Can't Get Enough Volume When Recording
Hi Guys
My interface is an M-Audio Profire 610 Firewire,and my guitar goes through this into Guitar Rig 4 Pro Full Version.
If I run a backing track on track 1 in X1,and set the output interface channel to 1/2,all is fine.
If I record a guitar on track 2 and set the output to interface channel 7/8,I can hear the backing track
and what I am playing.
The volume levels are fine.
My problem is when I come to mix the 2 tracks,and I set the guitar track to interface out 1/2,the volume
of my guitar drops dramatically,in fact I can hardly hear it.
If I try to turn anything up,all I get is distortion.
Any help appreciated.
Sonar Platinum - Intel i5 Quad Core - Win7 64Bit - 8 Gig Ram - Focusrite Saffire Pro 14 - Vox AC30HW2X - Torpedo Reload - Vox AC15C1 - MJW Custom Built Amp - Fender NOS56 Strat - Universal Audio and Waves Plugins - Softube - Redwirez IR's