Clip Group ideas.. Need your input.
Hi guys, I do A LOT of tracking and then a lot of editing, most-often with full bands playing live in the studio as basic guides and then we start re-tracking and punching in individuals as needed.
The problem is that I find things go wrong when you start having masses of takes grouped... the only way to create order is to ungroup all of them and create new groups, selecting one clip at a time... Try doing that with 10 or 15 takes of a full band lying on top of each other in Take Lanes, with punch-ins etc.. It's a nightmare.
My go-to setup is to assign tracks to instrument folders and set grouping to group tracks in folders... which kinda works, until it doesn't, or gets confusing later, or you edit a bunch of stuff here but it affects stuff you forgot was still linked... you know what I mean, I hope :O)
I would love to make some constructive suggestions to the Bakers as to how to improve all that, and I have a few ideas however unrefined. I'd like you guys to throw ideas at this and let's see if we can't create a better system.
Here's a few ideas of mine for Grouping Options/Rules. These apply to multiple tracks mostly:
1) Group by Clip Name
You could for instance easily group all clips together that are named Record 17 etc.
2) Release All Clips with ____* in the name from Group
3) Group All Clips Between Point A and B per Take Lane
In other words, for example all drum tracks sitting in Take Lane X between points A and B, across the entire Drum Folder or across the entire project.
4) Group all ACTIVE(Unmuted) clips between A and B
5) Release all Muted clips from group.
Let me know your thoughts!
Ludwig Bouwer, One Big Room Studios.
Cakewalk with all the trimmings / Win 10Pro 64 / Intel i7-7700 / Asus Prime Z270k / 16GB DDR4 / RME HDSP9652 / RME UFX / Black Lion Audio ADA8000 / ART MPA & ART Pro Channel / Focusrite Voicemaster Pro / Aphex 107
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