Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI

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2009/04/30 23:15:11 (permalink)

Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI

Hi there,

I'm hoping to find someone (or several someones!) smarter than I on here. I'm no dummy when it comes to computers - I'ma database programmer... but my sonar producer 4 WILL NOT do, anymore, what I need it to. It used to. But now it doesn't.

I'm running Windoze XP on a Dell 5100 with 1 GIG of RAM. My SC is a SB Audigy 2.

Here's the problem (and I've searched EVERYWHERE I can think of, with every search term I can think of for an answer!)

I have my instrument definitiond for my Yamaha S80 keyboard installed. I can get MIDI in & out, it plays through my computer's speakers, but I cannot get the sounds on the keyboard to register, no matter how I tweak the MIDI settings. It seems to be stuck playing through some sort of internal MIDI list instead. If I try to play sound #0067, (let's call it wobbledy-gook, for the hell of it), I end up with a trumpet. NOT wobbledy-gook. I even have an audio patch cord hooked up to the sound card from the keyboard. Still nothing. It is NOT accessing the panel of keyboard sounds.

Does SysX have something to do with this? If so, HOW DO I SET IT UP when I can't find the proper hex info online for the S80? I never had to do that before and it used to work, but I've switched computers since then and haven't messed with this program in two years.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind that although I'm not a computer dingaling, I'm not as familiar with this particular program as some of you, so layperson's explanations would be most helpful.



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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/04/30 23:29:25 (permalink)
    In the track settings, do you have the bank and patch settings set correctly? Are you offered the S80 patches to choose from? If you're not seeing the S80 patches in the options then Sonar is not seeing your instrument definition file. You might need to reinstall the instrument definition file.

    Paul Baker
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/04/30 23:30:58 (permalink)
    Yes, I'm offered ALL of the S80 banks. But the actual SOUND that comes out, regardless of the setting, is that of a completely different instrument (and sounds like a poor grade MIDI softsynth)
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/04/30 23:39:03 (permalink)
    Is your Yamaha setup in options MIDI instruments? When you say you hear it through your computer speaker was this before you had a cable from the Yamaha to the sound card? I suspect that what you are hearing is the MS wave table synth built in to the OS. If you have your audio options set to MME that could be why things don't use the right patches.

    You do say you have the instrument definition for the Yamaha then you should be able to select a patch in the patch widget in Sonar for the MIDI channel and track you have set to output to the Yamaha. To hear it play it has to be hooked up to a audio system Either your computer or some other audio system. To record the audio from the Yamaha it has to be patched to the audio card in your computer.

    All of this is covered in the manual.

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/04/30 23:44:57 (permalink)
    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes, the Yamaha is setup under Options -> Instruments. Is this what you meant, John?

    I can hear sound when I press keyboard keys or playback a MIDI file. However, the sound that I hear is NOT the voice of the patch that I am choosing in the bank pulldown menu in within the MIDI track. I hope I'm making sense here.

    I know that MIDI does not contain any audio, per se. But why install instrument definitions at all if you can't force a particular patch voice to come through your speakers, thereby allowing you to hear it WHEN IN MIDI and while writing a MIDI track? I'm really confused.
    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/04/30 23:53:38
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/04/30 23:54:51 (permalink)
    Do you have a headphone jack on the Yamaha? Use that to hear it alone and see if you are not getting sounds from it via Sonar. Hit play in Sonar to do this with MIDI on a track outputting to the Yamaha.

    Do not do try this while playing the Yamaha keyboard keys.

    BTW if you are seeing the banks and patches then you have the Ins Def set up right.
    post edited by John - 2009/05/01 00:03:01

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:00:00 (permalink)
    Let me try that... I'll get back to you on that.

    I can tell that I'm not getting the CORRECT sounds. I've played this keyboard for so long, that I know what particular voices (patches) sound like and it is NOT what is being played through the computer's speakers. In other words, for instance, if I want a trumpet, I'm getting a violin! *grin*

    I think I may be having problems discerning which MIDI in/out devices to use, for one thing. I have several choices and nothing I do seems to produce the desired effect. I've played around with them, but I'm actually pretty clueless as to which ones I should be setting.

    I have the Yamaha hooked up to the computer via a MIDI/usb cable. In Options ->MIDI devices I have the following options:

    SB Audigy 2 I/O [c880]
    USB Audio Device

    SB Audigy 2 I/O [c880]
    SB Audigy Synth A [c880]
    SB Audigy Synth B [c880]
    USB Audio Device
    Microsoft MISI Mapper

    I'm confused about which of these I should have selected and which ones I should "arm" in the MIDI in and out of a particular MIDI track. Which ones do WHAT? Is the "USB Audio Device" my MIDI/USB cable? Why doesn't it produce any MIDI at all if I default to it? If it is that cable, the "audio" is a little confusing, since I'm dealing with, technically, MIDI and not audio. *grin again*

    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 00:08:20
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:08:14 (permalink)
    Right now, I'm getting nothing through the headphones or computer speakers. Confirmed that I do get sound when pressing keyboard keys.

    Here are the exact settings. I've got two MIDI tracks currently. Track 1 has piano, Track 2, drums. NOTE: No tracks are muted, solo is not activated on any track.

    MIDI Track 1:

    In: SB Audigy MIDI I/O Ch. 1
    Out: SB Audigy MIDI I/O
    Ch 1: Yamaha s80
    Bank: 8064 - s80 stereo grand
    Patch: StereoGrand

    MIDI Track 2:

    In: SB Audigy MIDI I/O Ch. 10
    Out: SB Audigy MIDI I/O
    Ch 10: Yamaha s80
    Bank: 8096 - s80 DRUMS PRE
    Patch: Rock Kit

    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 00:17:48
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:12:32 (permalink)
    For the MIDI the USB Audio Device for both in and out. You may have used the MIDI Mapper and that will give you the MS synth. That is why it sounded bad.

    I am reluctant to say this because so far you have not made a complaint about latency but you should use ASIO or WDM as your Audio driver. MME is a very old driver protocol that has severe limitations.

    In the MIDI instruments options be sure that the Yamaha is using USB Audio device for in and out.
    post edited by John - 2009/05/01 00:22:35

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:14:10 (permalink)
    UPDATE: Changes output on MIDI track 1 to "USB audio device" and am now hearing MIDI playback through headphones. Am not hearing ANYTHING through computer speakers.

    Now, I tried changing TRACK 2's output to "USB audio device". Am not hearing anything through computer speakers but, GET THIS, am hearing track 1's events as a DRUM SOUND (when it should be piano). Am hearing nothing of the session drummer on track 2.

    This is what I mean. It seems like no matter how I set the in/outs, I get a cluster... well, you know.
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:16:42 (permalink)
    "you should use ASIO or WDM as your Audio driver"

    Please advise where to change this. I know I've seen it, but can't remember where to access it?

    NOTE: Went to Options, audio, advanced, confirmed that WDM/KS is selected.
    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 00:33:41
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:19:16 (permalink)
    In the MIDI instruments options be sure that the Yamaha is using USB Audio device for in and out.

    Check. It is. :)

    It seems that the actual problem lies in the CONTROL of the patches.

    When I change a "voice" on track 2 to a different patch, track 1 changes also and there isn't a darned thing I can do to get some CONSISTENCY with adjusting patches in each track, independent of the others. Does that make sense?
    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 00:35:10
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:32:34 (permalink)
    We are getting to the right place. For the Yamaha you need to set it up in multi timbral mode. This will allow it to play back separate patches at the same time. It seems to be in patch mode which will only play back from either a single channel or only one patch at a time. The name of the mode may be something else. I know on Roland gear its Performance mode for multi timbral playback.

    So you understand you shouldn't hear anything through the computer as of now because you don't have an audio track set to record the Yamaha audio output. So don't worry about that now.

    NOTE: Went to Options, audio, advanced, confirmed that WDM/KS is selected.
    Cool! Thats good news.
    post edited by John - 2009/05/01 00:42:10

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 00:43:35 (permalink)
    John, can't tell you how much I appreciate your assistance. I still haven't gotten it figured out, but I feel closer. Thank you.

    Now... I believe you're talking about the "perform" button - as opposed to the "voice" button. I pressed it. And got NOTHING. No change. Track 1 events are still registering as drum sounds despite the fact that everything is set in track dropdowns for piano. The session drummer, s 80 rock kit on track 2 plays NOTHING.

    I searched again on the net and found someone else having a similar problem: "1) i can record midi into cakewalk but only from one midi channel in the s80. as soon as i try to create another track with a different voice/part, the previous track/part changes voice also and does not let me use it as a multitimbral module (even in performance mode)."

    There was, yet again, no solution posted.

    It seems I remember having to press a sequence of buttons prior to recording and playing back, back when I was doing this two years ago. I remember pressing the perform button, but I don't remember what else. Incidentally, within the keyboard, I have the MIDI settings set to Recv - omni and trans - 1. Don't know if this makes a difference or not?
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 01:08:51 (permalink)
    On page 164 of the S80 Manual it talks about Performance Mode and it will do as I say it should. If you don't have the manual you can get it Here.

    You may be in XG mode for the patch banks. Yamaha is the creator and sole user of the XG MIDI extension to General MIDI. It can use drums on any channel as part of its protocol.

    I think you need to setup the S80 for use with Sonar as a multi timbral synth.

    I use Roland gear and they have a little different way of doing things. But the ideas are the same.

    post edited by John - 2009/05/01 01:17:17

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 01:10:29 (permalink)
    I am with you. We are here to help as best we can.

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 01:38:41 (permalink)

    I think I've FINALLY got it.

    I'm going to post the solution here for those who might be in the same pickle I was.

    I remember this! On the s80, you have to hit the PERFORM button, then EDIT. On MIX EVce, you'll see, on the left, PART01, PART02, etc. You have to set PART 01 to the voice you want on MIDI Channel01, and so on for channel 02, etc. Once you get them set up, theoretically, you CAN change them within SONAR in the MIDI track itself, but you have to make sure you''ve clicked on the proper track number or it'll screw it all up. *grin*

    John, you're amazing. THANK YOU. I appreciate your generous assistance and the fact that you didn't make me feel like more of a dingaling than I already did. :D

    Now... one last question. (I hope...) How in the hell do I get this thing to play through the computer speakers? *grin* It's coming out of my big fatty amp, which the keyboard is plugged directly into, but I want to be able to monitor what's going to be recorded on the audio track when I finally dub the MIDI to audio for final output... I'm getting a flatline on my audio track.

    Gigantic hugs to you and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! :D

    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 01:51:05
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 01:57:52 (permalink)
    Now... how in the hell do I get this thing to play through the computer speakers? *grin* It's coming out of my big fatty amp, which the keyboard is plugged directly into, but I want to be able to monitor what's going to be recorded on the audio track when I finally dub the MIDI to audio for final output...
    Its moments like this that make what we do here so rewarding.

    I mentioned that you need to have the audio going from the S80 to your sound card. If its hooked up there then simply insert an audio track and set the input to your cards input. Enable record on that track and hit play on the transport. Set the level via the sound cards mixer. At this point you should see the meters moving on that track as the song plays. To record simply stop and go back to start and hit record on the transport.

    You should be good to go now.

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 01:58:54 (permalink)
    AGH. Now I'm getting a bleed over from one voice to another. I don't know quite how to explain this.

    When I start the track, and I'm on track one, with the piano sound, it's MIXED with drum sounds.

    When I add a new track, say, a guitar, it's mixed with another sound. It's as if my poly is over polying. LOL

    I'll give a little more detail here, in case it helps. I start the track with both the drums and piano playing. I can hear that something's wrong. I mute the drum track, and can hear that the piano keys that are being played are ALSO playing the drum voices. I stop the track. Then I unmute the drum track and press play in the middle of the song. Now the PIANO sounds are playing on the drum track at the DRUM'S beat.

    What in the heck?!?!?!

    Any ideas?
    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 02:09:13
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 02:24:15 (permalink)
    Be sure that you are outputting each MIDI track as a different channel to the S80 from Sonar. Then be sure that the S80 is receiving on each channel separately.

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 02:26:54 (permalink)
    That's the crazy thing. I AM! I've got the drums on CH 10, the piano on CH 1, the guitar on 2. It doesn't seem to care. I'm going bald, pulling my hair out. I don't think bald will be a good look for me. Have you ever seen anything like this?
    post edited by ohmygodim30 - 2009/05/01 02:42:38
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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/01 02:47:53 (permalink)
    Well ah no. LOL I believe that the S80 is set to receive on a global basis. Its receiving all the channels and sending them to all the internal channels at the same time. That is the only way I can account for the playing of drums from the piano track.

    From 62 of the S80 Manual
    post edited by John - 2009/05/01 03:14:22

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/02 02:44:13 (permalink)

    After reading the attached page from the manual (I haven't been able to locate my s80 manual since three moves ago and REALLY appreciate you locating that!), I have it NAILED! :D

    Apparently, what was happening was that the "layer" function was set to "on" within the Part setting. I think I've got the whole thing working flawlessly now. I cannot thank you enough! You're my hero, and you've saved what's left of my hair! :)

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    RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2009/05/02 03:11:58 (permalink)
    Hair is very important. Anything I can do to save hair is my pleasure. I got that from the manual I dled from Yamaha.

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    Re: RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2011/10/23 21:52:16 (permalink)
    John, I don't know if you'll get this, but I'm going insane and you were so helpful last time... :D I set up my different tracks with different voices in Sonar. However, ALL of the tracks are playing the voice of the track I LAST chose. Does that make any sense? HELP!?!!?!?!
    Cactus Music
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    Re: RE: Can't get keyboard sounds in MIDI 2011/10/23 23:01:21 (permalink)
    You should always start a new thread. 
    You probably have not set channels for each track. 

    Johnny V  
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