Command+jogwheel zoom

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August 28, 11 9:40 PM (permalink)

Command+jogwheel zoom


I've always wondered why zooming using CMD+jog zoom the project at a whatever place.  When we use the zoom function with the mouse in Sonar, the project zoom at "Now time" but with the console, it seems like it zoom from the middle of the view, whatever where the now time or edit cursor is.

Is there any way to tell the console to zoom at the "now time" cursor when using cmd+jogwheel? Or at least predict its behavior?


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    Re:Command+jogwheel zoom August 29, 11 7:37 AM (permalink)
    Have to admit it is really frustrating... doesn't follow what IMO should be a natural flow and the Garrigus V-Studio Mega Reference is on my desktop as a shortcut whenever this issue pops up. You have to edit a lot with the surface to make this challenge (almost) go away but I don't think it is instinctive at all and continue to use the trackball (sadly) for these repetitive functions. Keen to hear any suggestions on this also.... Cheers!

    ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.
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    Re:Command+jogwheel zoom August 29, 11 12:36 AM (permalink)
    Oh ... I thought it was just me, not knowing what I'm doing. But yeah, that is REALLY annoying. Is it a bug ?
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    Re:Command+jogwheel zoom August 30, 11 1:46 AM (permalink)
    Don't think it's a bug, just a quirky workflow IMO. Scott G's eBook runs through the editing process pretty well but unfortunately, it's a little awkward.... lot of finger stretching. ..and don't worry, I am the king of not knowing what I am doing.

    ASUS H270, i7-7700, JLM BA & 1290, LA2A Opto4, loads of guff.
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