Re: Cannot export audio: no streaming Windows media codec available
October 15, 17 6:24 PM
As you mentioned some Windows 10 versions do not include a media player however you can go to Microsoft Windows 10 downloads and obtain a free media player.
Cakewalk provides a MP3 encoder with Sonar and the current Home Studio is in the Sonar family. The encoder works for thirty days and then you must purchase a key to unlock the encoder. A search of Cakewalk's Knowledge guide reveals "MP3 export is now (as of April, 2017) available in SONAR Artist, Professional, and Platinum at no charge." If you don't want to worry about the Cakewalk MP3 encoder turning off after thirty days you can find the free open source LAME MP3 encoder on a web search.
The Music Creator 7 you purchased is available as both 32 and 64 bit programs while the Home Studio 2002 program only has a 32 bit program. If you downloaded MC7 using a computer running a 64 bit operating system the download will automatically be 64 bit bit if the operating system is 32 bit you will receive the 32 bit program. While both 32 and 64 bit programs should work on a 64 bit system I would make sure you are using a program that matches the computer operating system.
If you are using a Creative card in your computer, Creative doesn't provide Windows 10 drivers for any card that has a game / midi port. Creative stopped supporting cards with game ports with Windows 7.