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Change pitch and tempo
Hello, I have music creator version seven. I have loaded several audio files to play guitar with. I would like to down the tempo on all of them simultaneously and also drop the pitch 1/2 step. I read the documentation and tried to apply the things they said but I can't get it to work. Probably doing something wrong. Isit even possible to do this?
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 20, 16 5:54 AM
i also have issues with changing the tempo and the pitch of samples. Isn`t it possible to just "stretch" audio files?
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 24, 16 7:08 AM
I don't think MC comes with that. I went looking for that one time to try something I saw in a discussion thread in Sonar......I think it's in the Sonar line of DAW's, not MC. The manual can be a bit tricky because I think they tend to use the same general one for everything because every one of their DAW's is similar with a lot of crossover features between them. Hope that clarifies it. On the flip side.... and in the free category, if you google search, you can find several MP3 converters that will do exactly what you want. Simply take the wave file, convert it to mp3 and then change the pitch and tempo as needed. It isn't prefect but it will get you to where you want. Try this one in demo mode: Everyone is charging for their stuff but it might be worth it to you, and some of these running in demo mode work well enough to use. This one used to be totally free but I'm sure they built in more features since the free version.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 24, 16 8:03 PM
☄ Helpfulby jimfogle July 26, 16 11:20 AM
Hi, With respect to Guitarhacker's post, I'd like to say I've checked these issues on Music Creator 6, and if I understood correctly I think you can set the audio file to Groove Clip, and then change the project tempo to the desired beat, as well as the pitch tune (see the Clip Tab on the Track Inspector). Also you can stretch the audio clip with the Timing Tool, but not too much.
Cakewalk by BandLab, Sonar Professional, Sonar Artist, Sonar X3e, Music Creator 6, Kontakt 5 playerSound Forge Audio Studio 10, Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11, DVD Architect Studio 5Windows 10 64 bits, Intel i5 2,3 GHz Lenovo notebook, 4 GB DDR3Behringer UCA 202, M-Audio Key Rig 49, Edifier R1900TIII speaker, EasyCap USB Video CapturePhonic AM 105FX mixer, Samson Q7 mic, Yamaha C40 acoustic guitar, Condor RX-20S guitar
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 25, 16 8:40 AM
☄ Helpfulby mgustavo July 25, 16 7:48 PM
Hey, if I'm wrong and missed that feature in the program, tell me.... It doesn't hurt my feelings to find out I've been overlooking something useful..... The key phrase there is "but not too much" with respect to changing the tempo and pitch... VERY TRUE. I have other programs (Ozone is one of them) which does allow me to mess around with pitch and tempo and yes.... you can change it to anything you want with Ozone.... however.... the further away from the original pitch and tempo you go, the more artifacts you will hear in the music as Ozone alters the notes and it gets to a point where the track doesn't sound real. My rule is generally to not move a note more than a whole musical step and preferably less than a half. It depends on the instrument in question too. If I hear artifacts I will take the time to record it again in the "other" key so I don't need to use software to make it work.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 28, 16 10:52 AM
☄ Helpfulby mgustavo July 30, 16 8:26 AM
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
July 30, 16 8:43 AM
☄ Helpfulby jimfogle July 30, 16 10:56 AM
Hi, I saw Tips of the Week #99 and 100 from Craig Anderton, and they're very helpful! I also have seen on Sony Vegas Movie Studio there's a stretch tool which can be used on 'élastique mode', which also have good results. : )
post edited by mgustavo - July 30, 16 7:25 PM
Cakewalk by BandLab, Sonar Professional, Sonar Artist, Sonar X3e, Music Creator 6, Kontakt 5 playerSound Forge Audio Studio 10, Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11, DVD Architect Studio 5Windows 10 64 bits, Intel i5 2,3 GHz Lenovo notebook, 4 GB DDR3Behringer UCA 202, M-Audio Key Rig 49, Edifier R1900TIII speaker, EasyCap USB Video CapturePhonic AM 105FX mixer, Samson Q7 mic, Yamaha C40 acoustic guitar, Condor RX-20S guitar
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Re: Change pitch and tempo
October 13, 16 6:43 AM
In case i got everything right, i allow myself to send a message to the guys from Cakewalk : Please give MC7 a nice and easy timestretch tool, wich can manipulate files independent from the projects tempo ! In Magix MM for example, you just turn the courser to "stretch" and then "pull" the audiofile inside the track to the desired length/tempo.