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Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
Hi all, I have a Roland JD-XI on order arriving next week and I'd like to integrate it into my home studio. I do my sequencing on Cakewalk Music Creator and Cakewalk Home Studio 9.01 running under Linux WINE Windows Emulator.. What I am looking for is a proper Cakewalk Instrument Definitions File for the JD-XI. Frankly I don't care if it was community created or if it's available as a direct download from Cakewalk, as long as it works. Considering that Roland actually owns Cakewalk and since the JD-XI has been around for over a year now, I don't think I'm asking for the impossible here. I have minimal experience creating my own INS files and I'd really rather not deal with the hassle of rolling my own if someone else has already done this for us. Any input on where to locate such a file would be welcomed with open arms. Thanks for listening, Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/26 22:29:58
Hello Gary and welcome to the forum. I don't know if the Roland JD-Xi INS file is available or not. However, there is a link below that will let you download the latest INS file. More news, Roland doesn't own Cakewalk now! Gibson purchased Cakewalk from Roland in 2015. https://www.cakewalk.com/...Instrument-Definitions
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/27 03:48:10
Hi Jim, Thanks for the quick reply but the link you provided comes up 'Page Not Found." As far as Gibson owning Cakewalk now goes, I'm somewhat surprised but then again isn't there already some sort of incestuous relationship between Gibson and Roland to begin with? ie. doesn't one already own the other? Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/27 03:59:41
Good news, I was able to find the Instrument Definitions in the Knowledge base. Apparently the page has been moved to :
It really would have made things simpler if the site just kept them on a top level downloads link instead of burying them inside the KB. Now for the really bad news. A quick look inside both the official and the community files tells me the JD-Xi has not been supported yet. I loathe the thought of having to create my own INS for this one and I'm not even sure of what sort of bank switching goes on inside the JD-Xi. So my questions still stands. Anyone out there created an INS for this model keyboard yet? Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 09:55:46
Bump... Nobody out there has seen or heard of a JD-Xi INS file yet? It's been on the market for a bloody year already. Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 13:45:59
You might have better luck if you post this on the Sonar forum. It gets a lot more traffic and there are more power users there who are more likely to own a JD-Xi and perhaps have created an INS for it. http://forum.cakewalk.com/SONAR-f70.aspx
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 14:14:41
The hell with it. I'm already editing the instrument and bank lines and expect to finish up in a few days. I have no idea how to set up the controller and drum voice sections though so when I'm done I'll post it up here and have someone with better eyes and skills do the final tweaking. Thanks for the suggestion but at least I'm contributing to the community. ;) I'll repost the message in the Sonar forum though. You may be right about someone else reinventing the wheel, though I thought the latest versions of Sonar Platinum did away with INS files. Thanks :) Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 14:44:00
happyrat1 ...though I thought the latest versions of Sonar Platinum did away with INS files.
Nope, I still use INS files (and recently created one for my Nord Rack 4) with Platinum.
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 14:54:41
Seriously it would be great if Cakewalk created some kind of simple python program that generated the script with a simple cut and paste of instrument names. Cutting and pasting the instrument names is the easy part. It's the line numbering and labelling that's mind numbingly tedious. If I were a better programmer I'd write one up myself. :( Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/03/31 15:05:13
Actually a decent java web app designer could knock one off in a week or two and they could post it right here on the forums and website so that anyone could cut and paste the instrument names bank by bank in a dialogue field and check off a few checkboxes and nobody would ever again have to go thru the living hell of rolling their own INS files. And it would support every keyboard known to man as well as everyone yet to be produced! Howabout it cakewalk mods? This is a suggestion worth passing on to the website admins and programmers! Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2016/04/01 18:08:58
☄ Helpfulby jimfogle 2018/02/12 20:38:25
Good news folks. After two days of blood, sweat, tears, hairpulling and debugging I've created a mostly working Cakewalk INS file for the JD-Xi. All that's missing are the controllers and the drum voice maps. If anyone else wants to add those be my guest. For the most part though, it will allow you to sequence your projects on any Cakewalk DAW with minimum grief. No applause please. Just throw money :D File is attached. ; Cakewalk Instrument Definition ; For Roland JD-Xi ; Beta-0.95b by Gary G. 2016 ; Everything works except someone else can add the controllers and the drum maps if they'd like ; 2 days of blood sweat and tears. ; PLEASE Cakewalk, write a script generator applet and put it on your website to make this easier for everyone in the future!!! :)
.Patch Names
[Bank Digital A and B] 0=A01-JP8 Strings1 1=A02-Soft Pad 1 2=A03-JP8 Strings2 3=A04-JUNO Str 1 4=A05-Oct Strings 5=A06-Brite Str 1 6=A07-Boreal Pad 7=A08-JP8 Strings3 8=A09-P8 Strings4 9=A10-Hollow Pad 1 10=A11-LFO Pad 1 11=A12-Hybrid Str 12=A13-Awakening 1 13=A14-Cincosoft 1 14=A15-Bright Pad 1 15=A16-Analog Str 1 16=A17-Soft ResoPd1 17=A18-HPF Poly 1 18=A19-BPF Poly 19=A20-Sweep Pad 1 20=A21-Soft Pad 2 21=A22-Sweep JD 1 22=A23-FltSweep Pd1 23=A24-HPF Pad 24=A25-HPF SweepPd1 25=A26-KOff Pad 26=A27-Sweep Pad 2 27=A28-TrnsSweepPad 28=A29-Revalation 1 29=A30-LFO CarvePd1 30=A31-RETROX 139 1 31=A32-LFO ResoPad1 32=A33-PLS Pad 1 33=A34-PLS Pad 2 34=A35-Trip 2 Mars1 35=A36-Reso SandH Pd1 36=A37-SideChainPd1 37=A38-PXZoon 1 38=A39-Psychoscilo1 39=A40-Fantasy 1 40=A41-D-50 Stack 1 41=A42-Organ Pad 42=A43-Bell Pad 43=A44-Dreaming 1 44=A45-Syn Sniper 1 45=A46-Strings 1 46=A47-D-50 Pizz 1 47=A48-Super Saw 1 48=A49-S-SawStacLd1 49=A50-Tekno Lead 1 50=A51-Tekno Lead 2 51=A52-Tekno Lead 3 52=A53-OSC-SyncLd 1 53=A54-WaveShapeLd1 54=A55-JD RingMod 1 55=A56-Buzz Lead 1 56=A57-Buzz Lead 2 57=A58-SawBuzz Ld 1 58=A59-Sqr Buzz Ld1 59=A60-Tekno Lead 4 60=A61-Dist Flt TB1 61=A62-Dist TB Sqr1 62=A63-Glideator 1 63=A64-Vintager 1 64=B01-Hover Lead 1 65=B02-Saw Lead 1 66=B03-SawandTri Lead 67=B04-PortaSaw Ld1 68=B05-Reso Saw Ld 69=B06-SawTrap Ld 1 70=B07-Fat GR Lead 71=B08-Pulstar Ld 72-B09-Slow Lead 73=B10-AnaVox Lead 74=B11-Square Ld 1 75=B12-Square Ld 2 76=B13-Sqr Lead 1 77=B14-Sqr Trap Ld1 78=B15-Sine Lead 1 79=B16-Tri Lead 80=B17-Tri Stac Ld1 81=B18-5th SawLead1 82=B19-Sweet 5th 1 83=B20-4th Syn Lead 84=B21-Maj Stack Ld 85=B22-MinStack Ld1 86=B23-Chubby Lead1 87=B24-CuttingLead1 88=B25-Seq Bass 1 89=B26-Reso Bass 1 90=B27-TB Bass 1 91=B28-106 Bass 1 92=B29-FilterEnvBs1 93=B30-JUNO Sqr Bs1 94=B31-Reso Bass 2 95=B32-JUNO Bass 96=B33-MG Bass 1 97=B34-106 Bass 3 98=B35-Reso Bass 3 99=B36-Detune Bs 1 100=B37-MKS-50 Bass1 101=B38-Sweep Bass 102=B39-MG Bass 2 103=B40-MG Bass 3 104=B41-ResRubber Bs 105=B42-R&B Bass 1 106=B43-Reso Bass 4 107=B44-Wide Bass 1 108=B45-Chow Bass 1 109=B46-Chow Bass 2 110=B47-SqrFilterBs1 111=B48-Reso Bass 5 112=B49-Syn Bass 1 113=B50-ResoSawSynBs 114=B51-Filter Bass1 115=B52-SeqFltEnvBs 116=B53-DnB Bass 1 117=B54-UnisonSynBs1 118=B55-Modular Bs 119=B56-Monster Bs 1 120=B57-Monster Bs 2 121=B58-Monster Bs 3 122=B59-Monster Bs 4 123=B60-Square Bs 1 124=B61-106 Bass 2 125=B62-5th Stac Bs1 126=B63-SqrStacSynBs 127=B64-MC-202 Bs
[Bank Digital C and D] 0=C01-TB Bass 2 1=C02-Square Bs 2 2=C03-SH-101 Bs 3=C04-R&B Bass 2 4=C05-MG Bass 4 5=C06-Seq Bass 2 6=C07-Tri Bass 1 7=C08-BPF Syn Bs 2 8=C09-BPF Syn Bs 1 9=C10-Low Bass 1 10=C11-Low Bass 2 11=C12-Kick Bass 1 12=C13-SinDetuneBs1 13=C14-Organ Bass 1 14=C15-Growl Bass 1 15=C16-Talking Bs 1 16=C17-LFO Bass 1 17=C18-LFO Bass 2 18=C19-Crack Bass 19=C20-Wobble Bs 1 20=C21-Wobble Bs 2 21=C22-Wobble Bs 3 22=C23-Wobble Bs 4 23=C24-SideChainBs1 24=C25-SideChainBs2 25=C26-House Bass 1 26=C27-FM Bass 27=C28-4Op FM Bass1 28=C29-Ac Bass 29=C30-Fingerd Bs 1 30=C31-Picked Bass 31=C32-Fretless Bs 32=C33-Slap Bass 1 33=C34-JD Piano 1 34=C35-E Grand 1 35=C36-Trem EP 1 36=C37-FM E Piano 1 37=C38-FM E Piano 2 38=C39-Vib Wurly 1 39=C40-Pulse Clav 40=C41-Clav 41=C42-70s E Organ 42=C43-House Org 1 43=C44-House Org 2 44=C45-Bell 1 45=C46-Bell 2 46=C47-Organ Bell 47=C48-Vibraphone 1 48=C49-Steel Drum 49=C50-Harp 1 50=C51-Ac. Guitar 51=C52-Bright Strat 52=C53-Funk Guitar1 53=C54-Jazz Guitar 54=C55-Dist Guitar1 55=C56-D Mute Gtr1 56=C57-E Sitar 57=C58-Sitar Drone 58=C59-FX 1 59=C60-FX 2 60=C61-FX 3 61=C62-Tuned Winds1 62=C63-Bend Lead 1 63=C64-RiSER 1 64=D01-Rising SEQ 1 65=D02-Scream Saw 66=D03-Noise SEQ 1 67=D04-Syn Vox 1 68=D05-JD SoftVox 69=D06-Vox Pad 70=D07-VP-330 Chr 71=D08-Orch Hit 72=D09-Philly Hit 73=D10-House Hit 74=D11-O-Skool Hit1 75=D12-Punch Hit 76=D13-Tao Hit 77=D14-SEQ Saw 1 78=D15-SEQ Sqr 79=D16-SEQ Tri 1 80=D17-SEQ 1 81=D18-SEQ 2 82=D19-SEQ 3 83=D20-SEQ 4 84=D21-Sqr Reso Plk 85=D22-Pluck Synth1 86=D23-Paperclip 1 87=D24-Sonar Pluck1 88=D25-SqrTrapPlk 1 89=D26-TB Saw Seq 1 90=D27-TB Sqr Seq 1 91=D28-JUNO Key 92=D29-Analog Poly1 93=D30-Analog Poly2 94=D31-Analog Poly3 95=D32-Analog Poly4 96=D33-JUNO Octavr1 97=D34-EDM Synth 1 98=D35-Super Saw 2 99=D36-S-Saw Poly 100=D37-Trance Key 1 101=D38-S-Saw Pad 1 102=D39-7th Stac Syn 103=D40-S-SawStc Syn 104=D41-Trance Key 2 105=D42-Analog Brass 106=D43-Reso Brass 107=D44-Soft Brass 1 108=D45-FM Brass 109=D46-Syn Brass 1 110=D47-Syn Brass 2 111=D48-JP8 Brass 112=D49-Soft SynBrs1 113=D50-Soft SynBrs2 114=D51-EpicSlow Brs 115=D52-JUNO Brass 116=D53-Poly Brass 117=D54-Voc-Ensemble 118=D55-Voc-5thStack 119=D56-Voc-Robot 120=D57-Voc-Saw 121=D58-Voc-Sqr 122=D59-Voc-Rise Up 123=D60-Voc-Auto Vib 124=D61-Voc-PitchEnv 125=D62-Voc-VP-330 126=D63-Voc-Noise 127=D64-Init Tone
[Bank Digital E and F] 0=E01-User 1=E02-User 2=E03-User 3=E04-User 4=E05-User 5=E06-User 6=E07-User 7=E08-User 8=E09-User 9=E10-User 10=E11-User 11=E12-User 12=E13-User 13=E14-User 14=E15-User 15=E16-User 16=E17-User 17=E18-User 18=E19-User 19=E20-User 20=E21-User 21=E22-User 22=E23-User 23=E24-User 24=E25-User 25=E26-User 26=E27-User 27=E28-User 28=E29-User 29=E30-User 30=E31-User 31=E32-User 32=E33-User 33=E34-User 34=E35-User 35=E36-User 36=E37-User 37=E38-User 38=E39-User 39=E40-User 40=E41-User 41=E42-User 42=E43-User 43=E44-User 44=E45-User 45=E46-User 46=E47-User 47=E48-User 48=E49-User 49=E50-User 50=E51-User 51=E52-User 52=E53-User 53=E54-User 54=E55-User 55=E56-User 56=E57-User 57=E58-User 58=E59-User 59=E60-User 60=E61-User 61=E62-User 62=E63-User 63=E64-User 64=F01-User 65=F02-User 66=F03-User 67=F04-User 68=F05-User 69=F06-User 70=F07-User 71=F08-User 72-F09-User 73=F10-User 74=F11-User 75=F12-User 76=F13-User 77=F14-User 78=F15-User 79=F16-User 80=F17-User 81=F18-User 82=F19-User 83=F20-User 84=F21-User 85=F22-User 86=F23-User 87=F24-User 88=F25-User 89=F26-User 90=F27-User 91=F28-User 92=F29-User 93=F30-User 94=F31-User 95=F32-User 96=F33-User 97=F34-User 98=F35-User 99=F36-User 100=F37-User 101=F38-User 102=F39-User 103=F40-User 104=F41-User 105=F42-User 106=F43-User 107=F44-User 108=F45-User 109=F46-User 110=F47-User 111=F48-User 112=F49-User 113=F50-User 114=F51-User 115=F52-User 116=F53-User 117=F54-User 118=F55-User 119=F56-User 120=F57-User 121=F58-User 122=F59-User 123=F60-User 124=F61-User 125=F62-User 126=F63-User 127=F64-User
[Bank Digital G and H] 0=G01-User 1=G02-User 2=G03-User 3=G04-User 4=G05-User 5=G06-User 6=G07-User 7=G08-User 8=G09-User 9=G10-User 10=G11-User 11=G12-User 12=G13-User 13=G14-User 14=G15-User 15=G16-User 16=G17-User 17=G18-User 18=G19-User 19=G20-User 20=G21-User 21=G22-User 22=G23-User 23=G24-User 24=G25-User 25=G26-User 26=G27-User 27=G28-User 28=G29-User 29=G30-User 30=G31-User 31=G32-User 32=G33-User 33=G34-User 34=G35-User 35=G36-User 36=G37-User 37=G38-User 38=G39-User 39=G40-User 40=G41-User 41=G42-User 42=G43-User 43=G44-User 44=G45-User 45=G46-User 46=G47-User 47=G48-User 48=G49-User 49=G50-User 50=G51-User 51=G52-User 52=G53-User 53=G54-User 54=G55-User 55=G56-User 56=G57-User 57=G58-User 58=G59-User 59=G60-User 60=G61-User 61=G62-User 62=G63-User 63=G64-User 64=H01-User 65=H02-User 66=H03-User 67=H04-User 68=H05-User 69=H06-User 70=H07-User 71=H08-User 72=H09-User 73=H10-User 74=H11-User 75=H12-User 76=H13-User 77=H14-User 78=H15-User 79=H16-User 80=H17-User 81=H18-User 82=H19-User 83=H20-User 84=H21-User 85=H22-User 86=H23-User 87=H24-User 88=H25-User 89=H26-User 90=H27-User 91=H28-User 92=H29-User 93=H30-User 94=H31-User 95=H32-User 96=H33-User 97=H34-User 98=H35-User 99=H36-User 100=H37-User 101=H38-User 102=H39-User 103=H40-User 104=H41-User 105=H42-User 106=H43-User 107=H44-User 108=H45-User 109=H46-User 110=H47-User 111=H48-User 112=H49-User 113=H50-User 114=H51-User 115=H52-User 116=H53-User 117=H54-User 118=H55-User 119=H56-User 120=H57-User 121=H58-User 122=H59-User 123=H60-User 124=H61-User 125=H62-User 126=H63-User 127=H64-User [Bank Analog I] 0=I01-Toxic Bass 1 1=I02-Sub Bass 1 2=I03-Backwards 1 3=I04-Fat as That1 4=I05-SawandSub Bs 1 5=I06-Saw Bass 1 6=I07-Pulse Bass 1 7=I08-ResoSaw Bs 1 8=I09-ResoSaw Bs 2 9=I10-AcidSaw SEQ1 10=I11-Psy Bass 1 11=I12-Dist TB Bs 1 12=I13-Sqr Bass 1 13=I14-Tri Bass 1 14=I15-Snake Glide1 15=I16-Soft Bass 1 16=I17-Tear Drop 1 17=I18-Slo worn 1 18=I19-Dist LFO Bs1 19=I20-ResoPulseBs1 20=I21-Squelchy 1 21=I22-DnB Wobbler1 22=I23-OffBeat Wob1 23=I24-Chilled Wob 24=I25-Bouncy Bass1 25=I26-PulseOfLife1 26=I27-PWM Base 1 27=I28-Pumper Bass1 28=I29-ClickerBass1 29=I30-Psy Bass 2 30=I31-HooverSuprt1 31=I32-Celoclip 1 32=I33-Tri Fall Bs1 33=I34-808 Bass 1 34=I35-House Bass 1 35=I36-Psy Bass 3 36=I37-Reel 1 37=I38-PortaSaw Ld1 38=I39-Porta Lead 1 39=I40-Analog Tp 1 40=I41-Tri Lead 1 41=I42-Sine Lead 1 42=I43-Saw Buzz 1 43=I44-Buzz Saw Ld1 44=I45-Laser Lead 1 45=I46-Saw and Per 1 46=I47-Insect 1 47=I48-Sqr SEQ 1 48=I49-ZipPhase 1 49=I50-Stinger 1 50=I51-3 Oh 3 51=I52-Sus Zap 1 52=I53-Bowouch 1 53=I54-Resocut 1 54=I55-LFO FX 55=I56-Fall Synth 1 56=I57-Twister 1 57=I58-Analog Kick1 58=I59-Zippers 1 59=I60-Zippers 2 60=I61-Zippers 3 61=I62-Siren Hell 1 62=I63-SirenFX-Mod1 63=I64-Init Tone [Drumkits] 1=TR 909 Kit 1 2=TR-808 Kit 1 3=707&727 Kit1 4=TR-78 Kit 1 5=TR-606 Kit 1 6=TR-626 Kit 1 7=EDM Kit 1 8=DrumandBs Kit1 9=Techno Kit 1 10=House Kit 1 11=Hiphop Kit 1 12=RandB Kit 1 13=TR-909 Kit 2 14=TR-909 Kit 3 15=TR-808 Kit 2 16=TR-808 Kit 3 17=TR-808 Kit 4 18=808and909 Kit1 19=808and909 Kit2 20=707and727 Kit2 21=909and7x7 Kit1 22=808and7x7 Kit1 23=EDM Kit 2 24=Techno Kit 2 25=Hiphop Kit 2 26=80s Kit 1 27=90s Kit 1 28=Noise Kit 1 29=Pop Kit 1 30=Pop Kit 2 31=Rock Kit 32=Jazz Kit 33=Latin Kit
.Controller Names
[Roland Controllers]
.Instrument Definitions
[Roland JD-Xi] Control=Roland Controllers BankSelMethod=1 Patch[10944]=Bank Digital A and B Patch[10945]=Bank Digital C and D Patch[10880]=Bank Digital E and F Patch[10881]=Bank Digital G and H Patch[12096]=Bank Analog I Patch[11072]=Drumkits
Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2018/02/12 03:02:55
 wow thats a lot of work man, Thanks I am considering shopping for a JDXi, didnt stop to think about the fact theres is no control from sonar. till now.
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2018/02/12 20:44:40
To be honest, I sold off my JD-Xi last year and bought a Novation Ultranova instead. The JD-Xi has a few quirks that make it unfriendly for sequencer work. 1) The channels for each voice are fixed. You cannot change the channel numbers. Channels are 1 & 2 for PCM voices and 3 for Analog Synth and 10 for percussion. There's no way to adjust these. Secondly you cannot save individual patches except as full performances including step sequencer sequences. Like I said, I ended up selling off my JD-Xi and trading it in on a Novation Ultranova, which is well supported under Cakewalk. Gary ;)
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Re: Cakewalk INS File for Roland JD-XI
2018/02/12 20:44:40
To be honest, I sold off my JD-Xi last year and bought a Novation Ultranova instead. The JD-Xi has a few quirks that make it unfriendly for sequencer work. 1) The channels for each voice are fixed. You cannot change the channel numbers. Channels are 1 & 2 for PCM voices and 3 for Analog Synth and 10 for percussion. There's no way to adjust these. 2) You cannot save individual patches except as full performances including step sequencer sequences. Like I said, I ended up selling off my JD-Xi and trading it in on a Novation Ultranova, which is well supported under Cakewalk. Gary ;)