Because of Sandrexpandr's post in support of Cantabile I thought I'd ask more.
It just so happens, a good coincidence...I've been looking at options available to have lyrics, music, and set lists etc easily updatable, available to me on stage. Set up / breakdown hardware and cabling isn't a problem. Creating the docs and set flow charts etc. aren't problems.
With new display/video monitor products now available (meaning now affordable, large enough, portable enough...) to use on stage... (as I admit I need the extra memory help 😃😃).... I'm about ready to buy some displays and software when I've done my due diligence.
So without spending money for Ableton, I've been looking at more specific software to get session info in front of me.
I've read marketing info on Forte and Cantabile, couple others, and am easily leaning towards Cantabile Performer.
Should it do what I think I read it will do from marketing pages it looks like a go.
*I'm not one for installing free demo software offered so I'm trying to read up on things, get some comments, then purchase.
Bitflipper, Sanderxpander, all; has Cantabile been a good choice for you? Having the ability to take some of what I prepare in SPLAT for use is good, but being able to work (play) from a "flow chart" helps my confidence when performing because I don't have as much time as I'd like to prepare for each opportunity to play. 😉 I.E. memorizing....
Thanks in advance for any comments when convenient for you.
post edited by Joe_A - 2017/09/17 23:46:48