying too much for it. If it's just going to drift again anyway though I don't see much point in having the Bakers change it every couple weeks. Now what REALLY gets my goat is that for some reason the Firefox spellchecker does not work here anymore. I know it's lazy to rely on those at ALL and it's not like I can't spell (or am not anal enough to google correct spellings) but typos happen and many times I am typing A LOT OF WORDS and QUICKLY to convey actual ideas. Having to pore over my posts to manually spellcheck is quite tedious so those red squigglies indicating I fudged something up are helpful. As far as AUTO correct... that is absolute foolishness and should be abolished by law to a) prevent the further dumbing down of society (at least spellcheck can TEACH proper spelling... not ignore it completely) and b) avoid those awkward miscorrects that imply things like one wanting to do sexual things to one's own mother (or father) when all you wanted to say was "I want to come and raid your pantry" or "I need some socks".
post edited by Beepster - January 01, 16 11:52 AM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
January 01, 16 11:45 AM
Leadfoot Bring back the two minute grace period.
Edited for spelling!!!
It has not been taken away, it's a server clock issue that only the Bakers can fix. I've reported it (again).
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:19 PM
This post made sense then the person I was replying to edited their posts so I edited mine to make sense. Now that post is gone so I'm editing it again to indicate it used to make sense, then made more sense then didn't make any sense at all. Make sense of that. lol ps: this thread is much better now that this post doesn't make sense for the reasons indicated above.
post edited by Beepster - February 28, 16 1:54 PM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:38 PM
☄ Helpfulby Zargg71 February 28, 16 4:59 AM
I've read them, irvy baby.
Now please grow up and let the adults talk now..
John T
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:42 PM
☄ Helpfulby tlw February 28, 16 7:38 AM
I wish my life was so simple that trivial nonsense like FIF's concerns were what I had time to worry about. I really do. Man alive.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:43 PM
☄ Helpfulby SteveStrummerUK February 28, 16 10:37 AM
The Edit Stamp Scandal Of 2016, as generations unto distant posterity will call it. We will look back on this as a barbaric time.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:50 PM
John T The Edit Stamp Scandal Of 2016, as generations unto distant posterity will call it. We will look back on this as a barbaric time.
Whilst wearing our tin foil hats..
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:52 PM
☄ Helpfulby Zargg71 February 28, 16 5:00 AM
If you rearrange the letters in the name ANDERTON, and take some away, and add some, and rearrange them again, you get LIZARDS.
http://johntatlockaudio.com/Self-build PC // 16GB RAM // i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz // Nofan 0dB cooler // ASUS P8-Z77 V Pro motherboard // Intel x-25m SSD System Drive // Seagate RAID Array Audio Drive // Windows 10 64 bit // Sonar Platinum (64 bit) // Sonar VS-700 // M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 // KRK RP-6 Monitors // and a bunch of other stuff
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:54 PM
John T If you rearrange the letters in the name ANDERTON, and take some away, and add some, and rearrange them again, you get LIZARDS.
I've seen his videos. David Bowie isn't dead, etc. etc., it's all there to see, look at the evidence.. Baa
post edited by jb101 - February 27, 16 10:09 PM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 9:59 PM
I don't need it but if it helps someone else that's cool I believe... Speaking of software.....Wish they could(well would, I know they can) fix my user profile-always offline :-)
post edited by stratman70 - February 27, 16 10:14 PM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 27, 16 11:06 PM
Sometimes I don't see my miss steaks until the next day or two. What a MoRon.
post edited by bitman - February 27, 16 11:21 PM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 7:12 AM
One option to reduce need for after-the-fact edits: - Type intended message into new document in your word processor with spell and grammar check enabled.
- Make any corrections; pause to look at the content one more time
- THEN copy and paste into the forum submit box, preview, and submit.
Actually followed my own advice in this case, and found I had mistyped one of my hyphens as an equal sign, so I corrected that before posting. (On the other hand, the Quick Reply box thinks "mistyped" is not spelled right while Word does not detect that as an error). Using a word processor is slightly slower than just using the forum Quick Reply box, but sometimes an extra pause to think twice about the content can be even more valuable than the spell checking. As an aside, I do like Craig's suggestion about how to make corrections with red font and leaving previous mistake visible. That is a best practice we all could do well to follow. Edited to add: After posting, I finally noticed the date stamps on most of the posts in this thread. Looks like the topic of editing for mistakes had been diverted to address off-topic postings by someone. I was misled because a single recent additional post brought this to the top of the list. Apologies for contributing to reactivation of a thread that maybe should have been allowed to fade into obscurity.
post edited by rwheeler - February 28, 16 7:40 AM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 10:08 AM
As Karyn has pointed out the issue is the forum clock and nothing else. It was 14 minutes fast last time I noticed, so the grace period has already expired before you post. My curiosity would like to know how it is possible that we have the only digital clock on the planet that can't keep time. I almost always edit my posts and appreciate the grace period. I can re-read a post several times before posting and still notice an error or two the minute it appears in the thread. [yup, found a typo, and the clock is still 14 minutes fast]
post edited by Paul P - February 28, 16 10:25 AM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 12:05 AM
Fair Is Fair Well, it is funny how Anderton commented on this thread, saying what he did, especially considering the fact that he has the ability to bypass the edit stamp, didn't tell you all that did he? I have witnessed it myself several times, the latest today in the Tips and Tricks thread. But I know my posts will be deleted before everyone can see them, can't have the truth can we? but there you go, that act in itself speaks volumes.
You'll note that I have quoted your post in its entirety so I can delete your posts after banning yet another alt, while not giving you the opportunity to act like some martyr who was censored. People will be able to enjoy your sillines as long as this forum exists. I followed the same procedure regarding your frivolous post in the Friday's Tip of the Week thread. For the record, I've explained why you are wrong in my response in the Tips thread. I invite anyone who ascribes even the slightest bit of credibility to your post to follow that link. However for the amusement of any other forumites who are curious about the tweak that got you so upset: [original] The threads about LANDR have put the concept of mastering under the microscope, but have alsorevealed extreme levels of ignorance among some forumites[edited] The threads about LANDR have put the concept of mastering under the microscope, but have also revealed occasional extreme levels of ignorance among some forumites Yes, I added the word "occasional" to clarify that examples of extreme levels of ignorance are not necessarily commonplace. I try to be precise with my language. It's amazing that anyone would have a problem with that. [Edit]: I forgot to add that if I said something incorrect and edit it, I usually add [Edit] and change the font color of the correction to red. What's even weirder about the "Fair if Fair" comment is that I supported Steve's position.
post edited by Anderton - February 28, 16 1:35 PM
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 12:19 AM
Thanks for making the only correct decision, Craig. I got a little grumpy with that character All the best.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 12:21 AM
Spelling and punctuation are important! It's just not recognized by a lot of musicians since we spend most of our times with dots and lines. I'm dyslexic so I am particularly crazy about it. My first lover was extremely dyslexic, he couldn't even read street signs. All my cousins are dyslexic. You men who have the capacity should be happier about it all and hone your skills. If you're not moving forward...you're going backwards. :D:D
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 1:15 PM
Paul P As Karyn has pointed out the issue is the forum clock and nothing else. It was 14 minutes fast last time I noticed, so the grace period has already expired before you post. My curiosity would like to know how it is possible that we have the only digital clock on the planet that can't keep time. I almost always edit my posts and appreciate the grace period. I can re-read a post several times before posting and still notice an error or two the minute it appears in the thread. [yup, found a typo, and the clock is still 14 minutes fast]
it is probably one of many virtual machines that is configured incorrectly.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 1:30 PM
Karyn A Cake employee can reset it, but it only takes about a two weeks before its far enough out of sync to kill the edit grace period again.
The mystery is then - why haven't they set up Network Time Protocol, NTP, on this server?
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 1:53 PM
Karyn A Cake employee can reset it, but it only takes about a two weeks before its far enough out of sync to kill the edit grace period again.
The mystery is then - why haven't they set up Network Time Protocol, NTP, on this server?
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 2:13 PM
☄ Helpfulby FanCake February 28, 16 3:26 PM
Karyn A Cake employee can reset it, but it only takes about a two weeks before its far enough out of sync to kill the edit grace period again.
The mystery is then - why haven't they set up Network Time Protocol, NTP, on this server?
I'm sure they have it could be that the physical CPU resources are over committed and the virtual machine is falling out of sync with the host. It is all just speculation though.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 3:48 PM
I often use notepad, if I intend to post something that is important to me or if I am angry. Then I copy and paste. I would think that would be a work around for this issue.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 4:58 PM
Paul P My curiosity would like to know how it is possible that we have the only digital clock on the planet that can't keep time.
I am curious about this as well, since this almost requires effort. I have started old gear/computers that had been running off its internal battery for years with less offset than this server gets in two weeks? Makes zero sense to me.
ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero (Wi-Fi AC), i7-8700k, 16GB RAM, GTX-1070Ti, Win 10 Pro, Saffire PRO 24 DSP, A-300 PRO, plus numerous gadgets and gizmos that make or manipulate sound in some way.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 5:24 PM
I'm missing something. The world is bigger than the USA alone. Therefore there are who has not been to a english school and for them it doesn't matter if there a grace period for 5 minutes or 5 days. It's hard enough to write something in english period. Perhaps some tolerance and appreciation for the effort will do some miracles.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 5:32 PM
☄ Helpfulby mettelus February 28, 16 11:11 PM
Alex von Elzer I'm missing something. The world is bigger than the USA alone. Therefore there are who has not been to a english school and for them it doesn't matter if there a grace period for 5 minutes or 5 days. It's hard enough to write something in english period. Perhaps some tolerance and appreciation for the effort will do some miracles.
Don't worry about that. Nobody is saying they expect everyone to type perfectly or speak perfect English. This is about a computer problem with the forum software. Most of us try our best to understand and help people who speak other languages. At least I do. Cheers.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 11:25 PM
☄ Helpfulby jyoung60 February 29, 16 7:57 AM
"Just get your post right the first time in a text editor" - why? What difference does using a text editor make? You can still proof read the thing in the forum posting box before you hit send. The point is that many people don't even see errors until their post is up there on the screen without that flashing cursor distracting them. And it's not just typos or grammatical errors, it's sentences that you feel you could have worded better, points you feel you could have made more succinctly etc. Sometimes it takes a minute or two to see those improvements. So I agree that it should be fixed. But I would go one better than just reinstating the grace period. I think a far better system (and I've seen it on other forums) is that you can make all the edits you like until either: - Someone else posts after your post
- Someone replies to (in this case "quotes") your post
The latter makes sense, because it's just bad forum etiquette to go back and edit a post after someone else has quoted it. I would be 100% behind a system whereby you can make all the edits you like until someone quotes you. Of course the forum software might not support that.
JamesWindows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 28, 16 11:28 PM
Paul P My curiosity would like to know how it is possible that we have the only digital clock on the planet that can't keep time.
I am curious about this as well, since this almost requires effort. I have started old gear/computers that had been running off its internal battery for years with less offset than this server gets in two weeks? Makes zero sense to me.
In many ways the standard of coding has been dropping consistently. Coders are doing some pretty amazing stuff these days but I feel like the simple little things are being neglected. I've seen simple operations like selecting and copying text deteriorate dramatically on my iPhone over the last couple of years. They've been concentrating so hard on all the new fangled advanced features that it's almost like they think the simple things are beneath them.
JamesWindows 10, Sonar SPlat (64-bit), Intel i7-4930K, 32GB RAM, RME Babyface, AKAI MPK Mini, Roland A-800 Pro, Focusrite VRM Box, Komplete 10 Ultimate, 2012 American Telecaster!
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 29, 16 2:48 PM
yes, I miss that editing feature myself.
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Re: @Cakewalk - Apologies for posting this in here, but ...
February 29, 16 3:54 PM
Test. Edit: Test. Edit Followup: Seems to the clock's been reset again so this can be marked solved... for a week or so anyway. Still doesn't seem worth the bother to me.