Clean Install of Win 7 and X1
I did a clean install of Windows 7 and X1 on a new disk. I had more or less no problems before on Vista x64 and X1b and was happy with it. Here starts the feeling of doom.....
I have a job that required me to update to PT9 which will only run on Win 7 not Vista so I thought I would take a day out of my life which I wont ever get back and clean install Windows 7.
4 hours later after installing Cake and all my plugs, progs and utilities nearly there and everythings working even PT9 (chuckle) I thought I would apply the X1a and X1b patches....
hmm.... "The version of X1 is not installed on the system". Yes it is and it works!! Is there a trick on Windows 7 to get the patches on?
Sorry about preamble :-) Sonar Producer X1b
I7 2.66 6GB RAM
Windows 7 64bit
Motu 8 Pre-> ADAT Octane's / Lots of Squiggly boxes that cost me loads of cash and I don't use.