Re:Calling:- Sonar & M-Audio FastTrack Ultra users .... need some quick advice please
2011/03/05 22:49:55
Hi timboe,
I don't know the answer to question (a), but I would assume so. Everything I've read has said they are the same except for one is rack mounted and the other is desktop but I haven't looked that deep in to the 8/R so I can't say for sure. At 96/24 128 Samples I'm getting 4.5ms with the latest beta drivers. Slightly higher with the 11/2009 official drivers.
(b) There is no 32 Sample Buffer option. It only goes down to 64 on the FTU and you have to have a well configured DAW for it to work.
(c) I have had no crashes that I could attribute to my FTU since installing the latest beta drivers. That said, the crashes I did have were few and far between when running the 11/2009 drivers.
One nice thing about the FTU is it can run on USB power without the power pack, although you are limited to 2 channels and no phantom power. I just read the 8/U manual and it says you must use the power supply.
"I pulled the head off Elvis, filled Fred up to his pelvis, yaba daba do, the King is gone, and so are you."