Can you do the following with Music Creator ?

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August 02, 11 5:44 AM (permalink)

Can you do the following with Music Creator ?

I need to create two 500ms tones:
1. At 168hz, with piano timber
2. At 168hz, with violin timber
Can I do this with Music Creator ?, if not, is there any other Cakewalk application that can do this ?
Thanks very much to anyone who can help !
post edited by noam23 - August 02, 11 5:47 AM

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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 02, 11 7:43 AM (permalink)
    So there is no way to create test tones with certain frequency and timber using Music creator ?
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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 02, 11 8:45 AM (permalink)
    ah, patience, grasshopper!  most of us are in the US and are just now getting up and moving around!

    168Hz is between E3 and F3, so this is not a direct note frequency you're wanting to create for those sounds (at least not Western definition). 

    you should be able to do this using TTS-1 softsynth.  set up a MIDI track and outtput to softsynth TTS-1; set this one up for CHANNEL 1, BANK 0, PATCH = PIANO

    you would first put a 500msec NOTE in the PRV at E3.  a QUARTER NOTE at 120BPM will give you 500msec duration.

    then you'd need to edit the tuning of TTS-1 in order to get from 164.81Hz (E3) to 168, so you'd need to adjust the tuning from A=440 to A=443.19.  this can be done in the properties of TTS-1.

    then set up a 2nd MIDI track with output to the same TTS-1 softsynth.  set this one to CHANNEL 2, BANK 0, PATCH = VIOLIN.  then on the PRV, enter a quarter note.

    now you have 2 tracks, one with piano for 500msec @ 168Hz, the other with violin for 500msec @168Hz.  depending on where in the timeline you placed those quarter notes will determine if they play simultaneously or subsequently or if there's a delay between them, etc.
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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 02, 11 4:42 PM (permalink)
    Thank you VERY much Beagle for your help.

    The thing is, I'm totally new to Music Creator (I have version 5).

    I'm trying to follow your instructions, but lose you very quickly.

    Ok, what you said first is:

    you should be able to do this using TTS-1 softsynth. set up a MIDI track and outtput to softsynth TTS-1; set this one up for CHANNEL 1, BANK 0, PATCH = PIANO
    In order to set up a MIDI track, I went to "Insert">"MIDI track". After doing this I see "track 5" was added. Now I don't have "softsynth TTS-1" in the output options, but I do have "cakewalk TTS-1", is this the same thing ?
    Next, you said:

    you would first put a 500msec NOTE in the PRV at E3. a QUARTER NOTE at 120BPM will give you 500msec duration.
    We'll, I chose a quarter note, and added E3 note at PRV. The thing is, when I left-click with the mouse on this E3 note that I've created, it says that the duration is "1:000", does this mean 1 second ?, if so, why didn't I get 500ms ? (at the control panel above is says that the tempo is 120, does this mean 120bpm ?) 
    I've measured the E3 note that I've created and indeed it is 500ms in duration (and not 1sec).
    So it seems your instructions were spot on !, thanks !!
    post edited by noam23 - August 02, 11 5:18 PM
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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 02, 11 5:39 PM (permalink)

    In order to set up a MIDI track, I went to "Insert">"MIDI track". After doing this I see "track 5" was added. Now I don't have "softsynth TTS-1" in the output options, but I do have "cakewalk TTS-1", is this the same thing ?
    Next, you said:
    We'll, I chose a quarter note, and added E3 note at PRV. The thing is, when I left-click with the mouse on this E3 note that I've created, it says that the duration is "1:000", does this mean 1 second ?, if so, why didn't I get 500ms ? (at the control panel above is says that the tempo is 120, does this mean 120bpm ?) 
    I've measured the E3 note that I've created and indeed it is 500ms in duration (and not 1sec). 
    right - 960ppq = 1 quarter note, or 1:000 length
    glad to help!
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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 02, 11 11:18 PM (permalink)
    Who else but Beagle could answer such a question?

    Way to go!

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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 03, 11 8:57 AM (permalink)
    shucks - there are others who could answer that!

    I must be humble.  I have had problems with pride lately and have hurt someone close to me with words which came only from my pride.
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    Re:Can you do the following with Music Creator ? August 03, 11 3:35 PM (permalink)
    Remember Lions have Prides, Dogs have packs!!

    Ahh actually Beag is the only one here to answer that question!

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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