Re: Changing Marker Names with the Markers Module
2017/08/13 16:31:34
☄ Helpfulby chuckebaby 2017/08/13 17:49:04
Agreed. Always found the Marker View redundant and useless. Why not simply doube-click a marker in the timeline and get a small dialog box with name and start time. If the marker view doesn't give us any more information than the timeline, why do we need it at all?
you don't even need to double click, right click on a marker and it opens the dialog box.
I think that should be a mantra for all inquiries on the forum:
If you're unsure if SONAR can do what you want it to do, right click on it.
It probably does :)
CWBL/SPlat/Studio One Pro on Win10-64 Bit
Asrock H370 Pro4 w/Intel i7-8700
16GB Adata DDR4 2666 RAM
All SSD's/ On-Board Intel Graphics
Apollo 8 Quad FW/TB, AD2, Trillian, Omni, S-Gear, Waves, Soundtoys, TRacks,
MicPres: Langevin DVC, Great River, UAD LA610Mk2.
Dynaudio Monitors, and other stuff.