Changing sample rates to halve speed
I'm digitizing dozens of 1960's R-2-R spoken vox tapes recorded originally at 1 7/8 and 15/16th ips. In Audacity I can do this with a high computer sample rate/ high tape speed and easily play back at a lower sample rate in order to speed up the whole process. I would like to do this in Sonar X3 as I am more familiar with Sonar. Is there an easy way to change playback sample rate "on the fly" as in Audacity? I cant seem to find one.
Cheers, David
P.S. Quality is no issue here so tape EQ does not come into it.
Sonar Pro, Win 10, Asus 370 TUF, i7 8700, 32 Gb, 2xSSD, Seagate 4 TB, RME UCX, Tosh Tecra i7